In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest – Hymn Lyric

Resting in the arms of Jesus brings comfort and security. Find solace in his love and surrender your burdens. Trust in him for a peaceful and protected journey through life.

In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest – Hymn Lyric

In The Arms Of Jesus I Rest: Finding comfort and security in the embrace of Jesus. A hymn that beautifully expresses the longing for solace and the refuge we find in our faith. Resting in Jesus’ arms brings , as he shares our sorrows, lifts our spirits, and takes away our burdens, providing a safe haven in a chaotic .


In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest – Hymn Lyric

In the arms of Jesus I sweetly rest,
And my reposes upon his breast;
As a tender mother her child doth hold,
I am shelter’d in Jesus’ fold.

I am resting in Jesus’ arms,
And I fear not the world’s alarms;
Tho’ its storms assail me on ev’ry side,
In this refuge my soul shall hide.

In the arms of Jesus my cares depart,
For he shares my sorrow and cheers my heart;
All my heavy burdens he bears away,
For I take them to him each day.


In the arms of Jesus! ’twas divine
Made this blessed shelter of safety mine;
And I ask no sweeter abiding place
Than in Jesus’, my ‘s embrace.


In the arms of Jesus I’ll sleep in peace
When the cares and trials of earth-life cease;
He will bear me upward on wings of love,
To those mansions prepared above.



Meaning of In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest

In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest: Finding Comfort and Security

In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, finding a place of comfort and security is something everyone longs for. The hymn “In The Arms Of Jesus” beautifully expresses this longing and the solace we can find in our faith. Let’s delve deeper into these verses and explore the idea of resting in Jesus’ arms.

The hymn begins with the powerful image of finding rest in the arms of Jesus. Just like a tender mother holding her child, Jesus embraces us and provides a safe haven for our . This imagery brings to mind feelings of warmth, love, and protection. As we face the troubles and challenges of life, Jesus becomes our refuge, shielding us from the world’s alarms.

Resting in Jesus’ arms means finding solace and comfort in his presence. Our cares and worries dissipate as we them to him. Jesus not only shares our sorrows but also lifts our spirits, bringing cheer to our hearts. The heavy burdens that weigh us down are taken away, as we trust in him and bring them to him each day. This exchange of burdens for peace is a testament to his love and care for us.

The hymn emphasizes the divine love that has provided us with this blessed shelter of safety. Jesus’ love is unmatched, and it is this love that created a place of refuge for us. In this embrace, we find a sweet abiding place, where we can find solace, security, and a sense of belonging. There is no other place we would rather be than in the embrace of our Lord.

Resting in Jesus’ arms also brings us hope for the future. As we face the trials and tribulations of this earthly life, we can trust that Jesus will carry us through. The hymn speaks of sleeping in peace when the cares and trials of this world come to an end. In that moment, Jesus will uplift us on wings of love and bring us to the mansions he has prepared for us in heaven.

Finding rest in Jesus’ arms is not limited to a specific time or place. It is an ongoing, continuous process. It is a daily surrender of our worries, burdens, and fears to him. When we choose to trust in him and find our refuge in his embrace, we experience a peace that surpasses all understanding.

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, it can be challenging to find true rest and security. However, the hymn reminds us that it is possible to find solace in the arms of Jesus. It is in his presence that we can fearlessly face the storms of life, knowing that we are protected and loved.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, let us remember that resting in Jesus’ arms is not limited to a specific religious affiliation or denomination. It is a universal invitation extended to all who seek comfort and security in their faith. Whether we find solace through prayer, scripture, , or personal reflection, the important thing is to find that connection with Jesus and allow him to embrace us.

In conclusion, the hymn “In The Arms Of Jesus” beautifully captures the longing for solace and security that exists within us. It reminds us that in Jesus, we can find a place of rest, comfort, and protection. As we face the storms of life, let us remember to trust in his love and surrender our worries and burdens to him. May we all find peace and security in the arms of Jesus, as we journey through life’s challenges, knowing that we are cherished and cared for.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Resting in the arms of Jesus brings comfort and security. Find solace in his love and surrender your burdens. Trust in him for a peaceful and protected journey through life.
In The Arms Of Jesus I Sweetly Rest - Hymn Lyric - Resting in the arms of Jesus brings comfort and security. Find solace in his love and surrender your burdens. Trust in him for a peaceful and protected journey through life.