Hail The New Year Thats Now Begun – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the arrival of the happy year with "Hail The New Year That's Now Begun." Reflect on a fresh start

Hail The New Year Thats Now Begun – Hymn Lyric

“Hail The New Year That’s Now Begun” is a hymn that urges us to reflect upon our actions and turn to God as we celebrate the arrival of a fresh start. With gratitude, we gather together and acknowledge the gift of life, while striving to leave behind and live in peace. As we enter this new chapter, may we find strength in our faith and embrace a life free from vice and sin, allowing us to truly experience the of the happy year ahead.


Hail The New Year Thats Now Begun – Hymn Lyric

Hail the new year that’s now begun,
Now let us all to God return;
From sinful ways may we all cease,
And with each other live in peace.

While thousands have been called away,
Yet still we live to see this day;
With thanks to God then all draw near,
To celebrate the happy year.

While many are sick and confined,
Others deprived of sense and mind,
We yet retain them bright and clear,
To celebrate the happy year.

Then let us all to God repair,
And offer him our praise and prayer,
Now him may we draw near,
To celebrate the happy year.

And no forsake all vice and sin,
And the new year with God begin;
Then with great joy we shall appear,
To celebrate the happy year.

Then truly happy such will be,
Who from all sin do always flee,
And unto Christ will now give ear;
Such we do wish a happy year.

All then who see their undone state,
Leaving their all for ‘ sake,
To such we can with joy sincere,
Wish them a happy, happy year.

All those who are now born again,
And in Christ Jesus do remain,
All such as those we need not fear,
They will enjoy a happy year.

But true religion still we find,
Gives the most peace unto the mind;
Possessors of it will appear,
To wish as all a happy year.


Meaning of Hail The New Year Thats Now Begun

Hail The New Year That’s Now Begun: Celebrating a Fresh Start

As we welcome the dawn of a new year, it is a time for reflection and renewal. The hymn “Hail The New Year That’s Now Begun” reminds us of the significance of this moment and calls upon us to turn to God, leaving behind our sinful ways and embracing a life of peace and gratitude.

At the start of a new year, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to see another day. We acknowledge that many have been called away, and yet we remain, with the gift of life. With grateful hearts, we gather together to celebrate the arrival of the happy year.

While some are facing illness and challenges, we are reminded of the importance of cherishing our health and mental well-being. As we enter the new year, we have the privilege of retaining our faculties, allowing us to fully experience and appreciate the joys and blessings that life brings. Let us not take these precious gifts for granted as we come together to celebrate the happy year.

In this celebratory season, let us not forget to seek solace and guidance from God. It is a time for us to draw near to Him, offering him our praise and prayers. As we embark on this new chapter, may we find strength in our faith, inviting God’s presence to guide us throughout the year. By embracing a life free from vice and sin, we can truly begin the new year in with our Creator, filling our hearts with joy and allowing us to fully partake in the festivities that come along.

For those who have devoted themselves to the teachings of Christ and have found solace and peace in their renewed faith, the new year brings a special kind of happiness. True happiness can be found in leaving behind our sinful ways, internalizing the lessons of Christ, and continuously striving towards . It is through this transformation of the that we become truly happy. So, to all those who are committed to leading a life free from sin, we extend our heartfelt wishes for a joyous and blissful year.

Yet, we recognize that not everyone may have found their way to the path of righteousness. For those who are still seeking meaning and , we extend our sincere wishes. We understand the struggles and challenges that come with acknowledging our own shortcomings and turning to Jesus for redemption. To all those who recognize their undone state and have chosen to leave their worldly desires behind for the sake of Jesus, we wish you a truly happy year. May the journey towards finding peace in your faith be filled with grace and blessings.

Furthermore, to those who have experienced the transformative power of being born again in Christ, we celebrate with you. Through divine intervention and a renewed spirit, you have found solace and purpose in Jesus. Your commitment to remaining in Christ is a testament to the strength of your faith. To you, we offer our assurance that you need not fear the challenges that lie ahead. May your unwavering faith in Christ guide you throughout the year and bring you true happiness.

In this hymn, we are reminded that true peace is found in embracing religion. True religion, which is grounded in love, compassion, and faith, brings tranquility to the mind. Those who possess it radiate a sense of joy and contentment, and they genuinely wish happiness upon others. As we step into the new year, let us strive to cultivate true religion within ourselves, so that our actions and intentions align with God’s teachings. By doing so, we become vessels of love and peace, shining examples to those around us.

As we conclude this hymn, let us embrace the spirit of celebration and remember the powerful words it conveys. The new year represents a fresh start, an opportunity to leave behind the past and embrace a brighter future. Regardless of our circumstances, let us approach the coming year with gratitude, faith, and a commitment to live according to God’s teachings. May we all experience a happy year, filled with the joy that comes from a life surrendered to Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the arrival of the happy year with Hail The New Year That's Now Begun. Reflect on a fresh start, turn to God, leave sin behind, and embrace peace and gratitude. Find joy in dedicating the new year to Christ and wishing happiness to all.
Hail The New Year Thats Now Begun - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate the arrival of the happy year with "Hail The New Year That's Now Begun." Reflect on a fresh start, turn to God, leave sin behind, and embrace peace and gratitude. Find joy in dedicating the new year to Christ and wishing happiness to all.