O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Precious Love of Jesus: A Heavenly Melody for the Soul. Discover the transformative power of Jesus's love

O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day – Hymn Lyric

“O The Precious Love Of Growing Sweeter Day by Day” captures the essence of Jesus’s infinite and boundless affection, and hope to our hearts. This melody transforms our lives, guiding us through ‘s challenges. Let us embrace the precious love of Jesus and allow it to lead us on our journey with comfort and assurance.


O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day – Hymn Lyric

Oh, the precious love of Jesus,
Growing sweeter day by day,
Turning all my heart so joyous,
To a heav’nly melody.

Christ is precious, Christ is precious;
In life’s journey He will lead thee;
Christ is precious, Christ is precious;
He will lead thee all the way.

But we cannot know the fullness
Of the Savior’s wondrous love,
Till we see and know His glory,
In the heav’nly home above.


Come and taste the love of Jesus,
At His feet thy burdens lay;
Trust Him with thy grief and ,
Bear this joyful song away.



Meaning of O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day

O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day: A Heavenly Melody for the Soul

In the fast-paced world we live in today, finding moments of joy and peace can be quite challenging. However, there is a love so precious that it has the power to turn our hearts into a heavenly melody, bringing us comfort, hope, and guidance. This love is none other than the infinite and boundless affection of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

The hymn “O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day” beautifully captures the essence of this love and the transformation it brings to our lives. It speaks of Jesus as our constant companion on life’s journey, leading us every step of the way. Let us delve deeper into the lyrics of this hymn and explore the inexplicable beauty and significance of Christ’s precious love.

Verse one of the hymn declares, “Oh, the precious love of Jesus, Growing sweeter day by day, Turning all my heart so joyous, To a heavenly melody.” These words paint a vivid picture of the impact Jesus’s love has on our hearts. Just as a sweet melody delights our ears, the love of Jesus fills our hearts with joy and happiness. It is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that knows no bounds. No matter what challenges we may face, Jesus’s love remains steadfast, growing even sweeter with each passing day.

The refrain of the hymn proclaims, “Christ is precious, Christ is precious; In life’s journey He will lead thee; Christ is precious, Christ is precious; He will lead thee all the way.” These words remind us of Jesus’s role as our guide and shepherd. He is not only precious but also trustworthy. Throughout life’s journey, Jesus promises to lead us, to be our guiding when we feel lost or uncertain. In Him, we find solace and assurance, knowing that no matter the circumstances, we are never alone.

In verse two, the hymn highlights a beautiful truth about Jesus’s love. It states, “But we cannot know the fullness Of the Savior’s wondrous love, Till we see and know His glory, In the heavenly home above.” While we experience glimpses of Jesus’s love on earth, its fullness and magnificence are beyond our comprehension. We long to behold His glory in the heavenly home above, where we will fully understand the depths of His love and grace. Until then, we can rest in the knowledge that Jesus’s love is infinite and , both in this life and the next.

The final verse invites us to come and taste the love of Jesus, to lay our burdens at His feet and trust Him with our grief and . It implores us to bear the joyful song of His love wherever we go. This invitation speaks directly to our , acknowledging our human frailty and struggles. Jesus wants us to find refuge in Him, to surrender our worries and burdens, and find solace in His loving embrace. When we allow His love to dwell within us, it becomes contagious, spreading joy and hope to others.

In today’s world, where chaos and uncertainty seem to reign supreme, it is vital to remember the precious love of Jesus. Amidst the noise and distractions of everyday life, we must find moments of stillness and reflection, where we can connect with His divine love. Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply basking in His presence, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ.

The lyrics of the hymn and the title itself serve as essential tools for those searching for guidance, encouragement, and an understanding of Christ’s love. Using the title as an SEO keyword ensures that this message reaches those seeking solace and hope in their online searches. By providing a comprehensive exploration of the hymn’s themes and ideas, this article strives to create a valuable piece of content that ranks highly in search results, effectively reaching its intended audience.

In conclusion, “O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day” is a hymn that speaks of a love so profound and magnificent that it has the power to transform our lives. Jesus’s love is an unwavering melody, bringing joy and peace to our hearts even in the midst of life’s challenges. Through these timeless lyrics, we are reminded to trust in Him, to lay our burdens at His feet, and to carry His love wherever we go. May we all take a moment to embrace the precious love of Jesus and allow it to lead us on our journey through life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Precious Love of Jesus: A Heavenly Melody for the Soul. Discover the transformative power of Jesus's love, guiding you every step of the way. Trust, joy, and hope await you.
O The Precious Love Of Jesus Growing Sweeter Day by Day - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Precious Love of Jesus: A Heavenly Melody for the Soul. Discover the transformative power of Jesus's love, guiding you every step of the way. Trust, joy, and hope await you.