O God Be Merciful To Me – Hymn Lyric

Seeking refuge in God's love in times of trouble. "O God

O God Be Merciful To Me – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “O God, Be Merciful To Me,” the singer expresses a heartfelt plea for God’s mercy and protection. They seek refuge in God’s love, finding solace and reassurance in Him during times of trouble and distress. This hymn reminds us of the power and comfort that can be found in seeking refuge in God’s embrace.


O God Be Merciful To Me – Hymn Lyric

O God, be merciful to me,
My for refuge comes to Thee;
Beneath Thy wings I safe will stay
Until these troubles pass away.

To God most High shall rise my prayer,
To God Who makes my wants His care;
From heaven He will send,
And me from every foe defend.

Great foes and fierce my soul alarm,
Inflamed with rage and strong to harm,
But God, from heaven His dwelling-,
Will rescue me with truth and grace.

Be Thou, O God, exalted high,
Yea, far above the starry sky,
And let Thy be displayed
O’er all the earth Thy hands have made.

The Psalter: with responsive readings.


Meaning of O God Be Merciful To Me

O God, Be Merciful To Me: Seeking Refuge in God’s Love

In times of trouble and distress, we often find ourselves turning to someone for help and support. We long for a place of safety where we can find solace and reassurance. In the hymn “O God, be merciful to me,” we see the expression of a heartfelt plea for God’s mercy and protection. This hymn beautifully reminds us of the power of seeking refuge in God’s love.

The hymn begins with the singer acknowledging their need for God’s mercy. They seek refuge in Him, recognizing that underneath His wings they will find safety amidst their troubles. This imagery paints a picture of a vulnerable bird seeking shelter from a storm, finding comfort and protection beneath the wings of its loving parent. Just like that bird, we too can find solace in God’s arms during our most difficult times.

The singer’s prayer rises up to God most High, confident in His ability and willingness to care for their wants. They trust that God will not only hear their prayer but also send salvation from heaven. It is a reminder of the unwavering faith that we can place in God, knowing that He is always listening and eager to help us.

Despite the existence of great foes who want to harm the singer, they find assurance in God’s promise to rescue them with truth and grace. This promise reminds us that no matter how powerful or fierce our enemies may seem, God’s power and love are even greater. He is our ultimate protector, always ready to shield us from harm.

As the hymn continues, it exalts God, urging Him to be exalted high above the starry sky. This act of exaltation reflects the recognition of God’s greatness and . The singer’s desire is for God’s glory to be displayed not only in heaven but also throughout the earth, reminding us of the omnipotence of His creation. God’s hands have made everything around us, and it is only right that we acknowledge His glory in all aspects of our lives.

In a world filled with struggles and uncertainties, the hymn “O God, Be Merciful To Me” provides comfort and assurance. It reminds us that God is always there for us, ready to offer His refuge and protection. We can turn to Him in times of trouble, trusting in His unconditional love and mercy.

Seeking refuge in God’s love goes beyond just reciting or . It requires a genuine connection with Him, a desire to build a personal relationship. It means turning to Him not only during troubling times but also in moments of joy and gratitude. It is through this connection that we can fully experience the depth of God’s love and find solace in His arms.

When we seek refuge in God’s love, we are acknowledging our vulnerability and entrusting ourselves to His care. We are acknowledging that we cannot solve all our problems on our own and need His guidance. This act of surrender is not a sign of weakness but rather an acknowledgment of our humanity and a recognition of God’s power.

In conclusion, the hymn “O God, Be Merciful To Me” poetically expresses the for God’s mercy and refuge in times of trouble. It reminds us of the power and love that we can find in seeking refuge in God’s embrace. Let us take comfort in knowing that no matter what we face, we can find solace in His arms. May we always strive to acknowledge His greatness and display His glory in our lives. In seeking refuge in God’s love, we discover a sanctuary that surpasses all human understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seeking refuge in God's love in times of trouble. O God, Be Merciful To Me hymn expresses a heartfelt plea for mercy and protection. Find solace and reassurance in God's embrace.
O God Be Merciful To Me - Hymn Lyric - Seeking refuge in God's love in times of trouble. "O God, Be Merciful To Me" hymn expresses a heartfelt plea for mercy and protection. Find solace and reassurance in God's embrace.