All Day Long Ive Been With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and transformation of walking with Jesus all day long. Leave sin and sorrow behind and walk on the King's highway to a glorious life.

All Day Long Ive Been With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

All Day Long I’ve Been With : A Glorious Journey on the King’s Highway invites you to experience the joy and contentment of spending time with Jesus. The describes the transformative effect of being in His presence and walking in alignment with His teachings. By surrendering our desires and inviting Jesus into our lives, we can leave our sin and behind, and embark on a journey filled with freedom, joy, and purpose.


All Day Long Ive Been With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

All day long I’ve been with Jesus,
It has been a glorious day.
I’ve just moved up one step higher,
And I’m walking on the King’s highway.

All day long I’ve talked with Jesus,
It has been a glorious day.
It has moved me one step higher
On my walk along the King’s highway.

Won’t you come and walk with Jesus?
It will be a glorious day.
You can leave your sin and sorrow,
You can walk upon the King’s highway.


Meaning of All Day Long Ive Been With Jesus

All Day Long I’ve Been With Jesus: A Glorious Journey on the King’s Highway

Have you ever had a day that was so special, so memorable, that you couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy and contentment? It’s like walking on air, where everything seems brighter and more beautiful. That’s exactly how the author of this hymn felt – all day long, they’ve been with Jesus, and it has truly been a glorious day.

In this hymn, the author describes their experience of being in the presence of Jesus. They feel uplifted, energized, and filled with a sense of purpose. Have you ever felt this way after spending time with someone you admire or love? It’s as if their presence has a transformative effect on you, making you feel like you can conquer anything.

The hymn also speaks of moving up one step higher and walking on the King’s highway. What does this mean? Well, imagine yourself climbing a staircase. Each step you take brings you closer to your destination, and with every step, you become stronger, wiser, and more self-assured. That’s exactly what happens when you spend time with Jesus – you grow in , in love, and in your understanding of God’s plan for your .

But how do we “walk with Jesus”? It’s not like we can physically hold His hand and take a stroll down the . Walking with Jesus is a metaphor for living a life that is centered on Christ and His teachings. It means seeking His guidance in everything we do, and constantly striving to align our actions and attitudes with His example.

When we walk with Jesus, we find solace from the burdens of sin and sorrow. We no longer feel weighed down by guilt or shame. Instead, we experience the freedom and joy that comes from knowing we are forgiven and loved unconditionally by our . It’s like leaving behind a heavy backpack full of worries and regrets, and instead, stepping onto a smooth and steady path, the King’s highway.

The King’s highway represents a life lived in alignment with God’s will. It’s a path that is straight and true, leading us toward a deeper relationship with Him and a life filled with purpose and meaning. It’s not always an easy road – there may be bumps and detours along the way – but with Jesus by our side, we can navigate any challenges that come our way.

So, how can we invite Jesus into our lives and walk with Him on the King’s highway? It starts with a simple invitation. Like the hymn suggests, we can ask Jesus to walk with us, to be by our side each and every day. We can open our hearts and minds to His presence, seeking His guidance in prayer, meditation, and reflection on Scripture.

In addition to personal prayer and reflection, we can also walk with Jesus through acts of service and kindness towards others. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and by extending a helping hand to those in need, we can share His love with the world.

Walking with Jesus is not a one-time event, but rather a lifelong journey. It’s a commitment to continually seek His presence and guidance in our lives, and to strive to be more like Him each day. It’s about surrendering our own desires and ambitions, and instead, aligning our will with His.

As we walk with Jesus, we will undoubtedly face trials and . Yet, the assurance of His presence and the promise of eternal life give us the strength to overcome and persevere. We can trust that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He is with us every step of the way.

So, my dear friends, won’t you come and walk with Jesus? It will truly be a glorious day. You can leave behind your sin and sorrow, and instead, experience the freedom and joy that comes from walking on the King’s highway. Embrace this invitation and embark on a journey that will transform your life, bringing you closer to the heart of our Savior. All day long, walk with Jesus, and let each day be a glorious day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and transformation of walking with Jesus all day long. Leave sin and sorrow behind and walk on the King's highway to a glorious life.
All Day Long Ive Been With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and transformation of walking with Jesus all day long. Leave sin and sorrow behind and walk on the King's highway to a glorious life.