Be Thou Watchful O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Stay vigilant and protect your soul from the powers of evil with the hymn "Be Thou Watchful O My Soul." Find strength in faith and watch for the lurking enemy. Stand on guard and stay protected with the guidance of the Lord.

Be Thou Watchful O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“Be Thou Watchful O My Soul” is a hymn that urges us to stay vigilant in the face of evil. It warns against letting down our guard and emphasizes the constant presence of and dangers. The title serves as a call to action, reminding us to prioritize spiritual preparedness and rely on our Lord for protection.


Be Thou Watchful O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Be thou watchful, O my soul!
Let not the evil powers control!
O never doff thine armor,
O never sheathe sword!
‘s zeal will never cool
Christ’s ransomed ones to grasp and rule;
Thou art not for a moment safe
Apart from thy Lord.

Be sober! be vigilant! Stand on thy guard;
Evil is on thy track, pressing thee hard;
However smooth appearance be,
Suspect the lurking enemy!
O stand on thy guard!
Stand on thy guard!

Watch against the hidden host
Who in the Prince of boast!
Not solely with the human
Thy spirit must contend;
Roaring as a lion loud
Or with an angel’s guise endowed,
The host of hell will tempt thee sore,
So watch to the end.


Watch and , the Savior said,
Lest in temptation you be led!
And watcheth with you
As on your guard you stand.
Vainly you observe the foe
Unless your Lord observe them, too,
And shield you from the fiery darts
Hurled from their hand.



Meaning of Be Thou Watchful O My Soul

Be thou watchful, O my soul! These words ring out with a sense of urgency and caution. They serve as a reminder to stay vigilant in the face of evil and to never let down our guard. In a world filled with temptations and dangers, it is crucial to remain alert and steadfast in our faith.

The hymn speaks of the powers of evil that seek to control and manipulate us. It warns us not to let our armor down, not to sheathe our swords. Satan’s zeal knows no bounds when it comes to deceiving and ensnaring Christ’s followers. We must remember that we are never truly safe apart from our Lord.

The refrain echoes the call to be sober and vigilant, to stand on our guard. It emphasizes that evil is constantly on our trail, pressing us hard. We should never be deceived by smooth appearances, but rather suspect the lurking enemy. It reminds us that we must always be on our guard, ready to defend ourselves against any attack.

The hymn implores us to watch against the hidden host who boast in the Prince of Darkness. It reminds us that our struggle is not only with humans, but also with spiritual forces of darkness. These forces can come at us with the roar of a lion or hide behind the guise of an angel. They tempt and test us relentlessly, and it is our duty to watch and contend with them until the end.

We are urged to watch and pray, just as the Savior instructed. Temptations will undoubtedly come our way, but Jesus is watching over us as we stand guard. It is not enough to simply observe the enemy; we must also rely on our Lord to shield us from the fiery darts they hurl at us.

The title of the hymn, “Be Thou Watchful O My Soul,” encapsulates the central message of the song. It serves as a call to action and a reminder that we must always be alert and watchful. Our are precious and vulnerable, and we must do everything we can to protect them from the influences of evil.

In a world that often prioritizes comfort and convenience over spiritual diligence, this hymn serves as a wake-up call. It reminds us that complacency is not an option. We must remain watchful, for the forces of darkness are ever present and seeking to lead us astray.

As we navigate our daily lives, it is easy to become distracted and lose sight of the spiritual battle raging around us. This hymn reminds us of the importance of staying grounded in our faith, seeking strength and guidance from our Lord. It encourages us to be attentive to the signs of temptation and deception, and to rely on the power of prayer to keep us on the right path.

In conclusion, “Be Thou Watchful O My Soul” is a powerful hymn that serves as a constant reminder to remain vigilant in the face of evil. Its timeless message resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds. Regardless of our circumstances or the challenges we face, this hymn encourages us to stand on our guard and rely on our Lord for protection and guidance. May we all take these words to and live our lives in a state of watchfulness and spiritual preparedness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Stay vigilant and protect your soul from the powers of evil with the hymn Be Thou Watchful O My Soul. Find strength in faith and watch for the lurking enemy. Stand on guard and stay protected with the guidance of the Lord.
Be Thou Watchful O My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Stay vigilant and protect your soul from the powers of evil with the hymn "Be Thou Watchful O My Soul." Find strength in faith and watch for the lurking enemy. Stand on guard and stay protected with the guidance of the Lord.