Jesus Be Our Guide – Hymn Lyric

In need of guidance? Find faith and strength in Jesus as your guiding light. Discover the power of following Jesus' teachings and navigating life's challenges with unwavering faith. Let Jesus be your guide to a brighter future.

Jesus Be Our Guide – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Be Our Guide: Finding and Strength through Life’s Journey” offers a message of hope and encouragement. It reminds us to trust in Jesus’ guidance, follow His example, and find strength in difficult times. With Jesus as our guiding , we can navigate life’s challenges and ultimately find our way to our heavenly home.


Jesus Be Our Guide – Hymn Lyric

Jesus! be our Guide,
As thro’ life we glide;
Faithfully in our behavior
May we follow Thee, ,

Lead us by Thy hand
Thro’ to fatherland.

When the world is cold,
Let us to Thee hold;
When the cup of sorrow draining,
May we do so uncomplaining;

For thro’ trials we
Find our way to Thee.

When affliction’s smart
Anguishes the
Though our life be woe and weakness,
Help us bear our cross in meekness;

May we keep in mind,
God’s a Father kind.

Order Thou our ways,
! Through all our days;
Though our be dark and cheerless,
Jesus with us, we’ll be fearless;

Open, when life’s o’er,
Lord! to us Thy !


Meaning of Jesus Be Our Guide

Jesus Be Our Guide: Finding Faith and Strength through Life’s Journey

In times of uncertainty and challenges, it is comforting to have someone to guide us. In the hymn “Jesus Be Our Guide,” we find solace in the belief that Jesus can lead us through life’s journey with unwavering faith and strength. This timeless hymn reminds us of the importance of following Jesus as our guiding light, especially when the world feels cold and the cup of sorrow seems overwhelming.

Life is often compared to a journey, a voyage from one point to another. Just like sailors navigating through treacherous waters, we too need guidance to navigate through the twists and turns of life. The hymn starts by addressing Jesus directly: “Jesus! Be our Guide, as through life we glide;” Here, we acknowledge Jesus as our guiding force, entrusting Him with our lives as we glide through the uncertainties.

As we traverse through life, the hymn encourages us to follow Jesus faithfully in our behavior. It reminds us that our actions should align with Christ’s teachings and values. By embodying Jesus’ teachings, we can strive to be kind, compassionate, and loving towards others. Following His example, we can make a positive impact in the world and bring joy to those we encounter on our journey.

The hymn highlights the importance of holding onto Jesus when the world feels cold. Just as we seek warmth on a chilly day, this verse reminds us to cling to Jesus during difficult times. He is our refuge, our source of comfort and strength. When faced with the hardships that life throws at us, we are encouraged to hold onto Jesus tightly. By doing so, we can weather the storms of life and find solace in His steadfast presence.

Sorrow is an inevitable part of our human experience. We all face moments of pain, loss, and heartache. The hymn implores us to bear these burdens without complaint, following Jesus’ example of endurance and resilience. It reminds us that through trials and tribulations, we find our way to Jesus. It is during these challenging moments that our faith is tested, and we have an opportunity to grow closer to Him. By leaning on His strength, we can find healing, peace, and ultimately, redemption.

Afflictions often bring great distress to our hearts. They can make us question our purpose and feel weak in the face of adversity. However, the hymn reassures us that even in our darkest moments, Jesus is there to help us carry our crosses. Just as Jesus bore the weight of the world’s sins on His shoulders, He invites us to follow His example of meekness and perseverance. By trusting in His guidance, we can find the strength to overcome the afflictions that threaten to consume us.

Throughout our journey, the hymn reminds us that God is a kind and loving Father. Despite the trials we face, He is always by our side, watching over us. We are encouraged to keep this truth in mind, finding solace in the knowledge that we are never alone. Even when the path appears dark and cheerless, we can walk fearlessly with Jesus as our constant companion.

The hymn concludes by asking for Jesus to order our ways throughout all our days. It is a plea for divine guidance and protection. Life’s path can sometimes feel uncertain and overwhelming, but with Jesus as our guide, we can have faith that we are on the right track. His wisdom illuminates the way forward, and His love empowers us to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Ultimately, the hymn points us towards the hope of an eternal home. It reminds us that this earthly journey is not our final destination. When life’s trials are over, the hymn implores the Lord to open His door to us. It envisions a glorious reunion with Jesus, where we can find peace and joy in His presence.

In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, the hymn “Jesus Be Our Guide” offers a message of hope and encouragement. It reminds us to trust in Jesus’ guidance, following His example in both our words and actions. Through our faith and reliance on Him, we can find the strength to navigate life’s storms and endure the hardships that come our way. Let us hold onto Jesus as our guiding light, knowing that He will lead us safely to our heavenly home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image In need of guidance? Find faith and strength in Jesus as your guiding light. Discover the power of following Jesus' teachings and navigating life's challenges with unwavering faith. Let Jesus be your guide to a brighter future.
Jesus Be Our Guide - Hymn Lyric - In need of guidance? Find faith and strength in Jesus as your guiding light. Discover the power of following Jesus' teachings and navigating life's challenges with unwavering faith. Let Jesus be your guide to a brighter future.