Jesus, Faithful To His Word – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and hope of Jesus

Jesus, Faithful To His Word – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, Faithful To His Word” offers a promise of hope and for those who believe. With vivid imagery and powerful language, this hymn captures the anticipation of Jesus’s second coming. It reminds us that in a filled with uncertainty, we can find solace in the unchanging word of Jesus, who is faithful and will fulfill His promises.


Jesus, Faithful To His Word – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, faithful to His Word,
shall with a shout descend;
All Heaven’s host their glorious Lord
shall pompously attend:

Christ shall with dreadful noise,
lightnings swift, and thunders loud;
With the great archangel’s voice,
and with the trump of .

First the dead in Christ shall rise;
then we that yet remain
Shall be caught up to the skies,
and see our Lord again:

We shall meet Him in the air,
all caught up to Heaven shall be,
Find, and love, and Him there,
to all eternity.

Who can tell the happiness
this glorious hope affords?
Joy unuttered we possess
in these reviving words;

Happy while on earth we breathe,
mightier bliss ordained to know,
Trampling down , , and death,
to the third heaven we go.


Meaning of Jesus, Faithful To His Word

Jesus, Faithful To His Word: A Promise of Hope and Joy

In a world filled with uncertainty and doubt, it is refreshing to find solace in the unchanging word of Jesus. The hymn “Jesus, Faithful To His Word” beautifully captures the anticipation and excitement that surrounds the promise of His return. Written with a sense of joy and hope, the hymn reminds us of the glorious event that awaits us.

The verse begins by painting a vivid picture of Jesus’s second coming. It describes Him descending with a shout, while Heaven’s host joyfully attends to Him. This imagery not only emphasizes the grandeur of the event but also highlights Jesus’s faithfulness to His word. Throughout history, God has always fulfilled His promises, and this time is no different. As believers, we can take comfort in the fact that every word spoken by Jesus will come to pass.

The hymn then describes the overwhelming sounds that will accompany Christ’s return – dreadful noise, swift lightnings, and loud thunders. These powerful elements signify the magnitude and significance of the moment. Additionally, the great archangel’s voice and the trump of God will herald His coming, further adding to the awe-inspiring nature of the event.

But what exactly does this mean for us? The hymn explains that first, those who have died in Christ will rise from their graves. This is a powerful reminder of the that awaits us beyond the earthly realm. Death is not the end for believers; it is merely a passage to a glorious reunion with our Lord.

Then, those of us who are still alive at the time of His coming will be caught up to the skies, joining the resurrected believers. In that moment, we will see our Lord again, face to face. Imagine the overwhelming joy and love that will fill our hearts as we meet Him in the air. This is not just a fleeting encounter; we will spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

The hymn eloquently expresses the indescribable happiness that this glorious hope affords. It notes that the joy we experience from this promise is beyond words. It is a joy that is deeply rooted in the knowledge that our Savior is faithful, and He will fulfill His word. This hope sustains us in the challenges of life, giving us a reason to persevere.

While we tread the earth, this hymn reminds us that we are not alone. We possess a joy that the world cannot understand. It is a joy that enables us to triumph over sin, hell, and even death itself. The hope of Christ’s return empowers us to face each day with courage and determination, knowing that something far greater awaits us in the third heaven.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, Faithful To His Word” encapsulates the joyful anticipation and hope that comes from the promise of Christ’s return. It paints a beautiful picture of His glorious descent, accompanied by hosts and awe-inspiring sounds. The hymn reminds us that these promises are not empty words but a reality that we can cling to.

As we meditate on the lyrics of this hymn, let us be filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and hope. Let us find comfort in the fact that we serve a faithful Savior who will never let us down. May we continue to live our lives with the assurance that one day, we will be caught up to the skies, meeting Him face to face in Heaven. And until that day comes, let us sing praises to Jesus, who is forever faithful to His word.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and hope of Jesus, Faithful To His Word. Discover the promise of His return and the fulfillment of His unchanging word. Find solace in the certainty of His faithfulness and the anticipation of a glorious reunion in Heaven.
Jesus, Faithful To His Word - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and hope of Jesus, Faithful To His Word. Discover the promise of His return and the fulfillment of His unchanging word. Find solace in the certainty of His faithfulness and the anticipation of a glorious reunion in Heaven.