A Little While To Gather Flowers – Hymn Lyric

"A Little While To Gather Flowers: Embrace Life's Moments of Joy and Sorrow. Find Beauty

A Little While To Gather Flowers – Hymn Lyric

“A Little While To Gather Flowers: Embracing Life’s Joys and Challenges” is a moving hymn that reminds us to cherish the fleeting moments of youth and appreciate life’s ups and downs. It encourages us to seize the opportunities, find comfort in times of mourning, and face challenges with resilience. By embracing both the beauty and hardships of life, we can live with purpose and gratitude, knowing that our time here is just a little while.


A Little While To Gather Flowers – Hymn Lyric

A little while to gather flow’rs
That blossom in life’s hours;
A little while to dream
The glories of the bright spring day,
A little while, A little while.

A little while, and we may weep
O’er forms grown cold in death’s last sleep;
A little while to and mourn
Where friends from ‘s strong arms are torn,-
A little while, A little while.

A little while to toil and strive
Where, mid the wheat, the tares may thrive;
A little while-and then shall I
Beneath the drooping willows lie-
A little while, A little while.

A little while, and we may meet
Where ransomed souls each other greet;
A little while, and angels fair,
With songs shall make us welcome there-
A little while, A little while.


Meaning of A Little While To Gather Flowers

A Little While To Gather Flowers: Embracing Life’s Joys and Challenges

Life is full of fleeting moments, like delicate flowers that bloom only for a little while before fading away. Just like these blossoms, we too have a limited time to experience the wonders and dreams of our youth. This hymn, with its simple and beautiful verses, reminds us of the importance of cherishing life’s precious moments and embracing both its joys and sorrows.

In the first verse, we are encouraged to take advantage of the brief time we have to gather flowers that bloom in the morning hours of our lives. These flowers represent the fresh opportunities and dreams that with youth. It’s a time when everything seems possible, and we can dare to dream of a bright and promising future. Let us not waste these invaluable moments, but instead, let us savor them, enjoying the beauty and possibilities that lie before us.

As we move on to the second verse, the mood shifts slightly. The hymn acknowledges that life is not always filled with and . We will inevitably encounter moments of sadness and loss, where we may find ourselves mourning the passing of loved ones. Death, like a cold slumber, takes away those we hold . But even in these moments of mourning, the hymn reminds us that it is only for a little while. Our hearts can find solace in knowing that the pain we experience is temporary. And through prayer, we can find comfort in our grief, knowing that our loved ones are now in a better place, free from the hardships of this earthly existence.

Life is not always a bed of roses, as the hymn teaches us in the third verse. We will undoubtedly face trials and challenges along the way. It compares life to a field of wheat, where alongside the beautiful golden stalks, we will find tares, or weeds, growing as well. In our journey, we may encounter obstacles and setbacks that threaten to hinder our progress. But let us not be discouraged! The hymn encourages us to toil and strive, bravely confronting the hardships that come our way. It reminds us that these difficult moments are just a little while, a temporary phase that will eventually pass.

In the fourth verse, we are reminded of the transitory nature of life. Just as the drooping willows symbolize mourning and sorrow, they also represent the natural cycle of life and death. We all will come to a time when we must bid farewell to this earthly existence and lie beneath the willows. It is a farewell, but not an end. The hymn gently reminds us that this departure is merely a passing from one realm to another. It encourages us to make the most of our time here, knowing that there will come a time when we will be reunited with loved ones who have gone before us.

The final verse brings a sense of and anticipation. It tells of a future meeting, a time when we may be reunited with our loved ones and all the ransomed souls who have journeyed through life. This meeting place is described as a realm of angels, where songs of welcome fill the air. This is a beautiful image that fills us with a sense of and joy. It reminds us that even in the face of life’s difficulties and sorrows, there is a future filled with hope and reunion with those we have lost.

In conclusion, “A Little While To Gather Flowers” is a hymn that brings a sense of reflection, appreciation, and hope. It encourages us to seize the fleeting moments of joy, to find solace in times of sorrow, and to press forward with resilience in the face of challenges. By embracing both the beauty and hardships of life, we can live our days with purpose and find comfort in the knowledge that our time here is just a little while. So let us gather the flowers, live fully, love deeply, and be grateful for this gift of life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image A Little While To Gather Flowers: Embrace Life's Moments of Joy and Sorrow. Find Beauty, Hope, and Resilience in the Transitory Nature of Existence. Live with Purpose and Gratitude.
A Little While To Gather Flowers - Hymn Lyric - "A Little While To Gather Flowers: Embrace Life's Moments of Joy and Sorrow. Find Beauty, Hope, and Resilience in the Transitory Nature of Existence. Live with Purpose and Gratitude."