The Sweetest Song My Heart Eer Sung – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of salvation with "The Sweetest Song My Heart E'er Sung". Join in praising Jesus and His gift of pardon and freedom. Sing hallelujahs and walk with Him in white.

The Sweetest Song My Heart Eer Sung – Hymn Lyric

“The Sweetest Song My Heart E’er Sung: Experiencing the Joy of Salvation” captures the overwhelming joy and gratitude believers feel in knowing as their Savior. This hymn reminds us of the gift of pardon and freedom Jesus offers to all who believe in Him. It encourages us to continuously , praise our Lord, and walk with Him in righteousness.


The Sweetest Song My Heart Eer Sung – Hymn Lyric

The sweetest song my heart e’er sung
Was one about my Lord;
Of pardon free He gave to me,
When I believed His word.

O hallelujah! Jesus saves;
His blood avails for me.
O hallelujah! praise the Lord;
He sets His people free.

The hallelujahs, of that hour
Have never passed away,
For Christ abides, whate’er betides;
My soul’s aglow today.


No harps on willow branches hang,
But all in tune for God;
My bounding soul, while ages roll,
Will shout His praise abroad.


No Babylonian rivers now
Flow by me when I weep;
For tears of joy, without allow,
Are mine while Christ doth keep.


Tho’ trials , and troubles too,
press severe,
My Jesus is a conqueror,
And tells me not to fear.


And still the carol of my soul,
From early morn till ,
Is, “whosoever will may come,”
“And walk with me in white.”



Meaning of The Sweetest Song My Heart Eer Sung

The Sweetest Song My Heart E’er Sung: Experiencing the Joy of Salvation

Have you ever experienced a moment so filled with joy and gratitude that it feels like your heart is bursting with song? For believers, the sweetest song our hearts ever sing is one about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of that song, reminding us of the incredible gift of pardon and freedom that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.

In this hymn, we are invited to join in singing the refrain: “O hallelujah! Jesus saves; His blood avails for me. O hallelujah! Praise the Lord; He sets His people free.” These words are a powerful declaration of our in Jesus and the salvation He brings. They remind us that no matter what we have done or how far we may have strayed from God, His forgiveness is freely offered to all who believe in Him.

As we reflect on the first verse, we are reminded of the moment when we first believed in Jesus and experienced the sweet joy of knowing our sins were forgiven. The songwriter proclaims, “Of pardon free He gave to me when I believed His word.” It is through faith in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross that we receive the free gift of eternal life. This truth is at the core of our Christian faith and the reason why we sing hallelujahs of praise to our Savior.

The hymn continues, reminding us that the hallelujahs we sing to Jesus have never passed away. The joy and gratitude we felt when we first believed in Him continue to fuel our worship and adoration. The songwriter affirms, “For Christ abides, whate’er betides; my soul’s aglow today.” Regardless of the circumstances we may face, the presence of Jesus in our lives keeps our souls burning with love and gratitude.

This hymn also paints a beautiful picture of a soul that is in tune with God. The songwriter says, “No harps on willow branches hang, but all in tune for God.” In ancient times, the harp was often associated with mourning and . But as believers, our lives are filled with a different kind of music – a melody of praise and thanksgiving that resounds in our hearts. Our souls are in tune with God, and we joyfully offer our worship and adoration to Him.

As we come to the third verse, we are reminded that the tears we shed as believers are not tears of sorrow or despair. Instead, they are tears of joy, brought about by the overwhelming goodness and grace of our Lord. The songwriter proclaims, “For tears of joy, without allow, are mine while Christ doth keep.” In moments of both joy and trial, we find solace and comfort in the presence of Jesus, knowing that He walks with us every step of the way.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge that trials, troubles, and temptations will inevitably come our way. However, as believers, we take comfort in knowing that Jesus is a conqueror. He has overcome the world, and He assures us not to fear. The songwriter boldly declares, “My Jesus is a conqueror, and tells me not to fear.” When we face challenges, we can lean on Jesus, knowing that He has already overcome and that He will us through victoriously.

Finally, the hymn concludes with a beautiful invitation from our Savior: “whosoever will may come, And walk with me in white.” Jesus extends an open invitation to all who are willing to come to Him, regardless of their backgrounds, past mistakes, or current circumstances. Through His sacrifice, He offers each one of us the opportunity to walk in righteousness and experience the pure and spotless life He has prepared for us.

In conclusion, “The Sweetest Song My Heart E’er Sung” wonderfully encapsulates the joy and gratitude that believers experience in knowing Jesus as their Savior. It reminds us of the incredible gift of pardon, freedom, and eternal life that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him. This hymn encourages us to continuously sing hallelujahs, to praise and adore our Lord, and to walk with Him in white, living a life in tune with God’s love and grace. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the unending joy found in knowing and following Jesus, and may it inspire us to share the sweetest song of our hearts with the world. O hallelujah! Jesus saves!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of salvation with The Sweetest Song My Heart E'er Sung. Join in praising Jesus and His gift of pardon and freedom. Sing hallelujahs and walk with Him in white.
The Sweetest Song My Heart Eer Sung - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy of salvation with "The Sweetest Song My Heart E'er Sung". Join in praising Jesus and His gift of pardon and freedom. Sing hallelujahs and walk with Him in white.