Have I Given Jesus My Heart – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on surrendering your heart to Jesus

Have I Given Jesus My Heart – Hymn Lyric

“Have I Given Jesus My Heart: A Reflection on Surrendering to Christ” is a hymn that prompts us to consider whether we have truly given our hearts to Jesus and allowed Him to be the ruler of our lives. It challenges us to examine if Jesus dwells within us and has the foremost in our thoughts. We are reminded to our will and seek forgiveness, as we strive to live lives that reflect Christ’s love and allow others to see Jesus in us.


Have I Given Jesus My Heart – Hymn Lyric

Have I given Jesus my heart?
Has He cleansed from ? Does He dwell within?
Have I given Jesus my heart?

Is Jesus enthroned in my heart?
Is Jesus enthroned in my heart?
Has He the first place in all of my thoughts?
Is Jesus enthroned in my heart?

Lord Jesus, forgive me, I pray,
Lord Jesus, forgive me, I pray,
I’ve held back from Thee, rebellious I’ve been;
Lord Jesus, forgive me, I pray,

Help me to surrender my will,
Help me to surrender my will,
Help me to resign and make will mine,
Help me to surrender my will.

Is my a season of prayer?
Is my life a season of prayer?
Does Jesus hold sweet communion with me?
Is my life a season of prayer?

Can others see Jesus in me?
Can others see Jesus in me?
In all that I say, in all that I do,
Can others see Jesus in me?

Lord Jesus, accept this my gift,
Lord Jesus, accept this my gift,
For Thee, on the my life is laid,
Lord Jesus, accept this my gift.


Meaning of Have I Given Jesus My Heart

Have I Given Jesus My Heart: A Reflection on Surrendering to Christ

In our hymn “Have I Given Jesus My Heart,” we are reminded of the importance of surrendering our hearts to Jesus and allowing Him to cleanse us from sin. As we sing these words, we are prompted to reflect on whether or not we have truly given our hearts to Jesus and allowed Him to take His rightful place as the ruler of our lives.

When we ask ourselves the question, “Have I given Jesus my heart?” we are not simply asking if we have said a prayer or made a commitment to follow Him. It goes much deeper than that. It is an invitation for self-examination and introspection. We must assess whether Jesus truly dwells within us and if He has the first place in all of our thoughts.

Surrendering our will to Christ can be a challenging and ongoing process. Our hymn acknowledges this struggle when it says, “Lord Jesus, forgive me, I pray, I’ve held back from Thee, rebellious I’ve been.” It is important to recognize when we have resisted ‘s will and to humbly seek His forgiveness. We must pray for His help in surrendering our will to Him completely.

In surrendering our will to Christ, we are not giving up our individuality or unique desires. Rather, we are inviting God to guide us in aligning our will with His. As we submit to His plan, we can find true fulfillment and purpose in our lives. So when we sing, “Help me to surrender my will, help me to resign and make Thy will mine,” we are humbly acknowledging our need for God’s guidance and strength to live according to His purposes.

A key aspect of a surrendered life is a consistent and fervent prayer life. The hymn asks the question, “Is my life a season of prayer?” Prayer is not meant to be a sporadic or occasional activity. It should be a continuous and intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father. When we make our lives a season of prayer, we open ourselves up to sweet communion and fellowship with Jesus.

People should be able to see Jesus in our lives. The hymn challenges us with the question, “Can others see Jesus in me?” Our lives should be a reflection of Christ’s love, , and truth. We are called to be a in this world, showing the transformative power of a relationship with Jesus. As we live out our faith authentically, others should be able to see Jesus shining through us.

In response to the profound message of this hymn, we can offer our lives as a gift to Jesus. We sing, “Lord Jesus, accept this my gift,” as an expression of our willingness to lay down our lives for His purposes. When we surrender our hearts, wills, and lives to Jesus, we find true freedom, joy, and fulfillment in Him.

So let us reflect on the question posed in our hymn, “Have I given Jesus my heart?” It is not enough to simply sing the words, but we must answer honestly. Have we truly surrendered ourselves to Jesus? Have we allowed Him to cleanse us from sin and dwell within us? Is He enthroned in our hearts, holding the first place in all of our thoughts? Can others see Jesus in our lives?

If our answer is not a resounding “yes” to these questions, let us not despair. The hymn also teaches us the importance of seeking forgiveness and asking for God’s help in surrendering our will. It is an ongoing journey of growth and transformation, and Jesus is always ready to receive us and guide us closer to Him.

May the words of this hymn serve as a reminder and a call to action for each of us to examine our hearts and surrender ourselves fully to Jesus. Let us live lives that are characterized by prayer, authenticity, and a reflection of Christ’s love. May our lives be a beautiful offering to our Savior, as we continually sing, “Lord Jesus, accept this my gift.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on surrendering your heart to Jesus, allowing Him to cleanse from sin and be enthroned within. Discover the importance of prayer and reflecting Christ's love in your life.
Have I Given Jesus My Heart - Hymn Lyric - Reflect on surrendering your heart to Jesus, allowing Him to cleanse from sin and be enthroned within. Discover the importance of prayer and reflecting Christ's love in your life.