Sing Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

"Sing Choirs of New Jerusalem: Join the Joyous Celebration of Christ's Paschal Victory! Experience the Power of His Triumph over Death and Find Unity in Communion with All Saints."

Sing Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Sing, choirs of new Jerusalem, join in the joyous celebration of ‘s victory! This hymn reminds us of his over death and the hope it brings. Let us unite with all believers, giving all glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and continue the tradition of praising the paschal victory throughout endless ages. So sing choirs of new Jerusalem, let your sweetest notes resound in songs of holy !


Sing Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Sing, choirs of new Jerusalem,
your sweetest notes employ,
your sweetest notes employ,
the paschal victory to hymn
in songs of holy joy,
in songs of holy joy,
in songs of holy joy!

For Judah’s Lion burst his chains
and crushed the serpent’s head,
and crushed the serpent’s head;
Christ cries aloud through death’s domains
to wake th’imprisoned dead,
to wake th’imprisoned dead,
to wake th’imprisoned dead.

Triumphant in his glory now–
to him all pow’r is giv’n,
to him all pow’r is giv’n;
to him in one communion bow
all saints in earth and heav’n,
all saints in earth and heav’n,
all saints in earth and heav’n.

All glory to the Father be,
all glory to the Son,
all glory to the Son,
all glory to the Spirit be
while endless ages run,
while endless ages run,
while endless ages run.


Meaning of Sing Choirs Of New Jerusalem

Sing Choirs of New Jerusalem: Celebrating the Victory of Christ

In the hymn “Sing, choirs of new Jerusalem,” we are invited to join in the joyous celebration of the paschal victory of Christ. This victory, represented by Judah’s Lion bursting his chains and crushing the serpent’s head, is a cause for holy joy and praise.

The hymn speaks of Christ’s triumph over death, as he cries aloud through death’s domains to wake the imprisoned dead. This powerful image reminds us that Christ’s victory extends beyond this earthly realm and reaches even those who have been held captive by death. It is a victory that brings hope and new to all who believe in him.

As we join in song with the choirs of new Jerusalem, we are united with all the saints in earth and . Regardless of our earthly divisions and differences, in Christ, we find a common communion that transcends all boundaries. All power has been given to Christ, and it is through him that we can together in unity and worship.

This hymn reminds us to give all glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity plays a significant role in the paschal victory of Christ. The Father’s love and plan for redemption, the Son’s and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance and presence are all deserving of our praise and adoration.

In this hymn, we participate in a tradition that stretches across endless ages. It is a tradition of worship and praise that has been passed down from generation to generation. By singing these words, we not only connect with the saints who have gone before us but also with future generations who will continue to lift their voices in celebration of Christ’s victory.

The title of this hymn, “Sing Choirs of New Jerusalem,” is a powerful and poetic reflection of the joy and unity found in the body of Christ. It speaks of a city not bound by earthly limitations but rather a heavenly realm where all believers gather in harmony. In using this title as an SEO keyword, those searching for a hymn to celebrate Christ’s victory may be led to this hymn and the message it conveys.

As we consider the words of this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible gift we have in Christ’s victory. It is a victory that brings hope, freedom, and eternal life. It is a victory that unites believers across time and space. And it is a victory that calls us to lift our voices in praise and worship. So let us join together as the choirs of new Jerusalem and celebrate the triumph of our Savior, Christ. Sing choirs of new Jerusalem, sing with your sweetest notes, and let the paschal victory resound in songs of holy joy!


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Sing Choirs Of New Jerusalem - Hymn Lyric - "Sing Choirs of New Jerusalem: Join the Joyous Celebration of Christ's Paschal Victory! Experience the Power of His Triumph over Death and Find Unity in Communion with All Saints."