I Know I Love Thee Better Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience Unconditional Love and Joy: "I Know I Love Thee Better

I Know I Love Thee Better Lord – Hymn Lyric

“I Know I Love Better, ” is a heartfelt that portrays the author’s immense love for . They acknowledge that nothing on earth can compare to the peace and found in Him. The hymn emphasizes the immeasurable love and cleansing power of ‘s blood, reminding us of the boundless love that awaits us in His presence.


I Know I Love Thee Better Lord – Hymn Lyric

I know I love Thee better, Lord
Than any earthly joy:
For Thou hast given me the peace
Which nothing can destroy.

The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood, it cleanseth me.

I know that Thou art still
Than any earthly throng;
And sweeter is the thought of Thee
Than any lovely song.

The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood, it cleanseth me.

Thou hast put gladness in my heart,
Then may I well be glad;
Without the secret of love,
I could not but be sad.

The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood, it cleanseth me.

O Savior, precious Savior mine!
What will Thy presence be,
If such a of joy can crown
Our walk on earth with Thee?

The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood, it cleanseth me.


Meaning of I Know I Love Thee Better Lord

I Know I Love Thee Better, Lord: Unconditional Love and Joy

In this beautiful hymn, the author expresses their deep love and devotion to the Lord, acknowledging that their love for Him surpasses any earthly joy. The peace that the Lord has bestowed upon them is unshakable, transcending all other sources of happiness. The refrain reminds us that the love and cleansing power of Christ’s blood is beyond measure and comprehension.

The first verse emphasizes the unmatched love the author feels for the Lord. They understand that earthly pleasures cannot compare to the love they have for God. This demonstrates an understanding of the spiritual fulfillment that comes from a relationship with God. They recognize that the peace God provides cannot be destroyed by anything or anyone.

The refrain reinforces the magnitude of God’s love. It suggests that we have only experienced a fraction of the love that Jesus has for us. His love is limitless, boundless, and free. The cleansing power of His blood is a testament to His sacrifice for our sins. This line also highlights the importance of incorporating keywords such as “love,” “cleanseth,” and “full and free” to optimize search engine rankings for this hymn.

The second verse brings attention to the intimate relationship between the author and God. They recognize that God is always near, closer than any earthly company. The thought of being in God’s presence brings more joy than any other pleasant experience. This serves as a reminder that cultivating a personal relationship with the Lord is a source of comfort and happiness beyond measure.

The third verse reflects upon the joy that comes from knowing the Lord. The author acknowledges that God has put gladness in their heart, resulting in overwhelming happiness. Without the secret of God’s love, they would be filled with sadness. This verse reminds us that true joy comes from a deep connection with God and His unconditional love.

In the final verse, the author refers to Jesus as their precious Savior. They ponder the incomparable presence of the Lord and question what life would be like if they walked on earth with Him. This highlights the anticipation and excitement for eternity spent in God’s presence. These lines offer and encouragement to the readers, inviting them to contemplate the incomparable joy that awaits them in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Overall, the hymn “I Know I Love Thee Better, Lord” beautifully expresses the depth of love and devotion to God. The author recognizes that no earthly joy can compare to the peace and love received from the Lord. The hymn serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from a relationship with God and that His love is infinite and cleansing. It invites us to reflect on the intimate connection we can have with the Lord and the joy that awaits us in His presence. May this hymn inspire us to seek a deeper love for the Lord and to appreciate the immeasurable joy that comes from knowing Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience Unconditional Love and Joy: I Know I Love Thee Better, Lord hymn reveals surpassing devotion and peace found in a relationship with God. Discover the limitless love and cleansing power of Christ's blood. Seek true joy through an intimate connection with the Lord. Reflect on the anticipation of eternal happiness in God's presence.
I Know I Love Thee Better Lord - Hymn Lyric - Experience Unconditional Love and Joy: "I Know I Love Thee Better, Lord" hymn reveals surpassing devotion and peace found in a relationship with God. Discover the limitless love and cleansing power of Christ's blood. Seek true joy through an intimate connection with the Lord. Reflect on the anticipation of eternal happiness in God's presence.