Lord Jesus Manna From On High – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in the beautiful hymn "Lord Jesus Manna From On High." Discover his role as our spiritual sustenance and source of joy

Lord Jesus Manna From On High – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Manna From On High” is a beautiful hymn that speaks to the profound love and grace of Jesus . Through vivid metaphors, it highlights Jesus’ role as the provider of spiritual sustenance, the source of and salvation, and the embodiment of sacrificial love. His presence in our lives is like manna from heaven, sustaining us on our journey of .


Lord Jesus Manna From On High – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus,
manna from on high,
food for the pilgrims,
and bread of life:
Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus,
wine of joy,
blood poured out for sinners,
and cup of salvation:
Christ, have mercy,
Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus,
Lamb of God,
sacrifice of ,
and guest of the sinner:
Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Manna From On High

In the beautiful hymn “Lord Jesus Manna From On High,” we find profound and meaningful words that speak to the love and grace of Jesus Christ. These verses encapsulate the essence of his role in our lives as the provider of spiritual sustenance, the source of joy and salvation, and the embodiment of sacrificial love.

The first verse begins with the line “Lord Jesus, manna from on high,” painting a vivid image of Jesus as the provider of nourishment for our souls. In the , manna was the miraculous food that sustained the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. Similarly, Jesus offers himself as the spiritual sustenance that satisfies our deepest longings and gives us strength on our own pilgrimage through life.

The hymn goes on to say that Jesus is the “food for the pilgrims” and the “bread of life.” Just as physical food sustains our bodies, Jesus nourishes our spirits, giving us the strength and guidance we need to navigate the challenges of life. He is the sustainer of our faith, providing the necessary nourishment to keep us going on our journey towards heaven.

In the second verse, we encounter the beautiful image of Jesus as the “wine of joy” and the “blood poured out for sinners.” This metaphor highlights the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice on the . Just as wine brings joy and celebration, Jesus’ blood brings forgiveness and salvation to all who believe in him. It is through his selfless act of love that we are redeemed and find true happiness in our lives.

The hymn also describes Jesus as the “cup of salvation.” This image draws on the Last Supper, where Jesus took the cup of wine and said, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28) Through this act, Jesus institutes the sacrament of , where we partake in the symbolic drinking of his blood as a reminder of his sacrifice and the salvation he offers us.

Moving on to the third verse, we are introduced to Jesus as the “Lamb of God,” the ultimate sacrifice of praise. This imagery draws from the Old Testament concept of sacrificial lambs offered as atonement for sins. Jesus, in his role as the Lamb of God, willingly gave himself up as the perfect sacrifice to reconcile humanity with God. Through his death and resurrection, he opened the way for us to experience true peace and restoration in our relationship with God.

The hymn concludes by presenting Jesus as the “guest of the sinner.” This line emphasizes Jesus’ unconditional love and acceptance. Jesus willingly associated with sinners during his time on earth, offering them forgiveness and a path to transformation. Today, Jesus continues to extend his invitation to all people, regardless of their past or present struggles. He desires to be our honored guest, coming into our lives to heal, restore, and salvation to our souls.

In conclusion, the hymn “Lord Jesus Manna From On High” beautifully captures the multifaceted nature of Jesus’ love and grace. Through vivid metaphors and heartfelt lyrics, it reminds us of his role as the provider of spiritual nourishment, the source of joy and salvation, and the embodiment of sacrificial love. As we reflect on these words, let us open our hearts to receive the abundant and grace that Jesus offers to all who believe in him. May his presence in our lives be like manna from heaven, sustaining us in our journey of faith and leading us closer to him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in the beautiful hymn Lord Jesus Manna From On High. Discover his role as our spiritual sustenance and source of joy, salvation, and sacrificial love.
Lord Jesus Manna From On High - Hymn Lyric - Experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in the beautiful hymn "Lord Jesus Manna From On High." Discover his role as our spiritual sustenance and source of joy, salvation, and sacrificial love.