What A Friend We Have In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the peace and strength found in prayer with "What A Friend We Have In Jesus." Bring all your sins

What A Friend We Have In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “What a Friend We Have in ,” we learn about the incredible privilege and comfort of being able to all of our sins, griefs, troubles, and weaknesses to God in prayer. This hymn reminds us to not overlook the peace and solace that can be found in prayer, and to never be discouraged in the face of trials and temptations. It encourages us to lean on our friend, Jesus, who will bear all our burdens and provide the strength we need.


What A Friend We Have In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we


Meaning of What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What A Friend We Have In Jesus: Finding Peace and Strength Through Prayer

In this timeless hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” the author beautifully captures the incredible privilege and comfort we have in being able to bring all of our sins, griefs, troubles, and weaknesses to God in prayer. It is a reminder that, too often, we overlook the peace and solace that can be found in prayer, and as a result, we needlessly carry unnecessary burdens.

The verse begins by emphasizing the immeasurable value of having Jesus as our friend. Friends are people we trust, confide in, and rely on, and Jesus surpasses all other friends in His faithfulness and ability to bear our sins and griefs. What an incredible privilege it is to have a friend like Jesus, who is always there for us, ready to listen and support us!

The hymn then brings attention to the peace that we often forfeit and the pain we needlessly bear because we fail to bring everything to God in prayer. How many times have we found ourselves stressed, anxious, or burdened with worries, when we could have found solace and relief by simply taking our concerns to God? When we neglect to pray, we miss out on the opportunity to experience the peace that comes from surrendering our troubles to a loving and powerful God.

The author doesn’t shy from acknowledging the trials, temptations, and trouble we face in life. However, they encourage us never to be discouraged but to take everything to the Lord in prayer. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated when faced with difficulties, but the hymn reminds us that we have a faithful friend in Jesus who is willing to share our and weaknesses. He understands our struggles and wants us to come to Him with our troubles, knowing that He is more than capable of helping and comforting us.

Whether we are feeling weak and heavy laden, burdened with cares and worries, or facing the disappointment of being despised or forsaken by friends, the hymn reminds us to take it all to the Lord in prayer. Jesus is depicted as a precious , our refuge, who is always there to take us into His arms and shield us. In Him, we can find solace and comfort, knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.

The hymn continues by emphasizing the promise that Jesus has made to bear all our burdens. He invites us to continually bring everything to Him in earnest prayer, for He is willing and able to carry our every worry, fear, and trouble. How wonderful it is to know that we don’t have to face life’s challenges alone! We have a companion, a confidant, and a mighty Savior who is eager to help us carry our burdens and provide the strength we need.

The hymn also reminds us of the future glory that us in heaven, where there will be no more need for prayer. While prayer is a vital aspect of our relationship with God here on Earth, there will come a day when we will be in the presence of God, experiencing rapture, , and endless . In that bliss, all our struggles and sorrows will fade away, and we will fully realize the extent of the friendship we have with Jesus.

In conclusion, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” serves as a gentle reminder of the incredible privilege and comfort we have in being able to bring everything to God in prayer. It urges us not to overlook the peace and solace that prayer can bring, and to never be discouraged in the face of trials and temptations. Let us be encouraged to go to Jesus with our sins, griefs, troubles, weaknesses, and everything in between, for He is our faithful friend who will bear all our burdens. May we always remember the power of prayer and the unending support we have in our friendship with Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the peace and strength found in prayer with What A Friend We Have In Jesus. Bring all your sins, griefs, and troubles to God and find comfort in His faithful friendship. Never be discouraged, for Jesus will bear your burdens. Unlock the power of prayer today!
What A Friend We Have In Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the peace and strength found in prayer with "What A Friend We Have In Jesus." Bring all your sins, griefs, and troubles to God and find comfort in His faithful friendship. Never be discouraged, for Jesus will bear your burdens. Unlock the power of prayer today!