Yes There Is Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "Yes

Yes There Is Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In this titled “Yes, There Is Room For Jesus,” we are reminded that there is space for Jesus in our hearts and lives. It emphasizes the idea that Jesus is a loving and forgiving Savior who is always waiting for us to open our hearts to Him. The hymn invites Jesus to enter our lives and new life and peace, acknowledging His power over and pain.


Yes There Is Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Yes, there is room for Jesus
Within this contrite heart;
Dear Savior, wait no longer,
But grace divine impart.

Room, O blessed Savior,
In my poor wand’ring heart;
Come in and reign forever,
New life and peace impart.

Yes, there is room for Jesus-
The Guest of ‘nly birth;
His life He a ransom
For all the sons of earth.


Yes, there is room for Jesus,
Oh, enter, , and reign;
The King and mighty Conqueror,
O’er death and sin and pain.


I’ll aloud the praises
Of Him who saves from doom;
Dear Lord, thro’ coming ages,
My heart shall give room.



Meaning of Yes There Is Room For Jesus

In this hymn, titled “Yes, There Is Room For Jesus,” we are reminded that there is space for Jesus in our hearts and lives. The hymn speaks to the idea that Jesus is a loving and forgiving Savior who is always waiting for us to open our hearts to Him.

The first verse of the hymn emphasizes the notion that there is room for Jesus within each contrite heart. The word “contrite” means feeling remorse or deep regret for having done wrong. This suggests that the hymn is addressing individuals who may be burdened by their sins or feeling remorseful for their past actions. The hymn encourages these individuals to accept Jesus into their hearts and asks for Him to bestow divine grace upon them.

The refrain of the hymn serves as a call to Jesus to come and reign in our hearts forever. It is a plea for Him to enter our lives and bring new life and peace. By using the phrase “poor wandering heart,” the hymn acknowledges that we may have strayed from the path of righteousness or may be lost in our own thoughts and actions. However, it affirms that there is always room for Jesus to guide us back on track.

The second verse of the hymn underscores the significance of Jesus’s life as a ransom for all humanity. It refers to Jesus as the “Guest of heavenly birth,” acknowledging His divine origins. The hymn reminds us that Jesus sacrificed His own life to save us from eternal damnation. This verse serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’s selflessness and love for humanity.

In the third verse, the hymn invites Jesus to enter our hearts and reign as the King and mighty Conqueror. It acknowledges that Jesus has power over death, sin, and pain. This verse highlights Jesus’s ability to bring healing and restoration into our lives by conquering the things that bring us suffering.

The final verse of the hymn expresses the to sing praises to Jesus and give Him room in our hearts throughout the coming ages. It signifies a commitment to continue worshiping and serving Jesus for a lifetime, recognizing His presence and love.

Overall, the hymn “Yes, There Is Room For Jesus” speaks to the universal need for Jesus’s presence in our lives. It serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or burdened we may feel, there is always room for Jesus to bring healing, peace, and forgiveness. With its heartfelt words and uplifting melody, it encourages individuals to invite Jesus into their hearts and allow Him to reign as their Savior and King.

As individuals, we can reflect on the message of this hymn and consider how we can make room for Jesus in our own lives. We can begin by acknowledging our flaws and seeking forgiveness for our wrongdoings. We can invite Jesus to enter our hearts and guide us on the path of righteousness. By doing so, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of Jesus’s love and grace.

In conclusion, “Yes, There Is Room For Jesus” encapsulates the idea that Jesus is always ready and willing to enter our lives if we open our hearts to Him. This hymn offers hope and encouragement, reminding us that Jesus’s love and forgiveness are boundless. It calls us to make room for Jesus in our lives and to allow Him to reign as our King and Savior. Let us rejoice in the assurance that there is always room for Jesus in our hearts, and may we continually seek His presence and guidance in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hymn Yes, There Is Room For Jesus and learn about the importance of inviting Jesus into our hearts and lives. Find hope, forgiveness, and guidance in His love.
Yes There Is Room For Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the hymn "Yes, There Is Room For Jesus" and learn about the importance of inviting Jesus into our hearts and lives. Find hope, forgiveness, and guidance in His love.