More Like Jesus More Like Jesus Every Day – Hymn Lyric

Striving to be more like Jesus every day is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation. Embrace humility

More Like Jesus More Like Jesus Every Day – Hymn Lyric

The titled “More Like ” beautifully illustrates our to embody the attributes and values of Jesus Christ. It speaks of our desire to be , compassionate, and righteous, just like Him. Each verse of the hymn echoes this sentiment, reminding us of the unwavering goal we have set for ourselves – to become more like Jesus every day.


More Like Jesus More Like Jesus Every Day – Hymn Lyric

More like Jesus, more like Jesus,
Every day I long to be,
Bending low in -contrition,
Savior, hear my -petition,
Make me more and more like Thee.

More and more, more and more,
More and more like Jesus;
Every day, every day,
More and more like Jesus.

More like Jesus, more like Jesus,
Safe with Him, my all shall be,
Oh, the gladness of abiding
In the safety of the hiding,
Jesus, living more like Thee.


More like Jesus, more like Jesus,
Evermore I hope to be,
thro’ this whole life going,
Then thro’ ‘nly ages growing,
Jesus, more and more like Thee.



Meaning of More Like Jesus More Like Jesus Every Day

In life, we often encounter different role models who inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves. Whether it’s a parent, teacher, or even a celebrity, we look up to these individuals and strive to emulate their qualities and characteristics. However, there is one role model who surpasses them all – Jesus.

The hymn titled “More Like Jesus” beautifully illustrates our longing to embody the attributes and values of Jesus Christ. It speaks of our desire to be humble, compassionate, and righteous, just like Him. Each verse of the hymn echoes this sentiment, reminding us of the unwavering goal we have set for ourselves – to become more like Jesus every day.

When we think of Jesus, we are reminded of His selfless love and willingness to serve others. He always put the needs of others before His own, showing us the importance of empathy and compassion. As we strive to be more like Jesus, we too should seek opportunities to lend a helping hand and make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the continuous nature of our transformation. Becoming more like Jesus is not a one-time achievement but a lifelong journey. Every day brings new opportunities for growth, and as we embrace them, we become closer to our goal of being like Him. It is through consistent effort and a genuine desire to change that we can truly become more like Jesus.

In the second verse, the hymn speaks of the safety and joy we find in abiding with Jesus. When we live according to His teachings and principles, we experience a deep sense of security and peace. It is in surrendering ourselves to His will that we discover true happiness and contentment.

While striving to be more like Jesus, we must also remember that we are human and prone to making mistakes. However, it is through these shortcomings that we learn and grow. Like a child learning to walk, we may stumble and fall along the way, but we must always be willing to get back up and persevere.

The final verse of the hymn offers a glimpse into the eternal perspective of being more like Jesus. As we continue on our journey through this earthly life, we are reminded that our growth does not stop here. We look forward to the heavenly ages, where we will continue to grow and become more like Jesus.

In order to become more like Jesus, it is essential to cultivate certain qualities and values that He embodied. One of these qualities is humility. Jesus consistently displayed humility, even though He was the Son of God. He washed the feet of His disciples, showing us the importance of serving others with humility and grace.

Another attribute we should strive to develop is kindness. Jesus was known for His compassion and generosity towards others. He reached out to the marginalized, the outcasts, and showed them love and compassion. By following His example, we can create a more inclusive and understanding .

Patience is yet another virtue associated with Jesus. Throughout His ministry, He exhibited patience and understanding, even in the face of adversity. As we strive to be more like Him, we must practice patience with ourselves and others, allowing room for growth and learning.

Lastly, we must cultivate a of forgiveness, just as Jesus did. He forgave those who wronged Him, even as He hung on the cross. By forgiving others, we free ourselves from the burden of resentment and allow room for healing and reconciliation.

In conclusion, the hymn “More Like Jesus” encapsulates the longing we have to become more like Jesus every day. It serves as a reminder of the qualities and values we should strive to emulate in our lives – humility, compassion, patience, and forgiveness. As we embark on this journey of transformation, let us remember that becoming more like Jesus is a continuous process, one that requires perseverance, self-reflection, and a genuine desire to change. May we embrace each day as an opportunity to grow and become more like Him, spreading His love and light to all those we encounter.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Striving to be more like Jesus every day is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation. Embrace humility, compassion, patience, and forgiveness to embody His qualities and make a positive impact on the world.
More Like Jesus More Like Jesus Every Day - Hymn Lyric - Striving to be more like Jesus every day is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation. Embrace humility, compassion, patience, and forgiveness to embody His qualities and make a positive impact on the world.