O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess – Hymn Lyric

Embrace God's Grace & Mercy | Transformative Power of O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess | Find Forgiveness & Surrender in this Hymn | Discover a Renewed Relationship with Jesus

O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess – Hymn Lyric

“O Jesus, My Savior I Come And ” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of God’s grace and mercy. It teaches us that no matter how far we may have wandered, God’s love and forgiveness are always available to us. Through repentance, , and a genuine relationship with Him, we can find hope and begin a new chapter in our faith journey.


O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, my ,
I come and confess
How long I have wandered from Thee!
Thy grace I adore,
and Thy mercy I ,
“Whereas I was blind, now I see.”

Yes, now I believe,
O Saviour, receive,
And take me and bless me,
Lord, just as I am!

O Jesus, my Saviour,
I come and deplore
My folly, my hardness and sin;
I’ll serve Thee henceforward,
I’ll grieve Thee no more,
And now shall my service begin!

Yes, now I believe,
O Saviour, receive,
And take me and bless me,
Lord, just as I am!

O Jesus, my Saviour,
forgive me, I ,
And make me and keep me Thine own;
Accept me and reign
in my from this day,
And nevermore leave me alone.

Yes, now I believe,
O Saviour, receive,
And take me and bless me,
Lord, just as I am!


Meaning of O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess

O Jesus, My Savior I Come And Confess: Embracing Grace and Mercy

In the hymn “O Jesus, my Savior, I come and confess,” we are reminded of the transformative power of God’s grace and mercy in our lives. This beautiful hymn serves as a reminder that no matter how far we may have wandered from God, His love and forgiveness are always available to us. It teaches us important lessons about repentance, surrender, and the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship with God.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of coming to Jesus and confessing our shortcomings. It acknowledges that we may have strayed away from Him, but it also emphasizes the grace and mercy that He freely offers. This message is particularly relevant to our lives as adolescents who may often find ourselves making mistakes and struggling to stay on the right . We are reminded that despite our failings, God’s love never wavers, and He is always ready to welcome us back into His arms with open arms.

The refrain echoes the words of the hymn’s title, proclaiming our newfound belief in Jesus and our desire for Him to receive us just as we are. It encourages us to approach God without any pretense or fear, knowing that He accepts us with all our flaws and imperfections. This is a powerful message for young people who may be grappling with self-doubt and the pressure to fit certain expectations. We are reminded that we don’t have to hide our true selves from God but rather, we can approach Him authentically and find acceptance and love.

The second verse of the hymn acknowledges our past mistakes and the hardness of heart that may have caused us to distance ourselves from God. It emphasizes our commitment to change, to serve Him henceforward, and to grieve Him no more. As we embark on our spiritual journey, it is important to recognize our own shortcomings and be willing to make amends. This verse reminds us that true repentance involves not only acknowledging our wrongdoings but also actively working towards becoming better, more faithful followers of .

The third verse of the hymn focuses on forgiveness and surrender. It humbly asks Jesus for forgiveness and asks Him to make us His own. It is an invitation for Him to reign in our hearts and to never leave us alone. This verse highlights the importance of surrendering our lives to God and allowing Him to in and through us. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with distractions and temptations, it is crucial for us to invite Jesus into our lives and give Him control. This surrender is not a sign of weakness but rather a recognition that only through God’s guidance and presence can we find true and fulfillment.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Jesus, my Savior, I come and confess” holds deep truths about our relationship with God. It reminds us that His grace and mercy are always available to us, no matter how far we may have wandered. It encourages us to approach Him with sincerity, belief, and repentance. It teaches us the importance of surrendering our lives to Him and allowing Him to reign in our hearts. As we embrace these lessons, we can experience a renewed sense of hope, forgiveness, and the beginning of a beautiful journey with our Savior, Jesus Christ. May we always remember the powerful message of this hymn and strive to live out its teachings in our daily lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace God's Grace & Mercy | Transformative Power of O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess | Find Forgiveness & Surrender in this Hymn | Discover a Renewed Relationship with Jesus
O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess - Hymn Lyric - Embrace God's Grace & Mercy | Transformative Power of O Jesus My Savior I Come And Confess | Find Forgiveness & Surrender in this Hymn | Discover a Renewed Relationship with Jesus