Jesus Is Our Shepherd Wiping Every Tear – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and protection in Jesus

Jesus Is Our Shepherd Wiping Every Tear – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Our Shepherd: Finding Comfort and GuidanceIn times of uncertainty and fear, Jesus is always there to wipe away our and lead us through life’s challenges. Just like a shepherd cares for his flock, Jesus cares for us and knows our every need. We can trust Him to guide us and protect us, us comfort and in troubled times.


Jesus Is Our Shepherd Wiping Every Tear – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is our Shepherd,
Wiping every tear;
Folded in His bosom,
What have we to fear?

Only let us follow
Whither He doth lead,
To the thirsty desert
Or the dewy mead.

Jesus is our Shepherd:
Well we know His voice;
How its gentlest whisper
Makes our heart rejoice!

Even when He chideth,
Tender is its tone;
None but He shall guide us;
We are His alone.

Jesus is our Shepherd:
For the sheep He bled;
Every is sprinkled
With the blood He shed;

Then on each He setteth
His own secret sign:
“They that have My Spirit,
These,” saith He, “are Mine.”

Jesus is our Shepherd:
Guarded by His arm,
Though the wolves may raven,
None can do us harm:

When we tread death’s valley,
Dark with fearful ,
We will fear no evil,
Victors o’er the tomb.


Meaning of Jesus Is Our Shepherd Wiping Every Tear

Jesus Is Our Shepherd: Comfort and Protection in Troubled Times

In times of uncertainty and fear, it is comforting to know that we are not alone. Jesus, our Shepherd, is always by our side, ready to wipe away our tears and guide us through life’s challenges. Just like a shepherd cares for and tends to his flock, Jesus cares for each and every one of us, His sheep.

When we feel lost or overwhelmed, we can turn to Jesus for guidance. His voice is gentle and soothing, bringing joy to our hearts. Even when He corrects and admonishes us, His tone remains tender, reminding us that we belong to Him. We can trust Him to lead us on the right path, whether it leads us to a desert or a meadow filled with refreshing dew.

The sacrificial of Jesus is evident in His willingness to shed His blood for us, His precious lambs. Through His , He has cleansed us and marked us as His own. His Spirit dwells within us, assuring us that we belong to Him. We are His flock, and He will never forsake us.

With Jesus as our Shepherd, we can find comfort and protection in His loving arms. No harm can befall us when we are guarded by His mighty arm. Even when the wolves of life surround us, seeking to devour our peace and happiness, Jesus stands as our defender. He will fight for us and keep us safe from harm.

As we journey through the valley of death, a filled with darkness and fear, Jesus remains with us. We need not be afraid, for His presence lights our way and gives us courage. Death holds no power over us, for Jesus has conquered it. We can face death with confidence, knowing that we will emerge as victorious conquerors, triumphing over the grave.

The hymn “Jesus Is Our Shepherd” reminds us of the unwavering love and care that Jesus provides. It assures us that, with Him as our Shepherd, we need not fear any trials or tribulations that our way. He is our source of comfort, strength, and guidance.

In moments of doubt or despair, let us remember the comforting words of this hymn. Let us envision Jesus, wiping away our tears and holding us close to His heart. In His presence, all fears and worries fade away, replaced by peace and reassurance.

When life’s journey becomes challenging, let us trust in Jesus, our Shepherd, to lead us through the darkest valleys and into the glorious light of His love. May His voice resonate within our hearts, reminding us of His constant presence and unwavering devotion to His flock.

As we face each day, let us hold on to the knowledge that we are never alone. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, walks beside us, guiding us along the right path. With Him as our Shepherd, we can find solace, strength, and joy in every step of our journey.

In conclusion, Jesus Is Our Shepherd: Wiping Every Tear is a hymn that speaks to the deep longing within our souls for comfort, protection, and guidance. It reminds us of the unconditional love of Jesus and His willingness to lead us through life’s challenges. With Him as our Shepherd, we can find solace in troubled times and face the unknown with confidence. Let us embrace the comfort and reassurance that Jesus offers, knowing that He will wipe away every tear and guide us safely through life’s journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and protection in Jesus, our Shepherd, wiping every tear. Trust His guidance and love in troubled times. Embrace His care and conquer fear.
Jesus Is Our Shepherd Wiping Every Tear - Hymn Lyric - Find comfort and protection in Jesus, our Shepherd, wiping every tear. Trust His guidance and love in troubled times. Embrace His care and conquer fear.