Lets Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices – Hymn Lyric

Stay true to Jesus amidst the chaos of a thousand voices. Let His teachings guide you

Lets Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Let’s Be True To Though A Thousand Voices” encourages us to stay faithful to Jesus amidst the countless voices that try to sway us. It reminds us of the importance of walking and talking with Him, and laboring to point others towards the open door of salvation. Being true to Jesus means living a of love, righteousness, and compassion, and though it may be difficult, it promises eternal blessings if we remain steadfast.


Lets Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices – Hymn Lyric

Let’s be true to Jesus,
Tho’ a thousand voices from the world may call;
‘Twas He who died to save us,
And demands our life, our loyalty, our all.

Since we’ll walk and talk with Him,
When our life on earth is o’er,
Let us labor now to point the sinner,
To the open door.

Let’s be true to Jesus,
And we’ll reap eternal by and by.


Meaning of Lets Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices

From the moment we hear our first cry in this world, we are bombarded with countless voices. Voices whispering, shouting, and demanding our attention. These voices come from every corner of our lives – friends, family, teachers, and even the endless barrage of media. They all try to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

But amidst the chaos, there is one voice that stands above all others – the voice of Jesus. He calls us to be true to Him, to follow His teachings, and to live a life of love and righteousness. In the hymn “Let’s Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices,” we are reminded of the importance of staying steadfast in our faith, even when the world around us tries to pull us in different directions.

The hymn opens with a powerful verse, declaring that Jesus is the one who died to save us. It reminds us that He deserves our life, our loyalty, and our all. These words ignite a fire within us, a to be faithful to the one who everything for us. They remind us that no matter how loud the voices of the world may be, it is Jesus who holds the key to our salvation and eternal life.

As we journey through life, we encounter various and distractions that can easily lead us astray. The hymn encourages us to walk and talk with Jesus, not only in this earthly life but also in the life to come. It emphasizes the importance of building a relationship with Him, of leaning on Him for guidance, strength, and comfort.

But this relationship with Jesus is not just for our own benefit. The hymn also compels us to labor now to point the sinner to the open door. It reminds us that as followers of , we have a responsibility to share His love and salvation with others. It is our duty to be a in the darkness, to show others the way to the open door of eternal life.

Being true to Jesus means living according to His teachings, even when it is challenging or goes against the grain of popular opinion. It means standing firm in our beliefs, even when the world tries to convince us otherwise. It means loving our neighbor as ourselves, forgiving those who hurt us, and seeking justice for the oppressed. It means living a life of integrity, honesty, and compassion.

In a world that often prioritizes individualism and self-interest, being true to Jesus can be countercultural. It means putting the needs of others before our own, sacrificing our time, resources, and comfort for the greater good. It means living a life that reflects the love and that Jesus showered upon us.

Being true to Jesus is not always easy. It requires self-discipline, perseverance, and humility. There will be times when we stumble and fall, but the hymn reminds us that if we stay true to Jesus, we will reap eternal blessings. These blessings may not always be tangible or immediate, but they are . They are the peace that surpasses all understanding, the joy that cannot be taken away, and the hope that carries us through the darkest of times.

So, let us be true to Jesus, even when the world around us may try to drown out His voice. Let us listen to His teachings, seek His presence, and strive to be more like Him each day. And as we do so, let us also be a beacon of His love and grace to those around us. Let us point others to the open door of salvation and share with them the incredible gift that we have received.

In conclusion, the hymn “Let’s Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices” reminds us of the importance of staying true to our faith, even when the world pulls us in different directions. It calls us to walk and talk with Jesus, to labor to point the sinner to the open door. Being true to Jesus means living a life of love, righteousness, and compassion. Though it may not always be easy, we are promised eternal blessings if we remain faithful. So, let us be true to Jesus amidst the thousand voices that surround us and strive to live a life that brings glory and honor to His name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Stay true to Jesus amidst the chaos of a thousand voices. Let His teachings guide you, labor to lead sinners to salvation, and be a beacon of love, righteousness, and compassion. Reap eternal blessings by being true to Jesus.
Lets Be True To Jesus Though A Thousand Voices - Hymn Lyric - Stay true to Jesus amidst the chaos of a thousand voices. Let His teachings guide you, labor to lead sinners to salvation, and be a beacon of love, righteousness, and compassion. Reap eternal blessings by being true to Jesus.