O Soul Why Stay Away From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the urgent message of hope and redemption in the hymn "O Soul

O Soul Why Stay Away From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“O , Why Stay From Jesus” is a hymn that urges us to make the decision to come to Jesus today. It reminds us that tomorrow is uncertain and emphasizes the need for repentance and acceptance of His and forgiveness. Whether we are in seventh grade or older, this timeless message applies to all and encourages us to not delay in choosing Jesus.


O Soul Why Stay Away From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

O soul, why stay away from Jesus,
Don’t wait too long;
Decide today and come repenting,
O soul don’t wait too long!

Don’t wait too long!
Don’t wait too long!
Decide today and come to Jesus,
O soul don’t wait too long!

Today may be the last one given,
Don’t wait too long;
Decide today for and ,
O soul don’t wait too long!


While we in love for you are praying,
Don’t wait too long;
Accept His Word and come obeying,
O soul don’t wait too long!



Meaning of O Soul Why Stay Away From Jesus

O Soul, Why Stay Away From Jesus: A Message of and Redemption

In the hymn “O Soul, Why Stay Away From Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of not delaying our decision to come to Jesus. The lyrics speak to the urgency of repenting and accepting His love and forgiveness. This timeless message holds true for all of us, regardless of our age or background.

Jesus’ invitation to come to Him is extended to everyone, and it is never too early or too late to respond. The hymn emphasizes the need to make this decision today, as tomorrow is never guaranteed. Each day is a gift, and we should not take our time for granted.

Deciding to come to Jesus means recognizing our need for Him. We all fall short and make mistakes; we are imperfect beings in need of . When we come to Jesus with a repentant heart, we acknowledge our shortcomings and seek His forgiveness. This decision is not one to be taken lightly, as it has eternal consequences.

The hymn encourages us to choose Jesus for the sake of our eternal home in heaven. Our journey on this earth is temporary, but our destination in the afterlife is permanent. As seventh graders, it may feel like we have our whole lives ahead of us, but time goes by quickly. By deciding to follow Jesus, we ensure that our are secure in His loving care.

The refrain “Don’t wait too long!” is a plea to consider the urgency of this decision. We must not delay or procrastinate when it comes to matters of . Sometimes, we may feel hesitant or unsure about taking that step towards Jesus, but we should remember that He is always ready and waiting with open arms.

One of the reasons to not wait too long is because today might be our last chance to make this decision. None of us can predict what tomorrow holds. Life is unpredictable, and we never know when our time on this earth will come to an end. By choosing Jesus today, we can find in knowing that we are prepared for whatever lies ahead.

The hymn also reminds us that others are praying for us. Our loved ones, friends, and even people we may not know personally, are lifting us up in prayer, asking God to guide us towards Him. Knowing that we have this support should encourage us to make the decision to come to Jesus. We are not alone in this journey.

Coming to Jesus is not just about saying a prayer or expressing our belief in Him. It is about accepting His Word and obeying His teachings. As seventh graders, we are at a crucial stage of our lives where we are beginning to form our own beliefs and values. By accepting Jesus’ Word, we allow Him to guide us in making the right choices.

The decision to come to Jesus is not a one-time event but a lifelong commitment. It is a journey of faith, growth, and learning. Through prayer and reading the Bible, we can deepen our relationship with Him and discover the tremendous love He has for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Soul, Why Stay Away From Jesus” serves as a reminder of the urgency and importance of coming to Jesus. Whether we are seventh graders or adults, this message resonates with all of us. It encourages us to not delay in making this decision, as each day presents an opportunity for us to draw closer to Him. By accepting His love and forgiveness, we secure our eternal home in heaven and embark on a lifelong journey of faith. So let us not wait too long; let us decide today and come to Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the urgent message of hope and redemption in the hymn O Soul, Why Stay Away From Jesus. Learn why it's important not to delay coming to Jesus and how it can impact your eternal home. Don't wait too long, decide today and come to Jesus.
O Soul Why Stay Away From Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the urgent message of hope and redemption in the hymn "O Soul, Why Stay Away From Jesus." Learn why it's important not to delay coming to Jesus and how it can impact your eternal home. Don't wait too long, decide today and come to Jesus.