Come Holy Spirit And Anew – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit with "Come Holy Spirit And Anew." This hymn speaks of faith

Come Holy Spirit And Anew – Hymn Lyric

“Come Holy And Anew” is a hymn that invokes the power of the Holy Spirit and emphasizes the importance of faith, love, and ministry. Through powerful words and imagery, the hymn urges believers to embrace the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit and to share the message of grace and redemption with others. This hymn reflects the universal desire for spiritual renewal and guidance, reminding us of the timeless importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


Come Holy Spirit And Anew – Hymn Lyric

Come, Holy Spirit, and anew,
By mighty word and deed,
Bear with Thy chosen few,
That all may hear and heed.

No more upon the Prophet’s brow
The flaming signet rests:
The mystic tongue no longer now
The word of grace attests.

But perfect love and holiness,
And helpful ministry,
Are miracles of grace no less
That testify of Thee.

Set these, Thy seal, upon us, ,
Our love and zeal inflame,
That we henceforth Thy saving Word
May mightily proclaim.

Send now the quick’ning pow’r again;
Let Truth our tongues inspire;
Arouse the consciences of men
With messages of fire.

Then to repentant sinners show
Thy reconciled face;
The cleansing and the flow
Of Thy redeeming grace.


Meaning of Come Holy Spirit And Anew

Come Holy Spirit And Anew: A Hymn of and Inspiration

In the hymn “Come Holy Spirit And Anew,” the message of faith, love, and the power of the Holy Spirit is beautifully brought to . Through powerful words and descriptive imagery, the hymn invites believers to embrace the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This hymn speaks to the universal desire for guidance, comfort, and spiritual renewal, making it a timeless and relevant message for all.

The hymn begins by calling upon the Holy Spirit to come anew, to bring forth the power of ‘s word and deeds. It acknowledges the gift of prophecy, symbolized by the “flaming signet” that rested upon the Prophet’s brow. However, it also recognizes that the times have changed, and the Word of God is now witnessed through acts of perfect love, holiness, and helpful ministry. These qualities, the hymn suggests, are no less miraculous and powerful in testifying to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The hymn then appeals to the Lord to set His seal upon us, his believers in order to inflame our love and zeal. It encourages us to become vessels of God’s saving word, proclaiming it mightily to all who will hear. Through this call to action, the hymn reminds us that we have a responsibility to share the good news and to reflect the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The hymn further implores the Holy Spirit to send His quickening power once again. It asks for the inspiration and guidance to speak truth, to awaken the consciences of those who hear, and to bring forth messages of fire. This passionate plea highlights the transformative and life-giving nature of the Holy Spirit’s presence, capable of reigniting faith and spurring change.

The hymn also desires that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s reconciled face to repentant sinners. It recognizes that only through the cleansing and healing flow of God’s redeeming grace can true reconciliation be achieved. It emphasizes the transformative and restorative power of God’s love and the potential for redemption in every individual’s life.

“Come Holy Spirit And Anew” serves as a reminder to believers of the divine presence within them and calls them to action. It encourages them to embrace the Holy Spirit’s transformative power to witness, love, and minister to others. By embodying the qualities of perfect love, holiness, and helpful ministry, believers become living testimonies to God’s grace.

This timeless message found within the hymn continues to resonate with individuals across generations and cultures. The desire for spiritual renewal, guidance, and a deep connection with the divine is universal. The words of the hymn, filled with hope and inspiration, speak to the human need for reassurance and purpose.

As we sing this hymn, let us remember the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to our faith, ignite our love, and inspire us to serve others. May we never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to transform hearts and lives, and may we always be willing vessels in carrying forth the message of God’s love and grace.

In conclusion, “Come Holy Spirit And Anew” is a hymn of hope and inspiration, calling upon the Holy Spirit to bring forth the power of God’s word and deeds. It encourages believers to embrace the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit and to become vessels of God’s love, zeal, and saving word. Through its timeless message, this hymn reminds us of the universal desire for spiritual renewal and guidance. Let us be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and may we faithfully proclaim the message of God’s grace to all who will hear.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit with Come Holy Spirit And Anew. This hymn speaks of faith, love, and the universal desire for spiritual renewal. Let the Holy Spirit guide and empower you in proclaiming God's grace and love.
Come Holy Spirit And Anew - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit with "Come Holy Spirit And Anew." This hymn speaks of faith, love, and the universal desire for spiritual renewal. Let the Holy Spirit guide and empower you in proclaiming God's grace and love.