Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound message behind "Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling" hymn

Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling – Hymn Lyric

A Little Child Smiling” is a hymn that reminds us of the boundless love Jesus has for . The lyrics paint a picture of a child’s innocence and joy, emphasizing how Jesus welcomes them with open arms. This hymn encourages us to create nurturing environments where children can thrive and become beacons of light in the world.


Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling – Hymn Lyric

Jesus loves a little child,
Smiling in its childish glee;
Says of such in accents mild,
“Let them to me.”

Let them come, forbid them not,
They will sing around the throne;
Millions now are singing there,
Millions more may come.

In the blessed Sunday school,
They are taught to fear the ;
Here they find his holy way,
Learn to love his word.

Armed with this they may go forth,
Triumph over ev’ry foe,
Spreading joy o’er all the earth,
Soothing human woe.

When life’s toilsome is done,
When the stormy is o’er,
Then around his shining throne,
On the blissful shore,

Shall his happy children meet,
Sing and shout, their suff’rings o’er,
Cast their crowns at Jesus’ feet,
Praise him evermore.


Meaning of Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling

Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling: Embracing the Love and Joy of Childhood

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the boundless love that Jesus has for each and every child. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a child’s innocence and joy, and emphasize the open arms with which Jesus welcomes them. Let us explore the profound message behind these words and reflect on how we can apply them in our lives.

The opening verse captures the essence of a child’s purity and happiness. Jesus loves a little child, with all their imperfections and youthful energy. Their smiles and are a reflection of the joy that Jesus wishes for us all. The gentle way in which the hymn describes Jesus inviting them to come, implies his compassion and desire to nurture their innocent souls.

The second verse introduces the concept of the Sunday school, where children are taught to fear the Lord and embrace his holy ways. Sunday school plays a crucial role in providing a nurturing environment for children to grow in their faith and develop a love for God’s word. It is here that they lay the foundation for a strong spiritual journey, enabling them to face the challenges of life with the knowledge that God is with them.

It is not just within the walls of the Sunday school that children’s faith is strengthened. With the armor of God’s teachings, they are empowered to go forth and triumph over any obstacles that come their way. The hymn suggests that they become beacons of joy, spreading happiness and to those around them. Despite their young age, children have the ability to comfort and relief to others, acting as agents of God’s love in a broken world.

As the hymn nears its ending, it paints a beautiful picture of the reward awaiting God’s faithful children. When their earthly toil is over, they will meet Jesus in his glorious kingdom. Here they will sing and shout, rejoicing in their deliverance from suffering. The mention of casting their crowns at Jesus’ feet symbolizes their recognition of his majesty and the eternal gratitude they feel towards him.

Reflecting on the message of this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of cherishing childhood and promoting a nurturing environment for the young ones in our lives. Jesus, in his infinite love, embraces the innocence and vulnerability of children, showing us all how to be compassionate and accepting towards them.

As parents, teachers, and mentors, we have a responsibility to foster an atmosphere where children can thrive, grow in their faith, and develop into confident individuals. Whether through Sunday school, family devotionals, or simply being present to listen and guide, we can help them understand the love that Jesus has for them.

Furthermore, the hymn challenges us to look beyond the limitations we may perceive in children and recognize their potential to be positive agents of change in the world. Although young, they possess an innate ability to bring light into dark places, to uplift others, and to inspire hope.

In a society that often values achievement and success above all else, this hymn redirects our attention towards what truly matters. It reminds us of the significance of genuine happiness, heartfelt smiles, and the boundless love that Jesus offers to each and every child.

In conclusion, “Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling” serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and importance of childhood. It teaches us to embrace the love and joy that young ones bring into our lives and encourages us to create nurturing environments where they can thrive. Let us strive to be like Jesus, welcoming and cherishing the little children with open arms, as we seek to empower them to become beacons of light in a world that often needs it the most.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound message behind Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling hymn, embracing the love and joy of childhood. Reflect on the boundless love Jesus has for each child and learn how to create nurturing environments for them to thrive.
Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound message behind "Jesus Loves A Little Child Smiling" hymn, embracing the love and joy of childhood. Reflect on the boundless love Jesus has for each child and learn how to create nurturing environments for them to thrive.