Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of Jesus's love in the hymn "Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me." Find redemption

Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me – Hymn Lyric

“Glory to Jesus, He Saves Even Me” is a powerful hymn that tells the story of finding redemption and freedom through Jesus’s love. The lyrics remind us that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus is there to save and offer us a way out. This hymn serves as a testament to the transformative power of Jesus’s love and the it brings to all who believe.


Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me – Hymn Lyric

Glory to Jesus,
He saves even me!
All my guilt
nailing to Calvary’s tree;
Paid is the debt
and my soul is set free,
Glory to Jesus,
He saves!

Glory, He saves!
wondrously saves!
Saves a poor sinner like me;
Glory, He saves!
wondrously saves!
Glory to Jesus,
He saves!

Wandering He found me
afar from the fold,
Perishing there
in the and cold;
Half of His goodness
can never be told,
Glory to Jesus,
He saves!


Safely and sweetly
He keeps me each day,
Gently, so gently
He leads all the way;
Answers of peace
sends He down where I pray,
Glory to Jesus,
He saves!


Blessed companionship,
cheering me so,
Sweeter and sweeter
each day shall it grow,
Till to be like Him
I joyfully go,
Glory to Jesus,
He saves!



Meaning of Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me

Glory to Jesus, He Saves Even Me: Finding Redemption and Freedom in His Love

In the hymn “Glory to Jesus, He saves even me,” we are reminded of the incredible love and grace that Jesus offers to all of us. The lyrics tell a story of a person who was lost and desperate, but through the saving power of Jesus Christ, they have found redemption and freedom. This hymn serves as a testament to the transformative power of Jesus’s love, and the hope it brings to all who believe.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the guilt that was nailed to Calvary’s tree. This imagery refers to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, where He willingly gave His on the to pay the debt for our sins. The debt that we owed has been fully paid by His sacrifice, and as a result, our souls are set free. This powerful message reminds us that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus is there to save us and offer us a way out.

The chorus of the hymn repeats the phrase “Glory, He saves! wondrously saves!” This repetition emphasizes the awe and wonder that comes with realizing the saving power of Jesus. It is a proclamation of and praise for His incredible mercy and love. By using the word “wondrously,” the hymn highlights the miraculous nature of Jesus’s . It’s not just a simple act but a marvelous work that can transform the lives of even the most undeserving , like me.

The second verse of the hymn touches upon the experience of being lost and wandering without direction. It describes a person who was far from the fold, perishing in darkness and cold. This imagery reflects the spiritual emptiness and despair that can consume us when we are separated from God. However, despite our waywardness, Jesus seeks us out and finds us in our brokenness. He doesn’t judge or condemn us but extends His hand of love and forgiveness.

As the hymn continues, it expresses that only half of Jesus’s goodness can be told. This is a recognition that no matter how much we may try, we can never fully comprehend or articulate the depth of God’s love and goodness. It is an acknowledgement of His infinite nature and the boundless blessings He bestows upon us. This realization can fill our hearts with awe and gratitude, inspiring us to give glory to Jesus for His saving grace.

The third verse of the hymn focuses on the daily presence and guidance of Jesus. It speaks of how He keeps us safely and sweetly each day, leading us gently along the path. This imagery reminds us that we are not alone in our journey of . Jesus walks beside us, protecting and guiding us through life’s trials and tribulations. His presence brings comfort, peace, and a sense of security.

Furthermore, the third verse mentions that Jesus answers our prayers with peace. This highlights the importance of communication with Him through prayer. When we come to Him in humility and faith, He not only listens but responds with the peace that surpasses all understanding. This peace can calm our anxieties, soothe our fears, and provide us with the strength to face whatever challenges come our way.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of the blessed companionship that Jesus offers. It declares that the relationship with Him grows sweeter and sweeter each day. This verse reflects the idea that as we spend more time with Jesus, getting to know Him through prayer, reading the Bible, and worship, our bond with Him deepens. This companionship brings , comfort, and a sense of belonging. It is a foretaste of the ultimate joy and fulfillment we will experience when we are finally with Him in heaven.

The hymn concludes with the refrain, emphasizing the glory that belongs to Jesus for saving us. It reminds us that ultimately, our salvation is not about us but about giving honor and praise to Him who made it all possible. As we sing these words, we are invited to join in the proclamation of His name and the celebration of His saving grace.

In conclusion, “Glory to Jesus, He saves even me” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the journey from guilt and despair to redemption and freedom. It reminds us that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus is there to offer us love, forgiveness, and a new beginning. Through His sacrifice on the cross, our debts have been paid, and our souls are set free. The hymn encourages us to give glory and praise to Jesus, who wondrously saves us. So, let us rejoice in His saving love and strive to be more like Him each day. Glory to Jesus, He saves even me!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of Jesus's love in the hymn Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me. Find redemption, freedom, and hope as you discover His incredible grace.
Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of Jesus's love in the hymn "Glory To Jesus He Saves Even Me." Find redemption, freedom, and hope as you discover His incredible grace.