Just Where Jesus Wants Me – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the guidance and purpose Jesus offers in life's journey. Trust in Him

Just Where Jesus Wants Me – Hymn Lyric

Just Where Wants Me: Trusting His Guidance in ‘s JourneyLife can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride, with its ups and downs, twists and turns. We often find ourselves facing a myriad of choices and decisions, unsure of which to take. In these moments of uncertainty, we can find solace and guidance in the words of the beautiful hymn, “Just Where Jesus Wants Me.” The hymn talks about being led by Jesus, trusting Him to direct our every step. It reminds us that no matter where we find ourselves, whether in heights of success or depths of challenges, Jesus is with us, guiding us every step of the way.


Just Where Jesus Wants Me – Hymn Lyric

Just where Jesus wants me,
Be it high or low;
Thither will He lead me,
Trustingly I’ll go.

Not a single footstep,
Would I take alone;
Not a wish would harbor,
But to be His own.

Just where Jesus wants me,
Be it high or low;
Thither will He lead me,
Trustingly I’ll go.

Gladly in His service
Will I spend my all;
In the niche He’s placed me,
Stay and kindly call.

All within the hearing
Of my voice, O ;
Come and trust my Saviour,
He will lead you home.



Meaning of Just Where Jesus Wants Me

Just Where Jesus Wants Me: Trusting His Guidance in Life’s Journey

Life can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride, with its ups and downs, twists and turns. We often find ourselves facing a myriad of choices and decisions, unsure of which path to take. In these moments of uncertainty, we can find solace and guidance in the words of the beautiful hymn, “Just Where Jesus Wants Me.”

The hymn talks about being led by Jesus, trusting Him to direct our every step. It reminds us that no matter where we find ourselves, whether in heights of success or depths of challenges, Jesus is with us, guiding us every step of the way.

“Just where Jesus wants me,

Be it high or low;

Thither will He lead me,

Trustingly I’ll go.”

These words convey a deep sense of surrender and . We can have confidence that Jesus knows what is best for us and will lead us on the right path. His love for us is unwavering, and He desires to guide us toward a fulfilling and purposeful life.

“Not a single footstep,

Would I take alone;

Not a wish would harbor,

But to be His own.”

When faced with decisions, big or small, we are invited to consult with Jesus and seek His wisdom. He is the ultimate guide who knows the way, and when we allow Him to lead, we experience a sense of peace and alignment with our true calling.

As of God, we are called to serve and make a difference in the . The hymn emphasizes the importance of gladly serving Jesus and dedicating our lives to His purpose.

“Gladly in His service

Will I spend my all;

In the niche He’s placed me,

Stay and kindly call.”

We all have different talents, passions, and opportunities. Jesus has carefully placed each one of us in a specific niche, a unique place where we can make a meaningful impact. Whether it’s through our kindness, words, actions, or talents, we have the power to touch lives and bring hope to those around us.

The hymn encourages us to embrace this calling and extend an invitation to others to trust in Jesus.

“All within the hearing

Of my voice, O come;

Come and trust my ,

He will lead you home.”

This is a call to share our faith and tell others about the transformative power of Jesus. As we embrace His guidance and experience His love, we have the privilege of extending the same invitation to others. We become conduits of His grace, leading others to find their true home in Him.

In our search for meaning and purpose, it is comforting to know that we are not alone. Jesus walks with us, guiding us through every season of life. When we trust in His leading, we find the strength to navigate the highs and lows, the joys and challenges that come our way.

The message of the hymn is not just for those who are already on their faith journey; it is an invitation for all. It reminds us that no matter where we are, what our circumstances may be, or what mistakes we may have made, Jesus is waiting for us with open arms. He is ready to lead us on a path of forgiveness, , and restoration.

Just Where Jesus Wants Me serves as a reminder to trust in Jesus, to surrender our plans and desires to Him, and to allow Him to lead us toward the abundant life He has promised. It is a call to embrace our unique purpose and use our gifts and talents to serve others.

In conclusion, the hymn “Just Where Jesus Wants Me” encapsulates the essence of trusting in God’s guidance and submitting our lives to His loving care. It reminds us that in every situation, whether in heights or lows, Jesus is there, ready to lead us. By surrendering our will and following His footsteps, we can find true purpose, meaning, and joy. Let us live our lives in the assurance that as we trust in Jesus, He will always lead us home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the guidance and purpose Jesus offers in life's journey. Trust in Him, surrender your plans, and find joy in following His footsteps. Just Where Jesus Wants Me.
Just Where Jesus Wants Me - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the guidance and purpose Jesus offers in life's journey. Trust in Him, surrender your plans, and find joy in following His footsteps. Just Where Jesus Wants Me.