March On My Soul With Strength – Hymn Lyric

March On My Soul With Strength: A Journey Through Faith - March forward with strength

March On My Soul With Strength – Hymn Lyric

“March On My With Strength” is a hymn that encourages us to face our fears and challenges with courage and determination. It reminds us to rely on a higher power for strength and guidance, and to never give up on our . Through perseverance and trust in , we can overcome any obstacle and ultimately receive the crown of life.


March On My Soul With Strength – Hymn Lyric

March on, my soul, with strength,
march forward, void of fear;
he who has led will lead, through each succeeding ;
and as you journey on your way, his hand shall hold you day by day.

March on, my soul, with strength,
in ease you dare not dwell;
your Master calls you ; then up, and serve him well!
Take up your cross, take up your sword, and fight the battles of your !

March on, my soul, with strength,
with strength, but not your own;
the conquest you shall gain, through Christ your Lord alone;
his shall power your feeble arm, his preserve you safe from harm.

March on, my soul, with strength,
from strength to strength march on;
warfare shall end at length, all foes be overthrown.
And then, my soul, if faithful now, the crown of life awaits your brow.


Meaning of March On My Soul With Strength

March On My Soul With Strength: A Journey Through Faith

In life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that can make us feel weak and afraid. But this hymn reminds us to march on with strength, to face our fears head-on, knowing that we are not alone. With each passing year, we are guided and supported by a higher power, who leads us on our journey and holds our hand every step of the way.

It is easy to get complacent and comfortable in life, but this hymn urges us to never settle for mediocrity. Our Master calls us forth to serve Him well, and we are reminded to take up our cross and our sword, ready to fight the battles of our Lord. This means being willing to stand up for our beliefs, to defend what is right, and to be a force for good in the .

But as we embark on this mission, we are reminded that our strength does not come from ourselves alone. It is through Christ our Lord that we can conquer any obstacle, overcome any weakness, and achieve victory. His grace empowers our feeble arms, providing us with the strength we need to face life’s challenges. And His love serves as a shield, protecting us from harm and guiding us safely through the storms of life.

As we continue to march on, we are encouraged to go from strength to strength. This means that our journey of faith is not a stagnant one, but rather a continuous process of growth and development. We are called to keep pushing forward, to keep striving for greatness, knowing that the warfare we face will eventually come to an end and that all our foes will be overthrown.

But the journey does not end there. If we remain faithful in our service to God, if we continue to march on with strength and determination, then the crown of life awaits us. It is a symbol of victory, a reward for our faithfulness, and a testament to our perseverance.

So, my soul, let us heed the call of this hymn. Let us march on with strength, not allowing fear or doubt to hold us back. Let us take up our cross and our sword, ready to defend our beliefs and fight for what we know is right. And let us remember that we do not march alone but alongside a higher power who leads, guides, and strengthens us every step of the way.

In conclusion, “March On My Soul With Strength” serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance, faith, and reliance on a higher power. It encourages us to keep moving forward, to face life’s challenges with strength and courage, and to trust that we are never alone in our journey. So, let us march on, my soul, with strength, knowing that if we remain faithful, the crown of life awaits us at the end of the road.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image March On My Soul With Strength: A Journey Through Faith - March forward with strength, facing fears, guided by a higher power. Take up your cross, fight for your beliefs, and rely on Christ's grace for victory. Keep marching on, knowing the crown of life awaits.
March On My Soul With Strength - Hymn Lyric - March On My Soul With Strength: A Journey Through Faith - March forward with strength, facing fears, guided by a higher power. Take up your cross, fight for your beliefs, and rely on Christ's grace for victory. Keep marching on, knowing the crown of life awaits.