Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Abundance and Blessings of Jesus' Living Water. Quench Your Spiritual Thirst and Find Eternal Fulfillment. Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give.

Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give: Quenching Your Spiritual Thirst and Offering Eternal ”In this hymn, the abundant of Jesus is compared to life-giving water. Just as water quenches our physical thirst, Jesus offers spiritual refreshment and eternal blessings to all who trust in Him. The lyrics beautifully convey the invitation to come and drink from Jesus, finding fulfillment, joy, and an everlasting home.


Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, the water of life, will give,
Freely, freely, freely.
Jesus, the water of life, will give,
Freely to those who love Him.

Come to that fountain, oh drink, and live!
Freely, freely, freely;
Come to that fountain, oh, drink and live!
Flowing for those that love Him.

The Spirit and the say, “Come,”
Freely, freely, freely;
And he that is thirsty let him come,
And drink of the water of life.

The fountain of life is flowing,
Flowing, freely flowing;
The fountain of life is flowing,
Is flowing for you and for me.

Jesus has promised a home in heav’n,
Freely, freely, freely;
Jesus has promised a home in heav’n,
Freely to those who love Him.

Treasures unfading will there be given,
Freely, freely, freely;
Treasures unfading will there be given,
Freely to those that love Him.

Jesus has promised a robe of white,
Freely, freely, freely;
Jesus has promised a robe of white,
Freely to those who love Him.

Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light,
Freely, freely, freely;
Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light,
Freely to those that love Him.

Jesus has promised eternal day,
Freely, freely, freely;
Jesus has promised eternal day,
Freely to those who love Him.

Pleasures that never shall pass away,
Freely, freely, freely;
Pleasures that never shall pass away,
Freely to those that love Him.


Meaning of Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give

Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give: Quenching Your Spiritual Thirst and Offering Eternal Blessings

In this beautiful hymn, the message of Jesus’ love and provision for those who trust in Him is conveyed through vivid imagery of water. Just as water is essential for physical life, Jesus offers a spiritual water that brings life, refreshment, and blessings for all who love Him.

The hymn begins with the statement, “Jesus the water of life will give, Freely, freely, freely.” This declaration sets the tone for the entire hymn, emphasizing the abundance and generosity of Jesus’ gifts. Just as water is freely available to all who are thirsty, Jesus freely offers His love, grace, and eternal blessings to those who believe in Him.

The verse continues, “Come to that fountain, oh drink, and live!” The imagery of a fountain represents a never-ending source of refreshment and life. Jesus, being the living water, invites us to come and drink from Him, guaranteeing eternal life and fulfillment. Through these lyrics, we are reminded that no matter how spiritually parched we may feel, Jesus is always ready to quench our thirst and satisfy our deepest longings.

The proclaims, “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come; And he that is thirsty let him come, And drink of the water of life.” This verse refers to the invitation extended by the Holy Spirit and believers to anyone who is thirsty for spiritual fulfillment. It emphasizes that this invitation is open to all, regardless of their past or present circumstances. Jesus’ love and salvation are not limited or exclusive; they are available to all who seek Him.

As the hymn continues, it highlights the promises Jesus has made to His followers. Firstly, “Jesus has promised a home in Heav’n.” This assurance reminds us that our earthly lives are just a temporary dwelling, and our true home is in the presence of our Savior in Heaven. Jesus promises a place where we will experience complete , joy, and eternal communion with Him.

The hymn also mentions the “treasures unfading” that will be given to those who love Jesus. This phrase refers to the eternal rewards and blessings that await believers in Heaven. The treasures mentioned here far surpass any temporal possessions or achievements we may attain on earth. In Heaven, we will be rewarded with everlasting joy, love, and fulfillment in the presence of our Lord.

Furthermore, the hymn speaks of Jesus’ promise of a “robe of white.” This imagery represents purity and . When we accept Jesus as our Savior, His righteousness becomes our own, covering our and making us blameless before . This promise assures us that, through Jesus, we can stand in the presence of God with confidence and without fear of condemnation.

The hymn concludes with the assurance of “eternal day” and “pleasures that never shall pass away.” This glorious promise speaks to the everlasting nature of the blessings that await us in Heaven. In the presence of Jesus, there will be no more , sorrow, or pain. Instead, we will experience pure and unending joy, peace, and fulfillment that can never be taken away.

In summary, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and provision for those who love Him. It emphasizes His invitation to come and drink from the fountain of life, to receive His salvation and blessings freely. By using vivid imagery of water, the hymn illustrates the life-giving, refreshing, and satisfying nature of Jesus’ love. It reminds us that in Jesus, we can find our true home, eternal rewards, righteousness, and unending joy. May these words serve as a reminder of the immense love and generosity of our Savior, Jesus , and may they inspire us to seek Him and experience the abundant and everlasting blessings He freely offers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Abundance and Blessings of Jesus' Living Water. Quench Your Spiritual Thirst and Find Eternal Fulfillment. Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give.
Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Abundance and Blessings of Jesus' Living Water. Quench Your Spiritual Thirst and Find Eternal Fulfillment. Jesus The Water Of Life Will Give.