The Lord How Tender Is His Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the deep love and tenderness of the Lord. This hymn reveals His justice

The Lord How Tender Is His Love – Hymn Lyric

“The How Tender Is His Love” is a that beautifully captures the depth and tenderness of God’s love. It reminds us of His justice, provision, care, and authority. It shows us that even in the midst of hardship and challenges, God’s love shines through.


The Lord How Tender Is His Love – Hymn Lyric

The Lord! how tender is His love,
His justice how august;
Hence all her fears my soul derives,
There anchors all her trust.

He showers the manna from above,
To feed the barren waste;
Or points with death the fiery hail,
And famine waits the blast.

Crowns, realms, and worlds, His wrath incensed,
Are dust beneath His tread:
He blights the fair, unplumes the proud,
And shakes the learned head.

He bids distress forget to groan,
The sick from anguish cease,
In dungeons spreads His wing,
And softly whispers peace.

His vengeance rides the rushing wind,
Or tips the bolt with flame;
His goodness breathes in every breeze,
And warms in every beam.

Lord! grant that still with grateful heart
My years resigned may run;
‘Tis Thine to give, or to resume,
And may Thy will be done!


Meaning of The Lord How Tender Is His Love

The Lord How Tender Is His Love

When we of love, we often imagine embraces and gentle words. Love is something that brings us comfort, security, and a sense of belonging. But have you ever stopped to think about how tender the love of the Lord is?

In the hymn, “The Lord How Tender Is His Love,” we are reminded of the deep love and compassion that God has for us. It speaks of His justice, His provision, and His care for every aspect of our lives.

First, let’s talk about His justice. The hymn describes it as “august,” which means majestic or awe-inspiring. This tells us that God’s justice is not to be taken lightly. He holds the power to judge and punish, and yet, despite this, there is a tenderness in His approach. His justice is not fueled by anger or vengeance, but rather by a for righteousness and fairness.

We see this tenderness in the way He provides for us. The hymn speaks of Him showering manna from above to feed the barren waste. This image brings to mind the story of the Israelites wandering in the desert, where God provided them with bread from . It shows us that even in the most desolate of times, God takes care of His people. He nourishes us and sustains us, giving us what we need to survive.

But it doesn’t stop there. The hymn also acknowledges that God has the power to bring disaster, such as pointing with death the fiery hail and causing famine. This may seem contradictory to His tender love, but it serves as a reminder that He is in control of all things. Sometimes, He allows challenges and hardships to come our way in order to shape us and draw us closer to Him. It is through these difficult experiences that we learn to trust Him even more.

This hymn also speaks of God’s authority over earthly things. It tells us that crowns, realms, and worlds are dust beneath His tread. This means that no matter how powerful or grand something may seem in this , it ultimately pales in comparison to the power and authority of God. He is the ultimate ruler, and everything else is subject to Him.

But amidst His power and authority, God still shows tenderness. He has the ability to blight the fair and unpluck the proud, but it is not done out of spite. Rather, it is a reminder that our accomplishments and pride can be fleeting. The only true source of strength and wisdom comes from God alone.

Furthermore, in moments of distress and sickness, the hymn tells us that God spreads His healing wing and whispers peace. This imagery paints a picture of comfort and solace. It shows us that even in our darkest moments, God is there, ready to bring us peace and healing. He is not distant or uncaring but rather intimately involved in the details of our lives.

The hymn also acknowledges God’s ability to bring both wrath and goodness. It speaks of His vengeance riding the rushing wind and the tip of His bolt being aflame. These images remind us that God is not to be taken lightly. He has the power to bring about justice and punishment when needed. However, His goodness is also ever-present. It is in every breeze and every beam of sunlight. It is a reminder that God’s love and goodness surround us at all times.

Lastly, the hymn concludes with a prayer. It asks the Lord to grant a grateful heart and for His will to be done. This is a beautiful reminder that even though there may be uncertainty and challenges in , we can trust in God’s plan. We can surrender our desires and plans to Him, knowing that His love and wisdom far surpass our own.

In conclusion, “The Lord How Tender Is His Love” is a hymn that beautifully captures the depth and tenderness of God’s love. It reminds us of His justice, provision, care, and authority. It shows us that even in the midst of hardship and challenge, God’s love shines through. And ultimately, it encourages us to trust in His plan and to surrender our hearts to Him. May we always remember and be grateful for the tender love that the Lord has for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the deep love and tenderness of the Lord. This hymn reveals His justice, provision, care, and authority. Surrender your heart and trust in His plan. The Lord How Tender Is His Love.
The Lord How Tender Is His Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the deep love and tenderness of the Lord. This hymn reveals His justice, provision, care, and authority. Surrender your heart and trust in His plan. The Lord How Tender Is His Love.