Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned – Hymn Lyric

Explore the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus

Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned: A Friend and High Priest” is a that expresses the profound love and of Jesus. As our High Priest, He intercedes for us and understands our weaknesses. We can approach Him with confidence, knowing that He offers us mercy, , and friendship in our time of need.


Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, the Son of God, who once for us his life resigned,
Now lives in ‘n, our great High Priest, and never-dying friend.

Through life, through death, let us to him with constancy adhere;
Faith shall supply new strength, and hope shall banish ev’ry ear.

To human weakness not severe is our High Priest above;
His o’erflows with tenderness, his bowels melt with love.

With sympathetic feelings touched, he knows our feeble frame;
He knows what sore are, for he has felt the same.

But though he felt temptation’s pow’r, unconquered he remained;
Nor, ‘midst the frailty of our frame, by sin was ever stained.

As, in the days of feeble flesh, he poured cries and ;
So, though exalted, still he feels what ev’ry Christian bears.

Then let us, with a filial heart, come boldly to the throne
Of grace supreme, to tell our griefs, and all our wants make known:

That mercy we may there obtain for sins and errors past,
And grace to help in time of need, while days of trial last.


Meaning of Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned

Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned: A Friend and High Priest

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us when He laid down His life. But the story doesn’t end there – Jesus is not only our , but He is also our great High Priest and never-dying friend. This title, “Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned,” encapsulates the profound love and care that Jesus has for us.

The hymn begins by acknowledging that Jesus now lives in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father. As our great High Priest, He intercedes for us, constantly advocating on our behalf. He is ever present, always watching over us, and waiting for us to turn to Him with our troubles and fears.

Life is full of challenges and obstacles, but the hymn encourages us to cling to Jesus with constancy. In moments of weakness, we can rely on our faith to provide us with new strength. When doubts and fears attempt to overwhelm us, we can find hope in Jesus, knowing that He will banish every fear from our hearts.

It’s important to remember that Jesus is not harsh or judgmental towards our human weaknesses. He understands our frailty and sympathizes with us because He himself experienced the same temptations when He walked on this earth. His heart overflows with tenderness, and His love knows no bounds.

Just as He poured forth cries and tears in His days of feeble flesh, Jesus, even now in His exalted state, still feels and understands what we, as Christians, endure. With this knowledge, we can approach Him with a filial heart, boldly coming before the throne of grace. We don’t have to hide our griefs or wants from Him, for He already knows them. He invites us to pour out our , to lay our burdens at His feet, and to trust Him with our deepest needs.

The hymn reminds us that it is through Jesus, our High Priest, that we can obtain mercy for our past sins and errors. He offers us forgiveness and grace, freely given, no matter what we have done. As we navigate the trials and tribulations of life, we can approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that Jesus is there to help us in our time of need. We don’t have to face our struggles alone; we have a friend in Jesus.

By using the title “Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned,” this hymn affirms that Jesus is not only our Savior but also our ever-present friend and High Priest. His sacrifice was not in vain; it was an act of deep love and redemption. We can take comfort in knowing that He understands our weaknesses, sympathizes with our struggles, and offers us His tender mercy and grace.

As we meditate on this hymn, let us be reminded of the immense privilege we have in having Jesus as our constant friend and High Priest. Let us approach Him with confidence, trusting that He will meet us in our time of need and provide us with the strength and grace to overcome. May we never forget the depth of His love for us and may we always cling to Him with constancy and faith. Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned – truly a title that encompasses the beauty and power of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus, our Savior, in the hymn Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned. Discover how He is also our constant friend and High Priest, offering mercy, grace, and support in our time of need.
Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned - Hymn Lyric - Explore the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus, our Savior, in the hymn "Jesus The Son Of God Who Once for Us His Life Resigned." Discover how He is also our constant friend and High Priest, offering mercy, grace, and support in our time of need.