Sing To Jehovah A New Song In This Agree – Hymn Lyric

"Sing to Jehovah a new song in this agreeable tune - a joyful song of praise and adoration. Let every tongue join in worship and bless His name. Discover His wonders and proclaim His glory to all nations. Our God is mighty and deserving of all praise. Let us bring offerings and reverence Him in His house. Proclaim His reign and justice to the world. Let creation rejoice and sing in joyful harmony. Worship the Lord with truth and righteousness."

Sing To Jehovah A New Song In This Agree – Hymn Lyric

to Jehovah a new song, in this agreeable and joyful tune, for it is a song of praise and adoration to our Creator. Let every tongue join in unison, harmonizing together in the pure joy of worship. Let us offerings to His courts, presenting our heartfelt and devotion. When we worship in His house, let all the earth reverence Him, recognizing His supreme authority and love.


Sing To Jehovah A New Song In This Agree – Hymn Lyric

Sing to Jehovah a new song;
In this let every tongue agree.
Sing to the Lord, bless His name;
Proclaim His saving health daily.

Show His to the heathen;
Make all their tribes know His wonders.
God’s great, and greatly to be praised;
In fear, above all gods, He’s raised.

Heathen gods are but a name;
Yet the wide arch of , the Lord did frame.
Majestic honors wait on Him:
Beauty and strength adorn His seat.

O all ye kingdoms, every tribe,
Ascribe to God glory and power.
Give Him the glory due to Him;
Come to His courts with offerings.

In His house, repair to worship,
Let all the earth Him reverence there.
Rehearse this to all the nations,
Jehovah reigns through the universe;

The world, unmoved, shall be established,
He shall justly judge the people.
Let heaven and earth rejoice thereat,
Let seas, and their stores, voice their roar.

Let fertile fields and all there,
Declare their joy in cheerful shouts;
Then all the trees shall leap and sing,
And joy, through all the woods, shall ring.

Before the Lord, who comes to bless
The world with truth and righteousness;
With truth and justice, He shall come,
To pass on all their final doom.


Meaning of Sing To Jehovah A New Song In This Agree

Sing to Jehovah a new song, in this agreeable and joyful tune, for it is a song of praise and adoration to our Creator. Let every tongue join in unison, harmonizing together in the pure joy of worship.

As we sing to the Lord, let us bless His name and proclaim His daily saving health. He is our Savior, who watches over us and protects us every step of the way. Let us make His glory known to the heathen, all those who have yet to discover the love and power of our Father. May they come to understand the wonders He has performed and acknowledge His greatness.

In comparison to the heathen gods, who are merely names without any true power, our God is mighty and deserving of all praise. He created the vast expanse of heaven’s wide arch, with all its beauty and splendor. Majestic honors adorn His seat, for He reigns above all else in the universe.

Let all the kingdoms and tribes of the earth ascribe glory and power to God. It is only right and fitting that we give Him the honor and praise that is due. Let us bring offerings to His courts, presenting our heartfelt gratitude and devotion. When we worship in His house, let all the earth reverence Him, recognizing His supreme authority and love.

We must proclaim this truth to all the nations. Jehovah reigns throughout the universe, and His dominion is unshakeable. The world shall remain steadfast and secure under His watchful eye. It is He who will judge with justice and righteousness. His final verdict shall be just and fair, forth His truth and dispensing justice to all.

At the thought of Jehovah’s reign and judgment, let heaven and earth rejoice! The seas, with all their abundance and power, will roar in exultation. The fertile fields and all of creation will declare their joy in cheerful shouts. Even the trees will leap and sing, their voices filling the woods with pure .

The Lord, who comes to bless the world with truth and righteousness, shall be welcomed with open hearts and minds. He embodies truth and justice, and it is through these virtues that He will render His final judgment. All will face their ultimate fate, as determined by the righteousness of our Creator.

So let us join our voices together, friends, and sing to Jehovah a new song. Let us delight in His love and grace, praising His name from the depths of our souls. May this song of adoration and worship resonate within our hearts and touch the lives of all who hear it. And may our words and actions, inspired by this song, bring glory to God in all that we do. Sing to Jehovah a new song, in this agreeable harmony, for He is truly worthy of all praise and adoration.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing to Jehovah a new song in this agreeable tune - a joyful song of praise and adoration. Let every tongue join in worship and bless His name. Discover His wonders and proclaim His glory to all nations. Our God is mighty and deserving of all praise. Let us bring offerings and reverence Him in His house. Proclaim His reign and justice to the world. Let creation rejoice and sing in joyful harmony. Worship the Lord with truth and righteousness.
Sing To Jehovah A New Song In This Agree - Hymn Lyric - "Sing to Jehovah a new song in this agreeable tune - a joyful song of praise and adoration. Let every tongue join in worship and bless His name. Discover His wonders and proclaim His glory to all nations. Our God is mighty and deserving of all praise. Let us bring offerings and reverence Him in His house. Proclaim His reign and justice to the world. Let creation rejoice and sing in joyful harmony. Worship the Lord with truth and righteousness."