Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric


Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood: A Hymn of Faith and RedemptionIn this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the . Through His blood, He purchased our salvation and became the caretaker of our souls. This is a truth that has been recognized since ancient times, as even the people of Israel knew Jesus as their God and the one who answered the prayer of Jabez.


Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric

Who bought us with His blood,
And makes our souls His care;
Was known of old as Israel’s God,
And answered Jabez’ prayer.

Jabez! a child of grief! the name
Befits poor sinners well;
For Jesus bore the cross and shame,
To save our souls from hell.

Teach us, O Lord, like him, to plead
For mercies from above;
O come, and bless our souls indeed,
With light, and , and .

The Gospel’s promised land is wide,
We fain would enter in;
But we are pressed, on every side,
With unbelief and .

Arise; O Lord, enlarge our coast,
Let us possess the whole;
That Satan may no longer boast
He can work control.

Oh, may Thine hand be with us still,
Our Guide and Guardian be;
To keep us safe from every ill,
Till death shall set us free.

Help us on to cast our care,
And on Thy Word to rest;
That Israel’s God, Who heareth prayer,
Will grant us our request.


Meaning of Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood

Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood: A Hymn of Faith and Redemption

In this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. Through His blood, He purchased our salvation and became the caretaker of our souls. This is a truth that has been recognized since ancient times, as even the people of Israel knew Jesus as their God and the one who answered the prayer of Jabez.

Jabez, the child of grief, had a name that aptly described the state of all sinners. We are burdened by our mistakes and the consequences of our actions. However, Jesus willingly took upon Himself the weight of the cross and endured shame and suffering so that He could save our souls from the torment of hell. What a great act of love and mercy!

As we reflect on the example of Jabez, we are inspired to follow his lead and approach the Lord with hearts, seeking His mercies. Just as Jabez pleaded for blessings from above, we too should come before God with the same fervent desire for His light, joy, and love to fill our lives. We can trust that God will hear our prayers and bestow His blessings upon us.

The Gospel’s promised land is vast, and our hearts long to enter into the fullness of God’s grace and salvation. However, we often find ourselves faced with obstacles that hinder our journey. Unbelief and sin weigh us down, making it difficult to fully embrace the abundant that Jesus offers. But we must not lose hope, for the Lord is with us.

We cry out to the Lord just as the hymn implores: “Arise, O Lord, enlarge our coast!” In other words, we ask God to expand our boundaries, to remove the limitations that hinder us from experiencing His fullness. We long for Him to break through the barriers of our unbelief and the chains of our sin. We desire to possess the entire promised land of the Gospel, where the enemy can no longer taunt us, claiming control over God’s work.

With unyielding faith, we plead for God’s hand to be with us always, guiding and guarding us. We recognize that we cannot navigate this journey on our own. We need divine protection and wisdom to stay on the path of and avoid the pitfalls of temptation. It is through God’s sustaining presence that we are kept safe from harm and evil until our earthly journey comes to an end.

In times of trouble and uncertainty, let us learn to cast our cares upon the Lord and find rest in His Word. Just as the people of Israel knew that God was the one who answered prayers, we too can trust that He will grant our requests. We may face difficulties and challenges, but through faith and reliance on the promises of God, we can rest assured that He is working all things for our good.

The hymn “Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood” invites us to reflect on the depth of ‘s love and the incredible salvation He has provided. It encourages us to approach God with faith and humility, trusting that He hears and answers our prayers. It reminds us to rely on the guidance and protection of our Savior as we journey through life. May this hymn be a source of inspiration and comfort, leading us to a deeper understanding of the grace and redemption found in Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood: Reflect on the incredible sacrifice and love of Jesus, who purchased our salvation through his blood. Find inspiration and comfort in this hymn of faith and redemption.
Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood - Hymn Lyric - Jesus, Who Bought Us With His Blood: Reflect on the incredible sacrifice and love of Jesus, who purchased our salvation through his blood. Find inspiration and comfort in this hymn of faith and redemption.