We Love To Sound Your Praises – Hymn Lyric

We Love To Sound Your Praises: Honoring God in Times of Grief. Explore the tension between celebrating God's love and acknowledging the grief in the world. Find hope and ways to actively work for His kingdom. Join us in singing praises and being moved to action.

We Love To Sound Your Praises – Hymn Lyric

“We To Sound Your Praises: Honoring God in Times of Grief” addresses the tension between celebrating God’s love and recognizing the suffering in the world. It highlights the need for active involvement in God’s love and healing to those in need. The hymn reminds us that our alleluias must be accompanied by compassionate actions.


We Love To Sound Your Praises – Hymn Lyric

We love to sound your praises,
To lift our hands above,
To sing how grace amazes,
To your love.

Yet, God, your world is grieving;
Is your heart breaking, too?
May we cry out, believing
Laments can honor you.

Like Jeremiah, crying
For cities that were lost,
We see the children dying
Who know war’s awful cost.

Each day repeats the story;
takes its toll again.
How can we sing your glory
When our hearts break with them?

The scope of sin is broader
Than what the late news tells;
Rejecting living water,
We dig our broken wells.

In gods of our own making
We look for joy each day;
O God, is your heart breaking
When we all turn away?

O God, you came to save us
In Christ, your suffering Son.
In his death you forgave us;
In his life, joy is won!

And when this world is suffering,
When songs of grief abound,
May we work for your kingdom,
Till alleluias sound!


Meaning of We Love To Sound Your Praises

We Love To Sound Your Praises: Honoring God in Times of Grief

In our hymn “We Love To Sound Your Praises,” we express our deep love for God and our desire to lift our hands and voices to honor Him. We celebrate His grace and the love He has shown us. However, as we rejoice in His love, we cannot ignore the suffering and grief that exists in the world. We ask ourselves, is God’s heart breaking too?

Just like the prophet Jeremiah, who wept for the lost cities, we weep for the children who are dying in the midst of and conflicts. Every day, we hear news of tragedy and destruction, reminding us that sin continues to have a devastating impact on the world. How can we sing praises and glorify God when our hearts are breaking with the pain we see around us?

The scope of sin goes beyond what we see on the news. It extends to our own lives, where we often reject the living water that God offers and try to find happiness in things that only leave us broken. We create our own gods, seeking joy in temporary pleasures, and in doing so, we turn away from the true source of joy and fulfillment. Does God’s heart break when He sees us all turning away?

But there is hope. God sent His Son, Christ, to save us. Through His suffering and death, we find forgiveness and through His resurrection, we find joy. We remember that even in the midst of suffering and grief, God is still our hope and salvation. He has overcome the world.

As followers of Christ, we are called to work for His kingdom, especially in times of suffering. We are not called to simply sing praises and ignore the pain around us, but rather to actively work towards bringing God’s love and restoration to a broken world. Our alleluias ring louder when they are accompanied by acts of compassion, justice, and mercy.

So how do we honor God in times of grief? We begin by acknowledging the pain and sorrow in the world. We cry out for justice and healing on behalf of those who . We to the stories of those who are hurting and offer a compassionate ear. We become advocates for the marginalized and oppressed, using our voices and resources to bring about change.

We also recognize our own brokenness and need for God’s grace. We turn away from the false gods that only lead to emptiness and destruction, and we turn towards God, seeking His forgiveness and guidance. We allow His love to transform us from the inside out, so that we can be agents of His peace and healing in the world.

In conclusion, “We Love To Sound Your Praises” is a hymn that beautifully captures the tension between celebrating God’s love and acknowledging the grief and suffering in the world. It reminds us that as followers of Christ, we are called to more than just and worship. We are called to actively work for God’s kingdom, bringing His love and healing to a world in need. Let us continue to sing praises, but let us also be moved to action, until our alleluias sound louder than the cries of grief around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image We Love To Sound Your Praises: Honoring God in Times of Grief. Explore the tension between celebrating God's love and acknowledging the grief in the world. Find hope and ways to actively work for His kingdom. Join us in singing praises and being moved to action.
We Love To Sound Your Praises - Hymn Lyric - We Love To Sound Your Praises: Honoring God in Times of Grief. Explore the tension between celebrating God's love and acknowledging the grief in the world. Find hope and ways to actively work for His kingdom. Join us in singing praises and being moved to action.