Little Sunbeams – Hymn Lyric

Spreading love

Little Sunbeams – Hymn Lyric

“Little Sunbeams: Spreading Love and to Brighten the ” is a hymn that reminds us of our special mission as children. Just like the rays of the , we have the power to bring joy and brightness wherever we go. By living out our mission of being little sunbeams, we can make a difference and be a source of love and positivity in a sometimes dark world.


Little Sunbeams – Hymn Lyric

I think God gives the children,
as through the land they go,
The most delightful mission
that anyone can know.

He wants us to be sunbeams
of love and hope and ,
To brighten up the shadows
that often gather here.

O we are little sunbeams,
sent down from God to man;
In all life’s shady places,
we shine as best we can.

The clouds may hide the
of Heaven from our sight,
And life have much of
to mar the heart’s delight;

But if like faithful sunbeams,
we children do our part,
We’ll bring a ray of brightness
to every shadowed heart.

Then let us live our mission
of sunbeams day by day,
And scatter joy and brightness
about us all the way;

Let’s chase away life’s shadows
with loving thought and deed
And be the sunshine makers,
of which the world has need.


Meaning of Little Sunbeams

Little Sunbeams: Spreading Love and Hope to Brighten the World

Have you ever wondered what mission God has given you? Well, according to this beautiful hymn, God has bestowed upon children the most delightful mission of all – to be sunbeams of love, hope, and cheer. Just as the sun’s rays can brighten even the darkest places, we, as little sunbeams, have the power to bring joy and brightness wherever we go.

As children, we may not always realize the impact we can have on others. Sometimes, we may feel small and insignificant in a world filled with grown-ups who seem to have all the power. But this hymn reminds us that we have a special purpose, carefully assigned to us by God Himself. We are called to be sunbeams, spreading warmth and happiness to those who are surrounded by shadows.

Life can be challenging at times, and it’s easy for us to become consumed by its difficulties. We may encounter clouds that hide the sunshine of Heaven from our sight, and our hearts may be weighed down by sorrow. However, just like faithful sunbeams, we have the power to brighten up the lives of others, even in the midst of our own struggles.

Imagine a world without sunbeams – a world devoid of love, hope, and cheer. It would be a dark and gloomy , full of sadness and despair. But when we, as children, do our part and live out our mission of being sunbeams, we have the ability to bring a ray of brightness to every shadowed heart. We can make a difference, one act of kindness at a time.

Living out our mission of being sunbeams is not a one-time event; it’s a lifelong journey. Every day, we have the opportunity to scatter joy and brightness all around us. As we go about our lives, let’s make it a priority to chase away life’s shadows with loving thoughts and actions. By doing so, we become the sunshine makers that our world so desperately needs.

Being a little sunbeam is not about grand gestures or accomplishing extraordinary feats. It’s about the little things we do each day that make a big difference – a smile to brighten someone’s day, a kind word to lift someone’s spirits, or a helping hand to ease someone’s . These simple acts of love and compassion may seem inconsequential, but they have the power to touch hearts and transform lives.

In a world that can often feel cold and indifferent, we have the opportunity to be the warm embrace that someone desperately needs. We can be the ray of hope that cuts through the darkness and inspires others to keep going. Our mission as little sunbeams is not just for ourselves; it’s for the betterment of the world around us.

So, let’s embrace our mission wholeheartedly. Let’s make it our goal to shine as brightly as we can, even in the face of adversity. Let’s be the ones who bring smiles to faces, to hearts, and hope to souls. By living out our mission as sunbeams, we become beacons of love and positivity in a world that sometimes feels overwhelmed by negativity.

As we navigate this journey of life, let’s remember that we are not alone in fulfilling our mission. God is with us every step of the way, guiding and empowering us to be the best sunbeams we can be. With His help, we can touch lives, bring to darkness, and make a lasting impact on those around us.

So, let us rise up and be little sunbeams, shining our light brightly for all to see. Let’s spread love and hope, and let our cheerful energy illuminate even the darkest corners of our world. Together, we can make a difference and truly live out our mission of being sunbeams.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spreading love, hope, and cheer - Little Sunbeams: fulfilling God's mission for children to brighten the world with joy and positivity. Be a beacon of light and make a difference as a little sunbeam.
Little Sunbeams - Hymn Lyric - Spreading love, hope, and cheer - Little Sunbeams: fulfilling God's mission for children to brighten the world with joy and positivity. Be a beacon of light and make a difference as a little sunbeam.