The Blood Of Jesus Catch The Strain – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of The Blood of Jesus: A Hymn of Redemption. Reflect on the redemptive love and eternal significance found in Christ's sacrifice. Join the harmonious melody of believers and proclaim His saving grace today.

The Blood Of Jesus Catch The Strain – Hymn Lyric

“The Blood of Jesus Catch The Strain”: A Powerful Hymn of RedemptionIn the realm of Christian , “The Blood of Jesus” stands as a powerful testament to the redemptive power and eternal significance of Christ’s . This hymn, with its soul-stirring melody, captures the hearts of believers and encourages them to reflect on the saving found in the blood of Jesus. The lyrics invite us to understand the profound meaning behind the blood of Jesus, as a symbol of His regal reign, timeless youthfulness, and unfathomable love for humanity.


The Blood Of Jesus Catch The Strain – Hymn Lyric

The blood of Jesus! catch the strain,
Ye royal sons of truth;
And let the theme proclaim His reign,
Fresh with eternal youth;

The blood of Jesus! grander grows
This wondrous song of love,
Until the heart with rapture flows,
And joins the harps above.

The blood of Jesus! O ye choirs
Before the Father’s throne,
With gladness touch your trembling lyres,
And make His glories known;

The blood of Jesus! higher still
The charming anthem raise,
And let its grandeur sweetly fill
The universe of praise.

The blood of Jesus! O ye band
Of saints redeemed above,
No angel in that heavenly land
Can sing your song of love;

The blood of Jesus! join the lay,
Ye pilgrims here below,
Till, in the realms of perfect day,
The glad new song ye know.


Meaning of The Blood Of Jesus Catch The Strain

The Blood of Jesus: A Powerful Hymn of Redemption

In the realm of Christian hymns, “The Blood of Jesus” stands as a powerful testament to the redemptive power and eternal significance of Christ’s sacrifice. This hymn, with its soul-stirring melody, captures the hearts of believers and encourages them to reflect on the saving grace found in the blood of Jesus.

As we delve deeper into the verses of this hymn, we rediscover the profound meaning behind the blood of Jesus. The hymn begins by calling all believers, “Ye royal sons of truth,” to catch the strain of this divine message. The blood of Jesus symbolizes both His regal reign and His timeless youthfulness. It is a theme that must be proclaimed throughout all generations.

“The blood of Jesus! Grander grows this wondrous song of love” these words remind us of the limitless beauty and power found in the blood of Jesus. As we reflect on His unfathomable love for us, our hearts overflow with joy and rapture. It is a love that is beyond human comprehension, a love that surpasses all understanding.

As the hymn continues, it calls upon choirs in the heavenly realms to touch their trembling lyres and make known the glories of Jesus. Even before the Father’s throne, the blood of Jesus resounds as an anthem of triumph and victory. Its charm echoes through the heavens, reaching every corner of the universe.

The blood of Jesus is not only a hymn sung in heavenly realms but also a melody that should be carried by those who have been redeemed on earth. It is a song of love that surpasses the praise sung by angels. As believers, we are called to join in this heavenly chorus and let our voices proclaim the wondrous power found in the blood of Jesus.

This hymn becomes a rallying cry for pilgrims on their journey through . It calls them to join their voices with the saints above, creating a harmonious melody that will resound until they reach the realms of perfect day. The blood of Jesus unites all believers, regardless of their earthly circumstances, in a common song of redemption and hope.

But what exactly does the blood of Jesus symbolize? In the Bible, the shedding of blood represents sacrifice and atonement. When Jesus willingly laid down His life on the cross, His blood became the ultimate sacrifice for the of humanity. Through His blood, we find forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

The hymn reminds us that the blood of Jesus washes our sins, bringing us into a renewed relationship with . It is through His blood that we find reconciliation and restoration. As we reflect on this truth, our souls are filled with gratitude and praise. The blood of Jesus becomes the bridge that connects us to the Father, enabling us to experience His boundless love and grace.

The hymn concludes with a call to action. It urges us to embrace the song of the blood of Jesus here on earth, knowing that one day, in the realms of perfect day, we will fully understand and join in the glad new song. Until that day comes, we are to continually proclaim the power of His blood, allowing it to transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

In conclusion, “The Blood of Jesus” is an inspiring hymn that reminds us of the redemptive power found in the sacrificial love of Christ. Its words resonate with believers of all ages, encouraging them to reflect on the significance of His bloodshed on the cross. This hymn captures the essence of the Christian faith, inviting us to join the heavenly chorus in heralding the power and of the blood of Jesus. May this hymn continue to touch hearts and souls, drawing people closer to the transformative love of our .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of The Blood of Jesus: A Hymn of Redemption. Reflect on the redemptive love and eternal significance found in Christ's sacrifice. Join the harmonious melody of believers and proclaim His saving grace today.
The Blood Of Jesus Catch The Strain - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Power of The Blood of Jesus: A Hymn of Redemption. Reflect on the redemptive love and eternal significance found in Christ's sacrifice. Join the harmonious melody of believers and proclaim His saving grace today.