Jesus When A Little Child – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound lessons and virtues taught by Jesus when He was a little child. Embrace holiness

Jesus When A Little Child – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus When A Little Child: A Lesson of Holy ” explores the qualities displayed by Jesus during His infancy, reminding us of the virtues we should strive to emulate. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus embraced childhood and revealed the glory of His Father through His actions. This hymn serves as a prayer, asking Jesus to cleanse us with His saving blood and guide us to a place with Him in heaven.


Jesus When A Little Child – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, when a little child,
Taught us what we ought to be;
Holy, harmless, undefiled,
Was the Savior’s infancy;
All the Father’s glory shone
In the person of His Son.

As in age and strength He grew,
wisdom filled His breast;
Crowds attentive round Him drew,
Wond’ at their infant Guest;
Gazed upon His lovely face,
Saw Him full of truth and grace.

In His heavenly Father’s house,
Jesus spent His early days;
There He paid His solemn vows,
There proclaimed His Father’s praise;
Thus it was His lot to gain
Favor both with God and man.

Jesus, let me be child,
Cleanse me with Thy saving blood,
Keep my footsteps undefiled,
my Guide and highest Good;
In the end let there be given
Me a place with in heaven.


Meaning of Jesus When A Little Child

Jesus When A Little Child: A Lesson of Holy Innocence

In our hymn, we are reminded of the time when Jesus was just a little child. Even in His infancy, He displayed qualities that we should strive to emulate – holiness, harmlessness, and purity. As we delve into the significance of this hymn, let us explore the lessons it imparts and how we can apply them in our own lives.

The verse tells us that Jesus taught us what we ought to be. He showed us the path of righteousness and exemplified the virtues that please the Father. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus did not exempt Himself from experiencing childhood. Rather, He embraced it fully, seeking to reveal the glory of His Father through His every action.

As Jesus grew in age and strength, He became filled with heavenly wisdom. Imagine the awe and wonder of the crowds that gathered around Him, amazed at the wisdom that emanated from such a young child. They were captivated by His presence, drawn to the truth and grace that radiated from His lovely face. It is a powerful reminder that age does not determine wisdom; it is the connection with a higher power that brings true understanding.

We learn that Jesus spent His early days in His heavenly Father’s house. This signifies the importance of cultivating a relationship with God from an early age. Just as Jesus paid His solemn vows and proclaimed His Father’s praise in His youth, we too should seek to God in all that we do. By devoting ourselves to Him, we can gain favor with both God and man.

The hymn also serves as a prayer, where we ask Jesus to let us be His child. We acknowledge the cleansing power of His saving blood, which can purify us from our sins and transform us into vessels of His love. By keeping our footsteps undefiled and allowing Jesus to guide us, we can walk the path of righteousness, following in His footsteps.

Ultimately, our deepest is to find a place with Jesus in heaven. In the end, we yearn for eternal life with our Savior. This hope and aspiration drive us to live in accordance with His teachings, striving to be like Him in every way. As we sing this hymn, we are reminded of our purpose and the ultimate destination of our .

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on the lessons we can draw from this hymn and how we can apply them in our everyday lives.

Firstly, we should embrace the innocence and purity of childhood. Just like Jesus, we were all once children, untouched by the stains of the world. As we grow older, it is important to hold onto those traits of holiness, harmlessness, and purity. In a world that often tries to corrupt and manipulate us, let us remain steadfast in our devotion to God and strive to emulate the virtues exemplified by Jesus.

Secondly, we should seek wisdom and understanding in all aspects of our lives. Age does not determine wisdom; it is our connection with a higher power that brings true understanding. Just as Jesus amazed the crowds with His wisdom, we too can inspire others through our words and actions. By nurturing our relationship with God and seeking His guidance, we can cultivate heavenly wisdom that extends beyond our years.

Furthermore, we should prioritize our relationship with God from an early age. Just as Jesus spent His early days in His heavenly Father’s house, we should also dedicate ourselves to God from a young age. By immersing ourselves in His Word, attending church, and participating in spiritual practices, we can lay a strong foundation for a lifelong journey of faith.

Additionally, we should constantly strive to be cleansed by the saving blood of Jesus. It is through His sacrifice that we can find forgiveness and redemption. By acknowledging our sins and seeking His forgiveness, we can experience His transformative power in our lives. Let us actively surrender our faults and shortcomings to Jesus, knowing that His love and mercy are boundless.

Lastly, we should fix our eyes on the ultimate goal of heaven. The hymn reminds us that our true home is with Jesus, in the eternal bliss of heaven. This knowledge should guide our actions and decisions, reminding us of the bigger picture. By living our lives with the end in mind, we can prioritize our faith and make choices that align with our heavenly destination.

In conclusion, “Jesus When A Little Child” is a hymn brimming with profound insights and timeless lessons. It reminds us of the holy innocence displayed by Jesus in His infancy and inspires us to strive for the same virtues in our own lives. By emulating His example, seeking wisdom, nurturing our relationship with God, embracing His cleansing power, and for our eternal home, we can journey through life with purpose and find true fulfillment in our connection with Jesus. May this hymn serve as a constant reminder of our calling to be His children, living lives that bring glory to His name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound lessons and virtues taught by Jesus when He was a little child. Embrace holiness, wisdom, and a strong relationship with God as we strive to follow His example and find our place with Him in heaven.
Jesus When A Little Child - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound lessons and virtues taught by Jesus when He was a little child. Embrace holiness, wisdom, and a strong relationship with God as we strive to follow His example and find our place with Him in heaven.