I Will Go To Jesus Now – Hymn Lyric

Seek forgiveness and salvation in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Turn to Him

I Will Go To Jesus Now – Hymn Lyric

“I Will Go to Jesus Now” is a that encourages us to seek forgiveness and salvation in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Through the hymn, we are reminded of Jesus’ willingness to forgive, His victory over all obstacles, and His incredible love for even the “chief of sinners.” It serves as a call to action, urging us to respond to Jesus’ invitation and experience His abundant grace and salvation.


I Will Go To Jesus Now – Hymn Lyric

I will go to Jesus now while the Holy Spirit calls,
On my his invitation like the evening dewdrops falls;
I will seek the cleansing fountain that is open now for me,
I will take my sins to Jesus and accept his grace so free.

I will go to Jesus now, he is ready to forgive;
I will go to Jesus now, he is waiting to receive;
the Lord for free salvation, where the blood-stained banner waves;
Oh, this great, almighty Saviour! to the uttermost he saves.

I will go to Jesus now, need I question him or doubt?
Here’s the word of promise, “I will never cast thee out;”
Oh, to trust him, trust him wholly, whatsoever may oppose,
There is victory with Jesus, for he conquers all his . [Refrain]

I will go to Jesus now, ’tis the glory of his name
That he saves the “chief of sinners,” that to seek the lost he came;
Oh, my stony heart is broken when his outstretched hands I see,
Wounded hands, O loving Saviour! wounded unto death for me. [Refrain]

I will go to Jesus now, for the welcome is spread,
Angel harps ring out in rapture when they live who once were dead;
Now the Shepherd is rejoicing e’en one wand’rer to restore;
He will lead me on to , he will save me evermore. [Refrain]


Meaning of I Will Go To Jesus Now

I Will Go to Jesus Now: Finding Forgiveness and Salvation

In the beautiful hymn, “I Will Go to Jesus Now,” we are reminded of the incredible invitation we have to seek forgiveness and salvation in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit calls to us, just like the gentle touch of evening dewdrops falling upon our hearts. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to turn to Jesus, to bring our sins to Him, and to accept His free and abundant grace.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us of the readiness and willingness of Jesus to forgive. We can go to Him without hesitation or doubt because He has promised to never cast us out. This assurance is a comfort to our hearts, knowing that no matter what struggles or oppositions we may face, there is victory with Jesus. He has conquered all His foes and can help us overcome any obstacles we may encounter along our journey.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Jesus’ character is His ability to save even the “chief of sinners.” It is in His nature to seek the lost, to go after those who are furthest from salvation. This hymn acknowledges that our hearts can be hardened, but when we see Jesus’ outstretched hands, we cannot help but feel broken. We are reminded of the wounds He endured, the pain He suffered, all for our sake. His love knows no limits, reaching even to the point of death on the cross.

Every time we turn to Jesus, we are welcomed with a feast. This imagery symbolizes the abundant blessings and that come from accepting His forgiveness and following Him. The hymn describes the rapture of angelic voices and the rejoicing of the Shepherd as He restores one lost wanderer. It is a celebration, not only in heaven but in our hearts as well, as we experience the transformation of being saved by His grace.

The title of this hymn, “I Will Go to Jesus Now,” serves as a reminder of our individual responsibility to respond to Jesus’ invitation. It is a call to action, urging us to make the choice to seek Him, to bring our sins to Him, and to accept His forgiveness. It also emphasizes the immediacy of the decision, as now is the time to go to Jesus.

As we reflect on the powerful message of this hymn, we can find comfort and encouragement in knowing that Jesus is always ready and waiting for us. We do not need to hesitate or question His love for us. He is the great, almighty Savior who offers free salvation. We can trust Him wholly, even in the face of opposition or doubt, for He is victorious over all. Jesus’ outstretched hands are there to receive us, to heal our brokenness, and to lead us on the path to everlasting life.

In conclusion, “I Will Go to Jesus Now” is a powerful hymn that speaks to the heart of our need for forgiveness and salvation. It urges us to respond to the Holy Spirit’s call, to seek the cleansing fountain of Jesus’ grace, and to trust Him completely. We are reminded of His unconditional love, His willingness to save even the chief of sinners, and His joy in restoring the lost. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the incredible invitation we have to go to Jesus now and experience His abundant grace and eternal salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seek forgiveness and salvation in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Turn to Him, bring your sins, and accept His free and abundant grace. Experience the joy of being saved by His unconditional love and receive eternal salvation.
I Will Go To Jesus Now - Hymn Lyric - Seek forgiveness and salvation in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Turn to Him, bring your sins, and accept His free and abundant grace. Experience the joy of being saved by His unconditional love and receive eternal salvation.