Jesus Gentle Shepherd Listen While We Sing – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Nurturing Guidance for Children. Explore Jesus' gentle leadership

Jesus Gentle Shepherd Listen While We Sing – Hymn Lyric

Gentle : Nurturing Guidance for ChildrenJoin us as we explore the hymn “Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Listen While We ” that highlights Jesus’ gentle guidance, His empathy for children, and our calling to follow His teachings. Through heartfelt words and prayers, we acknowledge Jesus as our Shepherd, seek His blessings, and commit ourselves to emulate His compassionate ways. Let us find solace and guidance in His gentle presence, knowing He will lead us in the right direction and keep us from harm.


Jesus Gentle Shepherd Listen While We Sing – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Listen while we sing-
Little ones uniting
Sweetest to bring.
Shepherd of the children,
Keep Thy lambs today-
Gently lead our footsteps
In Thy pleasant way.

Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Bless us today!
Guide Thou our footsteps;
Hear us, we pray!

Jesus, precious ,
Gentle, meek and mild,
Thou canst feel for children,
Thou wast once a child.
Keep our hearts from anger,
Keep our lips from wrong,
Teach us how to serve Thee,-
We to Thee belong.

Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Bless us today!
Guide Thou our footsteps;
Hear us, we pray!

Loving, gentle Shepherd,
Lead us ev’ry day,
May we never wander
From the heav’nly way.
Guard us from all danger,
Shelter us from harm,-
In Thy love safe folded,
Shielded by Thine arm.

Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Bless us today!
Guide Thou our footsteps;
Hear us, we pray!


Meaning of Jesus Gentle Shepherd Listen While We Sing

Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Nurturing Guidance for Children


Dear reader, in this hymn titled “Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Listen While We Sing,” we explore the themes of Jesus’ gentle guidance, His understanding of children, and our calling to follow His loving example. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we will reflect upon the nature of Jesus as a caring and compassionate shepherd, His ability to relate to children, and the ways in which we can emulate His teachings in our own lives. Join us on this journey as we seek to understand and apply the valuable lessons found within these timeless words.

Verse 1 – Jesus, gentle Shepherd:

The hymn commences by inviting us to sing to Jesus, the gentle Shepherd. Through these heartfelt words, we acknowledge His role as a guide, protector, and caregiver. In our busy lives, it is essential that we remember to seek His guidance, trusting in His gentle ways. Just as a shepherd tends to their flock, Jesus cares for us, leading us in the right direction and watching over our well-being.

Refrain – Jesus, gentle Shepherd, bless us today:

The refrain serves as a plea for Jesus’ continuous blessings upon our lives. It acknowledges our reliance on His merciful hand to guide our steps and mold us into better individuals. By using this line as our SEO keyword, we ensure that those searching for guidance and blessings from Jesus will find this article and take comfort in the wisdom shared.

Verse 2 – Jesus, precious :

This verse reminds us that Jesus, despite being divine, understands the vulnerabilities of childhood, for He too was once a child. His empathy for children is unrivaled, and He desires that we, His followers, exhibit similar qualities. Jesus calls us to temper our hearts against anger and our words against wrongdoing. By nurturing virtues such as patience, forgiveness, and compassion, we become more Christlike.

Refrain – Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Guide Thou our footsteps:

Through this line, we implore Jesus to continue guiding our every step. As we strive to live righteously, we recognize our need for divine direction. In our fast-paced society, it is easy to lose our way, but by surrendering to Jesus’ gentle guidance, we find solace in the knowledge that He always leads us back to the path of .

Verse 3 – Loving, gentle Shepherd:

In this verse, we acknowledge Jesus as a loving and gentle Shepherd who leads us each day. We are reminded to stay on the way and not be tempted by the distractions and pitfalls of this world. We entrust Jesus with our protection, recognizing that He is our shelter and shield against any harm that may befall us.

Refrain – Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Hear us, we pray:

This line serves as a humble prayer, expressing our desire for Jesus to listen and respond to our needs. We recognize that He is not only our guide but also the one who listens to our every prayer. By incorporating this line into our SEO keyword, we hope to reach those in search of solace, reminding them that Jesus is always attentive to their pleas.


In this reflection on the hymn “Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Listen While We Sing,” we have explored the themes of Jesus’ gentle guidance, His understanding of children, and our calling to emulate His teachings. Through heartfelt words, we acknowledged Jesus as our Shepherd, sought His blessings, and committed ourselves to follow in His compassionate footsteps. May we always find comfort and guidance in His gentle presence, trusting that He will lead us in the right direction and keep us from harm.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Nurturing Guidance for Children. Explore Jesus' gentle leadership, His love for children, and how we can follow His example. Find comfort and blessings in His caring presence. Join us on this journey.
Jesus Gentle Shepherd Listen While We Sing - Hymn Lyric - Jesus Gentle Shepherd: Nurturing Guidance for Children. Explore Jesus' gentle leadership, His love for children, and how we can follow His example. Find comfort and blessings in His caring presence. Join us on this journey.