Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away – Hymn Lyric

'Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away: Find Strength

Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis Jesus Calls My Soul : Finding Strength and Salvation in Experience the power of Jesus’ call to your soul as you explore the themes of obedience, healing, and faith in the hymn “Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away.” This hymn reminds us that when we trust in Jesus and answer his call, we can find solace, , and the promise of a glorious future in heaven. Through its heartfelt lyrics, this hymn showcases the transformative power of faith and the incredible rewards that await those who follow Jesus.


Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis Jesus calls my soul away,
I hear his voice and I obey;
For sure his wondrous power to save,
Strangely perfumes the wasting grave.

My weakness, weariness and pain,
My glorious leader can sustain,
To heal the wounds of and death
He bids me look to him by faith.

Faith like an anchor, through the veil,
Secures a hold that cannot fail;
There, through a Savior’s cleansing blood,
Beholds a reconciled God.

This tottering frame I feel give way,
My sight decays, I lose the day;
But sure I fell a power ,
And glories round me shine.

In love triumphing now I sing,
Death and the have lost their ting,
Adieu, corruption, sin and pain,
With Jesus now I live and reign.

O the bright glories of the ,
What radiant smiles from Jesu’s face
Too bright for mortal heart to bear
‘Tis heaven itself I see and hear.

Strangely inspired, I find my tongue
Can speak my feelings in my song,
And all the heavenly armies join,
To sing Messiah all divine.


Meaning of Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away

‘Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away: Finding Strength and Salvation in Faith

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt a calling deep within your soul? A feeling that someone greater than yourself was speaking directly to you, urging you to follow their path? In the hymn “Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away,” we are reminded of the incredible power and salvation that can be found in answering this call. Through the beautiful verses of this hymn, we explore the themes of obedience, healing, faith, and the glorious rewards that await us in heaven.

The hymn begins with the words, “‘Tis Jesus calls my soul away, I hear his voice and I obey.” These lines speak to the undeniable pull and influence of Jesus. Imagine hearing his voice, gentle yet commanding, beckoning you to come closer. When we trust in his guidance and heed his call, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of his love and salvation.

The next verses highlight the incredible ways in which Jesus can sustain us in our times of weakness, weariness, and pain. Like a mighty leader, he offers us strength and healing, even in the face of sin and death. By looking to Jesus with unwavering faith, we find solace and hope. It is through this faith that we are anchored, secure in our relationship with God. This imagery of faith as an anchor is both powerful and relatable to many.

As the hymn continues, it delves into the concept of reconciliation. Through Jesus’ cleansing blood, our sins are washed away, and we are brought into harmony with God. No longer weighed down by the burdens of corruption and sin, we can truly live and reign with Jesus. These verses remind us of the profound freedom and joy that comes from accepting Jesus into our hearts.

The hymn then takes a poignant turn, describing the physical deterioration that comes with old age or approaching death. However, even in this moment of decay, the speaker feels a divine power and witnesses heavenly glories. It showcases the eternal hope that Christians hold onto, knowing that this earthly life is only temporary. This verse is a beautiful testimony to the transformative power of faith and the assurance of a heavenly reward.

The hymn concludes with a powerful depiction of the glorious place that awaits believers in heaven. The bright glories and radiant smiles on Jesus’ face are beyond what mortal hearts can bear. It is a glimpse of heaven itself, a place where all pain, corruption, and sin are left behind. The singer, strangely inspired by this revelation, finds their voice and joins the heavenly armies in singing to the divine Messiah.

Through this hymn, we are reminded of the immense power and grace of Jesus. His call awakens something deep within us and leads us on a transformative journey of healing, faith, and salvation. Reflecting on these verses, we realize that it is through Jesus that we find strength to face our weaknesses, hope in the face of decay, and reassurance in the face of death. Moreover, we are encouraged to hold onto our faith, knowing that one day we will experience the unutterable joy of being in the presence of God in heaven.

In conclusion, “Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away” offers a beautiful expression of the transformative power of faith and the hope of salvation. Through its vivid imagery and heartfelt lyrics, it resonates with believers of all ages, connecting us to the eternal truths found in the faith. May this hymn inspire us to listen for Jesus’ call, trust in his healing power, and rejoice in the promise of a glorious future in his presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image 'Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away: Find Strength, Salvation & Hope in Jesus' Call. Explore the transformative power of faith, healing, and the rewards of heaven. Answer the call and find solace, hope, and joy in Jesus's love.
Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away - Hymn Lyric - 'Tis Jesus Calls My Soul Away: Find Strength, Salvation & Hope in Jesus' Call. Explore the transformative power of faith, healing, and the rewards of heaven. Answer the call and find solace, hope, and joy in Jesus's love.