Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine – Hymn Lyric

Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine: Discover the Power of Clinging to His Hand. Trust

Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine – Hymn Lyric

Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine: Clinging to the Hand of Jesus “Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine” is a hymn that emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus, obeying His commands, and spreading His love to others. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the power and that comes from clinging to the hand of Jesus. In our journey through life, let us turn to Jesus for guidance and support, knowing that He will lead us on paths that are divine.


Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine – Hymn Lyric

Take, blessed Jesus, my hand in Thine,
Lead me, O lead me in paths divine;
Thine be the glory, the mine,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Clinging, clinging,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus,
Glory Thine,
Blessing mine,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Teach me to walk in the King’s highway,
Teach me, O Lord, commands t’obey;
Teach me to trust Thee from day to day,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Clinging, clinging,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus,
Ev’ry day,
I obey,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Teach me, O Lord, precious to win,
Teach me to lead them from paths of sin;
Show them the way, bid them enter in,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Clinging, clinging,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus,
Souls to sin,
Cleansed from sin,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

When all the labors of earth are past,
Then shall I enter the heav’nly rest,
Happy and safe in my home at last,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.

Clinging, clinging,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus,
Danger past,
Home at last,
Clinging to the hand of Jesus.


Meaning of Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine

Take Blessed Jesus: The Power of Clinging to His Hand

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves in need of guidance and support. We long for someone to lead us in the right direction, to show us the way to a blessed and fulfilled life. It is in these moments that we turn to our Savior, Jesus , and ask Him to take our hand and lead us on paths that are divine.

The hymn “Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine” beautifully captures the essence of this longing. It reminds us of the power and glory that comes from clinging to the hand of Jesus. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we will explore the importance of trusting in Jesus, obeying His commands, and spreading His love to others.

The first verse urges us to offer our hand to Jesus and let Him lead us in paths divine. Just as a trusts their parent’s guidance, we are called to trust Jesus in every area of our lives. He knows the way and will never lead us astray. When we choose to cling to His hand, we invite His glory and blessings in our lives.

Trusting in Jesus is not a one-time decision but a daily commitment. The second verse emphasizes the importance of obeying His commands and learning to walk in the King’s highway. Just as a student listens attentively to a teacher’s instructions, we must be to listen and follow the teachings of Jesus. By doing so, we grow closer to Him and deepen our trust in His guidance.

As we continue to cling to the hand of Jesus, we are called to share His love and salvation with others. The third verse urges us to learn how to lead precious souls away from paths of sin and show them the way to Jesus. We are meant to be a of and light in a world full of darkness. By clinging to the hand of Jesus, we are equipped with the strength and compassion needed to guide others towards Him.

When our earthly journey comes to an end, we can find solace in the final verse of the hymn. It assures us that after all the toils and troubles of life, we will enter into a heavenly rest. It describes the joy and safety we will experience in our eternal home, as we continue to cling to the hand of Jesus. It is a reminder that no matter what challenges we face in this world, ultimate and happiness await us in the embrace of our Savior.

In conclusion, “Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine” is a hymn that calls us to trust in Jesus, obey His commands, and spread His love to others. It reminds us of the power and glory that comes from clinging to His hand. As we navigate through the paths of life, let us remember the words of this hymn and find comfort in the fact that we are not alone. Jesus is always ready to take our hand and lead us towards a blessed and fulfilled life. May we never underestimate the strength and comfort that comes from simply clinging to the hand of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine: Discover the Power of Clinging to His Hand. Trust, obey, and spread His love as you journey towards a blessed and fulfilled life.
Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine - Hymn Lyric - Take Blessed Jesus My Hand In Thine: Discover the Power of Clinging to His Hand. Trust, obey, and spread His love as you journey towards a blessed and fulfilled life.