When Lifes Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest – Hymn Lyric

Discover hope and a new name in the hymn "When Life's Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest." Find solace in the promise of a glorious future beyond the grave. Trust in the love and guidance of our Savior.

When Lifes Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest – Hymn Lyric

“When Life’s Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest” is a that offers and assurance amidst the challenges and darkness of life. It reminds us that there is a land of and light awaiting us beyond the grave, where a new name will be revealed to us. This hymn encourages us to trust in our and look forward to a glorious future filled with and eternal connection.


When Lifes Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest – Hymn Lyric

When life’s sun has gone down into rest,
And the grave seems the home of hopes blighted;
What tho’ dark be its shades,
And tho’ silent its glades?
I’ll awake in the land by love lighted.

O what will my new name be there?
When done with this life and its story?
In a white stone so fair, and graven with care,
That name I shall know when in glory.

Well I know it will be a sweet name,
That within the white stone will be written;
For my Savior is mine,
And my counselor ,
Will reveal it to me when in Heaven. [Refrain]

What a joy will be mine in that day,
When I meet with dear friends loved and gracious,
Who have crossed o’er the tide
Unto Canaan’s fair side,
Where we’ll of our Savior so precious. [Refrain]


Meaning of When Lifes Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest

When Life’s Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest: Finding Hope in the Promise of a New Name

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. Sometimes, it can feel like the sun has gone down and all hope has faded away. We face challenges, disappointments, and heartache that can leave us feeling lost and alone. But in the midst of darkness, there is a glimmer of hope, a promise that shines through like a in the night.

In the hymn “When Life’s Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest,” we are reminded that even in the face of death and despair, there is a land of love and light awaiting us. The grave may seem like the final destination, the end of our hopes and dreams, but it is not the end. It is merely a transition, a stepping stone on our journey to a glorious future.

The hymn speaks of the silence and darkness of the grave, yet it also assures us that in this land of love lighted, there is a new name waiting for us. A name that will be written on a white stone, carefully carved by the hands of love. This name holds a special significance, for it is a symbol of our identity and our eternal connection with our Creator.

As we ponder the lyrics of this hymn, we may wonder what this new name will be. What will it represent? Will it reflect our true essence and the journey we have taken in this life? While we may not have the answer to these questions, we can take comfort in the fact that our Savior knows. He is our guide, our counselor divine, and He will reveal our new name to us when we reach Heaven.

The promise of discovering our new name brings a sense of anticipation and joy. We imagine a day when we will be reunited with dear friends and loved ones who have gone before us. Canaan’s fair side, a metaphor for the Promised Land, becomes the backdrop for our joyous reunion. In this heavenly realm, we will join together in praising our Savior, singing songs of adoration to the one who has redeemed us.

The title of this hymn, “When Life’s Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest,” reminds us that life is temporary, and death is inevitable. It forces us to confront our own mortality and about what us beyond the grave. But instead of filling us with fear and despair, this hymn instills in us a sense of hope and assurance.

It is important to note that the use of “life’s sun” in the title is a metaphor representing the end of our earthly existence. In this context, the “sun” symbolizes the light and warmth of our everyday experiences. When it sets, it signifies the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, much like the setting sun giving way to a vibrant night sky.

This hymn, with its simple yet profound lyrics, serves as a reminder that there is something beyond this life that offers hope and redemption. It encourages us to look beyond our current circumstances and trust in the promise of a new name, a fresh start in a realm of eternal love and light.

So, when faced with the challenges and uncertainties of life, let us remember the words of this hymn. When life’s sun has gone down into rest, and the desolation of the grave seems overwhelming, let us cling to the hope that there is a land of love lighted waiting for us. Trust in the promise that our Savior holds our new name, a name that will be etched on a white stone with care and love.

As we journey through this life, may we find solace in the knowledge that we are not alone. Our Savior walks beside us, guiding us through the darkest valleys and leading us to the abundant blessings that await us in the land of love lighted. And when our time on earth comes to an end, we can rest assured that our new name will be revealed to us, and we will be reunited with our loved ones in the presence of our Savior.

Let us hold onto the hope of a new name, a new beginning, and a future filled with joy and everlasting love. When life’s sun has gone down into rest, we can face the coming night with faith and courage, knowing that our journey is not over yet.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover hope and a new name in the hymn When Life's Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest. Find solace in the promise of a glorious future beyond the grave. Trust in the love and guidance of our Savior.
When Lifes Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest - Hymn Lyric - Discover hope and a new name in the hymn "When Life's Sun Has Gone Down Into Rest." Find solace in the promise of a glorious future beyond the grave. Trust in the love and guidance of our Savior.