Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went – Hymn Lyric

Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went: Embracing the Call to Be Messengers of God's Love. Follow in Jesus' footsteps and serve as messengers of love

Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went – Hymn Lyric

“Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went: Embracing the Call to Be Messengers of God’s Love” is a that encourages us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and share God’s love with others. We are reminded of our divine purpose to serve and make a difference in the world. By being loyal to God’s Word, seeking Christ’s will, and embracing His sacrifice, we can fulfill our purpose and glory to Christ the King.


Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went – Hymn Lyric

Go forth to serve, as Jesus went, to minister to men;
A messenger from heaven sent, to do His again.

There’s a new day ,
There’s a new day dawning,
Then arise, O of the light, arise and !
There’s a new day dawning,
There’s a new day dawning,
When the nations of the world shall Christ the King.

Be loyal to God’s Holy Word, delivered to the saints;
Hold fast the truth that you have heard against the world’s complaints.


Seek Christ, His will, His sacrifice, His blessed way to live;
Let self die out, Christ shall suffice, to Him your give.



Meaning of Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went

Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went: Embracing the Call to Be Messengers of God’s Love

In the hymn “Go Forth To Serve,” we are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and serve as messengers of God’s love to others. This beautiful hymn reminds us of the importance of living out our faith and sharing the message of Christ with the world.

As we go forth to serve, we are called to imitate Jesus, who came to minister to humanity. Just as Jesus was a messenger from heaven sent to do God’s work, we too are called to be ambassadors for Christ. We have a divine purpose to fulfill, and it is through our actions and words that we can make a difference in the lives of others.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us that there is a new day dawning. It symbolizes a fresh start and a world full of hope where people from all nations worship Christ the King. We have the incredible opportunity to play a part in this new day by embracing our call to serve. Our service is not limited to a particular time or place; it is a lifelong commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus and shining His light into the world.

Being loyal to God’s Holy Word is emphasized in the second verse. We are reminded to hold fast to the truth that has been delivered to us through scripture and to stand firm against the complaints of the world. In a society that often contradicts the teachings of Christ, it is important for us to remain rooted in our faith. This firm foundation enables us to discern truth from falsehoods and to be confident in our message as we go forth to serve.

Seeking Christ’s will and embracing His sacrifice is highlighted in the third verse. We are called to not only believe in Jesus but also to follow His example in daily life. This requires selflessness and a willingness to let go of our own desires and ambitions. By letting self die out, we create space for Christ to fill our hearts and guide our actions. As we surrender to His will, He equips us to be effective messengers of His love.

The title, “Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went,” encapsulates the central theme of the hymn. We are to serve as Jesus served, with humility, compassion, and selflessness. Jesus’ ministry was marked by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and showing unconditional love to all. Likewise, our service should be characterized by acts of kindness, generosity, and a genuine to meet the needs of others.

But how do we practically go forth to serve as Jesus went? It starts with recognizing the opportunities for service that exist within our own communities. Whether it is volunteering at a local shelter, assisting the elderly in our neighborhood, or simply being kind to those we encounter each day, there are countless ways we can make a difference. Service doesn’t always have to be grand gestures; sometimes the smallest acts of kindness can have the greatest impact.

Furthermore, we can serve as messengers of God’s love through our words. Sharing our faith with others and speaking about the transformative power of Jesus in our own lives can be a powerful witness. However, it is important to remember that our words must always be accompanied by actions. People are more likely to be drawn to Christ through our actions than through our words alone.

In conclusion, the hymn “Go Forth To Serve” reminds us of our call to be messengers of God’s love and to serve as Jesus served. The new day that is dawning represents a world transformed by the power of Christ, and we have the privilege of being a part of that transformation. By remaining loyal to God’s Word, seeking Christ’s will, and embracing His sacrifice, we can truly go forth to serve as Jesus went. Let us arise, O children of the light, and sing, as we fulfill our purpose to bring glory to Christ the King.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went: Embracing the Call to Be Messengers of God's Love. Follow in Jesus' footsteps and serve as messengers of love, fulfilling our purpose to bring glory to Christ the King.
Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went - Hymn Lyric - Go Forth To Serve As Jesus Went: Embracing the Call to Be Messengers of God's Love. Follow in Jesus' footsteps and serve as messengers of love, fulfilling our purpose to bring glory to Christ the King.