Just One Hour Alone With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and strength in the presence of Jesus. Discover the power of spending one hour alone with Him. Experience divine joy and everlasting love in His embrace.

Just One Hour Alone With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Just One Hour Alone With : Finding Solace and Strength in His Presence” explores the profound impact of spending time alone with Jesus. In a filled with chaos and demands, this hymn reminds us of the solace and strength we can find in His loving presence. Whether we are seeking peace in times of trouble or a deeper connection with our Savior, dedicating just one hour to be alone with Jesus can transform our lives and us everlasting love.


Just One Hour Alone With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just one hour alone with Jesus,
O what rapture in my soul!
When I kneel in His dear presence,
All my care on Him to roll;

O the joy of that sweet meeting,
In the quiet even tide;
When He speaks my sin forgiven,
When I in His love abide.

Just one hour alone with Jesus!
Just one hour with Him;
How I long for that sweet meeting,
In the twilight shadows dim.

Just one hour alone with Jesus,
Tho’ my soul is oft deprest;
When the cares of grow heavy,
And my weary feet need rest;

Just one hour with Christ my Saviour,
Fills my heart with joy ;
When I feel His arms around me,
And I know that He is mine. [Refrain]

Just one hour alone with Jesus,
At the close of life’s short day;
I will seek again His presence,
And He will not turn away;

Just beyond the pearly portals,
There uplifted by His ;
I shall spend my life with Jesus,
I shall meet Him face to face. [Refrain]


Meaning of Just One Hour Alone With Jesus

Just One Hour Alone With Jesus: Finding Solace and Strength in His Presence

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding a moment of true peace and connection can sometimes feel like an unattainable dream. The constant demands and pressures can weigh heavily on our hearts, leaving us yearning for a reprieve. However, amidst the chaos, there is one source of comfort that we can always turn to – Jesus.

The hymn “Just One Hour Alone With Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of finding solace and strength in the presence of our Lord. It describes the profound joy and deep sense of peace that floods our souls when we kneel before Him, casting all our cares upon His loving shoulders. These precious moments spent with Jesus refuel our spirits and provide a safe haven where we can find respite from the burdens of life.

When life’s challenges become overwhelming and our souls feel weighed down, it is during these times that we long for that intimate hour with Jesus. The hymn recognizes that our souls can often be “deprest” and our feet grow weary from the journey. Yet, just one hour with Christ our Savior is enough to fill our hearts with divine joy. As we feel His loving arms wrap around us, we are reminded of His unwavering presence and the assurance that He is indeed ours.

In the quietness of the twilight shadows, there exists a sacred space where we can meet with Jesus. This hymn captures the beauty of this mystical hour, beckoning us to seek out this precious time alone with our Lord. It is in these moments that we can unburden our souls, surrendering our worries, shortcomings, and sins to His forgiving love. Each soothing word that He speaks to our hearts brings a deep sense of peace, as we bask in the knowledge that our sins are washed away and we are truly loved.

Just one hour alone with Jesus is not limited to the troubles of our earthly existence. The hymn takes us beyond the boundaries of this world, reminding us of the and promise that us in eternity. The speaker acknowledges that at the close of life’s short day, they will again seek the presence of Jesus, knowing that He will never turn them away. Beyond the pearly gates, lifted up by His grace, there awaits an everlasting life spent with Jesus, where we will finally meet our Savior face to face.

Finding solace and strength in the presence of our Lord is not reserved for a select few, but it is a gift available to each and every one of us. Regardless of our age, background, or circumstances, we can all experience the profound peace and joy that comes from spending time alone with Jesus. It is in these moments that we are reminded that we are never alone, for He is always with us, ready to listen to our prayers, heal our wounds, and fill our hearts with renewed hope.

When we prioritize time alone with Jesus, whether it be through prayer, reading His Word, or simply sitting quietly in His presence, our lives become transformed. The burdens that once seemed insurmountable become lighter as we realize that we don’t have to face them alone. The trials and tribulations that threatened to suffocate our spirits are put into perspective, as we remember that Jesus has already overcome the world.

In the busyness of life, it can be tempting to neglect our spiritual well-being. However, the hymn “Just One Hour Alone With Jesus” reminds us of the immeasurable value of making time for our relationship with God. As we intentionally set aside moments to be alone with Him, we pave the way for a deeper connection and a greater sense of peace and purpose.

Just one hour alone with Jesus – a simple yet profound practice that has the power to transform our lives. Whether we are facing moments of uncertainty, seeking comfort in times of sadness, or simply desiring a closer walk with our Savior, this dedicated time of solitude can be a lifeline. Let us embrace the invitation of the hymn and make it our aspiration to spend just one hour alone with Jesus, for in doing so, we will find solace, strength, and an everlasting love that surpasses all understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and strength in the presence of Jesus. Discover the power of spending one hour alone with Him. Experience divine joy and everlasting love in His embrace.
Just One Hour Alone With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Find solace and strength in the presence of Jesus. Discover the power of spending one hour alone with Him. Experience divine joy and everlasting love in His embrace.