My Soul Is Filled With Glory – Hymn Lyric

Discover the testimony of God's grace in "My Soul Is Filled With Glory." Find peace

My Soul Is Filled With Glory – Hymn Lyric

In “My Soul Is Filled With Glory,” the author shares their personal testimony of finding redemption and peace through Jesus. They emphasize the overwhelming and grace they have received, and their to share this story of God’s mercy with others. Through trials and , they trust in God’s promises and His ability to sustain them until they reach their heavenly home.


My Soul Is Filled With Glory – Hymn Lyric

Jesus found me when afar I wandered,
Brought me pardon from the throne above,
me peace that passeth understanding,
Joy unspeakable and full of love.

the Lord! My soul is filled with glory!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the story
Of His grace that justifies me freely,
And I’m shouting, “Glory!” till I get home.

Thro’ His Word He taught me full salvation—
How His blood could cleanse and sanctify.
Then by faith I plunged into the fountain;
Now I’m looking for that home on high.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glory!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the story
Of His grace that justifies me wholly,
And I’m shouting, “Glory!” till I get home.

Trials many will beset my pathway,
And temptations I shall surely meet;
But my promised grace to help me
Till I lay my trophies at His feet.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glory!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the story
Of His grace that keeps and gives me vict’ry,
And I’m shouting, “Glory!” till I get home.


Meaning of My Soul Is Filled With Glory

My Soul Is Filled With Glory: A Testimony of God’s Grace

In times of uncertainty and when we feel lost, we often search for something to hold onto, something to guide us back on the right . For some, it may be the love and support of family and friends, while for others, it may be a newfound passion or purpose. But for me, it was Jesus who found me when I was afar, wandering aimlessly through life.

Jesus, in His infinite grace and mercy, brought me pardon from the throne above. He looked past my flaws and forgave me for my . He offered me a love that I could not comprehend, a love that surpasses all understanding. It is a peace that fills my soul and allows me to face the trials of life with unwavering trust in His plan.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glory! Each day, I am filled with an overwhelming desire to share the story of His grace that justifies me freely. It is through His grace that I have been saved, made righteous in His sight. I am no longer burdened by the weight of my mistakes and shortcomings. Instead, I am shouting, “Glory!” and spreading His love until I reach my eternal home.

Through His Word, Jesus taught me about the beauty of full salvation. He showed me how His blood could cleanse and sanctify me. By faith, I took the plunge into the fountain of His mercy and grace. Now, I am eagerly looking forward to that home on high that He has prepared for me.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glory! How wonderful it is to tell the story of His grace that justifies me wholly. My salvation is not a partial one, but a complete transformation of my heart and soul. It is by His grace alone that I am redeemed and made whole. And so, I continue to shout, “Glory!” every step of the way, knowing that His love and grace sustain me until I reach my heavenly home.

In this journey through life, I know that trials and temptations will my way. They are inevitable, for we live in a fallen world. However, my Savior has promised to be with me every step of the way. He has assured me of His abounding grace, which will guide me through the darkest of times. I may stumble and falter, but His grace will help me to rise again.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glory! With each passing day, I am filled with gratitude for His grace that keeps and gives me victory. It is through Him that I find strength to overcome obstacles and face challenges head-on. It is in His presence that I find peace and reassurance. And so, I continue to shout, “Glory!” with all my heart, knowing that His grace sustains me until I lay my trophies at His feet.

“My Soul Is Filled With Glory” is not just a hymn for me; it is my personal testimony of God’s amazing grace. It is the story of a lost soul being found by a loving Savior. It is a reminder that no matter where we may wander, Jesus is always there, ready to extend His hand of forgiveness and redemption.

So, reader, I urge you to open your heart to Jesus. Let Him find you, just as He found me. Embrace His grace and let it fill your soul with glory. And together, let us praise the Lord and share the story of His love and mercy with the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the testimony of God's grace in My Soul Is Filled With Glory. Find peace, love, and redemption in Jesus' forgiveness. Praise the Lord!
My Soul Is Filled With Glory - Hymn Lyric - Discover the testimony of God's grace in "My Soul Is Filled With Glory." Find peace, love, and redemption in Jesus' forgiveness. Praise the Lord!