Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let your light shine brightly for Jesus with "Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus." Discover the importance of living a faithful life that reflects His love and teachings.

Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Trim Your Lamp for ” calls on us to let our light shine brightly for Jesus. We are reminded that our actions and choices reflect our devotion to Him, and that the will judge Jesus by what they see in us. By bravely shining for Jesus, we can make a difference in a world filled with sin and loss.


Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Now trim your lamp for Jesus,
Let not your light be dim;
Full well He knows each action
That you may do for Him.

Then trim your lamp for Jesus,
And to your faith be true;
The world will judge of Jesus
By what they see in you.

Now trim your lamp for Jesus,
Nor let it hidden be;
Be not ashamed of Jesus,
He’s not ashamed of .

Then trim your lamp for Jesus,
And to your faith be true;
The world will judge of Jesus
By what they see in you.

Now trim your lamp for Jesus;
‘Tis He who bids you shine;
And His shall be the ,
A crown of life be thine.

Then trim your lamp for Jesus,
And to your faith be true;
The world will judge of Jesus
By what they see in you.

Then trim your lamp for Jesus,
Nor deem it e’er a
To bravely shine for Jesus
‘Mid earthly sin and loss.

Then trim your lamp for Jesus,
And to your faith be true;
The world will judge of Jesus
By what they see in you.


Meaning of Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus

Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus: A Call to Shine Brightly for Him

In the hymn “Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of letting our light shine brightly for Jesus. Just as a lamp needs to be trimmed to produce a clear and radiant light, so too must we make sure that our faith and actions reflect the and teachings of Jesus.

The first verse of the hymn encourages us to trim our lamp for Jesus and not let our light be dim. This means that we should strive to live our lives in a way that brings honor to Him. It’s easy to become complacent or distracted, but we must remember that Jesus sees and knows every action we take. Whether we are at , school, or out in the world, our choices and behavior should always reflect our devotion to Him.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us that the world will judge Jesus by what they see in us. This is a powerful reminder that our actions and attitudes can either attract others to Jesus or push them away. When we choose to trim our lamp for Jesus and let our light shine, we become His representatives on earth. Through our words, actions, and love for others, we have the opportunity to show the world the transformative power of Christ.

The second verse urges us not to hide our light for Jesus. We should never be ashamed or embarrassed of our faith. Instead, we should boldly proclaim our love and devotion to Him. Our light should be evident to all, illuminating the darkness and drawing others closer to Him. Jesus himself said in Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and your Father in heaven.”

Continuing in the hymn, the third verse reminds us that it is Jesus who calls us to shine. He has entrusted us with the task of being His light in the world. When we let our light shine, the glory belongs to Him. As we faithfully serve Him and reflect His love, we will receive a crown of life. This is a beautiful promise from , assuring us that our efforts to shine for Jesus will not go unnoticed or unrewarded.

The final verse of the hymn encourages us to bravely shine for Jesus, even in the face of adversity and temptation. It acknowledges that shining for Jesus may not always be easy or popular, but it is a cross we must be willing to bear. Our commitment to Him should not waver, regardless of the challenges we face. By persistently shining our light, we can make a difference in a world filled with sin and loss.

In conclusion, “Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus” reminds us of our responsibility to let our light shine brightly for Him. We are called to consistently evaluate our lives, making sure that our faith and actions align with the teachings of Jesus. As we trim our lamp for Jesus, we show the world who He is and what He represents. Our words, actions, and love become a testament to the transformative power of Christ. We should never hide our light or be ashamed of our faith, but rather bravely shine for Jesus, even in the face of adversity. Let us continually strive to live in a way that brings glory to Him and draws others closer to His saving grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Let your light shine brightly for Jesus with Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus. Discover the importance of living a faithful life that reflects His love and teachings.
Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Let your light shine brightly for Jesus with "Now Trim Your Lamp For Jesus." Discover the importance of living a faithful life that reflects His love and teachings.