Jesus My Captain To Victory Lead Me – Hymn Lyric

Seeking guidance and strength? Turn to Jesus

Jesus My Captain To Victory Lead Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus My Captain: Leading Me to VictoryIn the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, we often find ourselves in need of guidance and strength. It is during these moments that we can turn to Jesus, our Captain, who will lead us to victory. The hymn “Jesus, My Captain, to victory lead me” beautifully captures the essence of seeking His help and finding solace in His presence.


Jesus My Captain To Victory Lead Me – Hymn Lyric

my Captain,
to victory lead me;
the powers of darkness draw near.
from Satan’s dominion hast freed me,
Lend me
Thy help and allay all my fear.

Seeing the tempter
would cunningly sift me,
Do Thou in
sustain and uplift me.
Jesus, my Captain,
who dearly hast bought me,
Suffer me not
to be felled by the foe.

Tho’ in his meshes
he deftly have caught me,
Strength to escape them
upon me bestow.
Tho’ all the forces of Babel be raging,
Be Thou my Refuge,
all terrors assuaging.

Jesus, my Captain,
whose eyes do not slumber,
Deign for me ever
to watch and to ;
Let not temptation
my spirit encumber,
Keep me secure
in Thy truth and Thy way.

When the dark shadows
of night would enthrall me,
Be Thou my Shield,
lest some ill should befall me.
Jesus, my Captain,
in battle victorious,
Let me the emblem
of victory gain.

Then shall my praises,
O Savior all-glorious,
Fervent and joyful
forever remain.
Where the fair angels
of heaven adore Thee,
Let me with anthems
of praise before Thee.


Meaning of Jesus My Captain To Victory Lead Me

Jesus My Captain: Leading Me to Victory

In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, we often find ourselves in need of guidance and strength. It is during these moments that we can turn to Jesus, our Captain, who will lead us to victory. The hymn “Jesus, My Captain, to victory lead me” beautifully captures the essence of seeking His help and finding solace in His presence.

As we embark on this journey called life, we are bound to encounter various obstacles along the way. The powers of darkness may draw near, seeking to deter us from our path. However, with Jesus as our Captain, we need not fear. He has already freed us from the dominion of Satan and promises to lend us His help whenever we feel overwhelmed. In moments when we may feel unsure and tempted to give in, we can rely on His mercy and find solace in His sustaining presence.

The deceitful nature of temptation is something we must constantly be on guard against. The tempter, with cunning and sly intentions, seeks to sift us and lure us away from our faith. But Jesus, our Captain, knows our vulnerabilities and understands the battles we face. He is the one who has bought us dearly with His , and He will not allow us to be felled by the foe. Even when we find ourselves trapped in the meshes of our mistakes, Jesus provides us with the strength to escape and guides us towards freedom. No matter how fierce the forces against us may be, He remains our refuge, calming our fears and assuaging our terrors.

In this filled with distractions and uncertainties, Jesus invites us to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Unlike human captains who may grow or lose focus, Jesus never slumbers. He is always watching over us, ensuring our well-being and safety. His unwavering presence reminds us to remain vigilant and prayerful. For it is when we allow ourselves to be consumed by temptation that our spirits become burdened. However, by seeking His truth and following His ways, we can find security and strength in Him. Like a shield, Jesus protects us against the dark shadows that threaten to engulf us. With Him by our side, we can navigate through the challenges of life with confidence and assurance.

Victory is not an elusive but a tangible reality that Jesus offers us. He has already emerged victorious in the ultimate battle against sin and death. By accepting Him as our Captain, we become partakers in His triumph. Our lives then become a living testimony to His power and . In moments of victory, our praises to Him become fervent and joyful. We join the multitude of angels in heaven, adoring and praising His holy name. What a privilege it is to stand before Him, offering our heartfelt anthems of praise.

In conclusion, Jesus, our Captain, leads us to victory. He offers us His guidance, strength, and protection in every aspect of our lives. We need only to our trust in Him and surrender our fears and doubts. Whether we face the powers of darkness, the snares of temptation, or the uncertainties of life, Jesus is there to guide us through. Let us wholeheartedly embrace Him as our Captain and allow Him to lead us to victory.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seeking guidance and strength? Turn to Jesus, our Captain, as He leads us to victory through life's challenges. Trust in His guidance and find solace in His presence. Let Jesus, my Captain, lead you to victory.
Jesus My Captain To Victory Lead Me - Hymn Lyric - Seeking guidance and strength? Turn to Jesus, our Captain, as He leads us to victory through life's challenges. Trust in His guidance and find solace in His presence. Let Jesus, my Captain, lead you to victory.