O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth – Hymn Lyric

Sing a new song to the Lord and bless His name. Proclaim His wondrous ways to all nations. Worship Him with joy and anticipation of His righteous judgment.

O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth – Hymn Lyric

O A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth: A Call to and WorshipThis calls us to lift our voices and bless His holy name, reminding us of the constant praise and thanksgiving our God deserves. It also encourages us to share God’s wondrous ways with the , proclaiming His greatness to every tongue and tribe. Let us rejoice in the Lord’s justice and righteousness, eagerly anticipating His coming. Let our voices join with creation in a harmonious anthem of praise to our Creator, singing a new song to the Lord.


O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth – Hymn Lyric

O sing a new song to the Lord,
Sing all the earth and bless His Name;
From day to day His praise record,
The Lord’s redeeming grace proclaim.

Tell all the world His wondrous ways,
Tell heathen nations far and near;
Great is the Lord, and great His praise,
And Him alone let nations fear.

The heathen gods are idols vain;
The heavens the Lord supports;
Both light and honor lead His train,
While strength and beauty fill His courts.

Let every tongue and every tribe
Give to the Lord due praise and sing;
All Him ascribe,
, throng His courts, and offerings bring.

O fear and bow, adorned with grace,
And tell each land that God is King;
The earth He founded in its place,
And justice to the world will bring.

Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice,
The teeming sea resound with praise;
Let waving fields lift high their voice,
And all the trees their anthem raise.

So let them shout before our God,
For, lo, He comes, He comes with might,
To wield the scepter and the rod,
To judge the world with truth and right.


Meaning of O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth

O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth: A Call to Praise and Worship

In this beautiful hymn, we are called to lift our voices and sing a new song to the Lord. The words remind us to bless His holy name and to record His praise from day to day. What a wonderful reminder that our God is deserving of our constant praise and thanksgiving!

The hymn also encourages us to share the wondrous ways of the Lord with the world. It reminds us that the heathen gods are idols vain, but our God is mighty and powerful. He upholds the shining heavens and fills His courts with strength and beauty. Let us proclaim His greatness to every tongue and tribe, and give Him the glory that He deserves.

As we gather in His courts, let us come adorned with grace and fear, acknowledging that God is King over all the lands. He is the one who founded the earth and will bring justice to the world. How wonderful it is to know that our God is not only a God of love and mercy, but also a God of justice and righteousness.

The hymn calls us to rejoice and be glad in the Lord. It encourages the earth, the sea, and even the fields and trees to lift their voices in praise. Imagine the beauty of creation joining together to sing a harmonious anthem of praise to our Creator! It is a reminder of the greatness and majesty of our God.

The hymn concludes with a powerful message of hope and anticipation. It speaks of the coming of the Lord with might, wielding the scepter and the rod. He will judge the world with truth and right. This reminds us that although there may be challenges and difficulties in this world, ultimately, God will bring justice and righteousness to all.

As we reflect on this hymn, let us be inspired to sing a new song to the Lord, to praise Him and bless His holy name. Let our voices join together with the earth, the sea, the fields, and the trees in proclaiming His greatness. And let us eagerly anticipate the coming of our Lord, who will bring justice and righteousness to the world.

So, dear friends, let us not hesitate to lift our voices in praise and worship. Let us allow this hymn to inspire us to deepen our relationship with God and to share His wondrous ways with others. May our hearts be filled with as we sing a new song to the Lord, and may His praise resound in our lives day after day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing a new song to the Lord and bless His name. Proclaim His wondrous ways to all nations. Worship Him with joy and anticipation of His righteous judgment.
O Sing A New Song To The Lord Sing All The Earth - Hymn Lyric - Sing a new song to the Lord and bless His name. Proclaim His wondrous ways to all nations. Worship Him with joy and anticipation of His righteous judgment.