Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the profound significance of bread as a sacramental symbol in Christian faith. Explore the transformative power of communion with Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation. Join us in praise and adoration!" (159 characters)

Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Lord Our Salvation,” we the significance of bread as a symbol of Christ in faith. The hymn highlights the holiness of bread in the context of communion, representing Christ’s sacrifice and providing spiritual nourishment. It emphasizes the transformative power of the bread, its historical and theological significance, and invites believers to approach it with faith and adoration.


Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation – Hymn Lyric

Lord Christ Jesus, our salvation,
every sinner’s vindication,
gave us bread in his remembrance
as a sacrifice in semblance.

O that bread of yours, how holy,
which, Christ Jesus, you are solely!
Bread, a food so elemental,
yet supremely sacramental.

This is gift of sweetest savor,
feast bestowed by ‘s favor,
miracle and meal in union,
wondrous of our communion.

Hail, O form of made human,
who God’s unity illumine;
each takes pleasure in your being
who through eyes of faith is seeing.

No mere bread, but mediator –
God and man, our liberator
while on cross you hung suspended
till your life in flesh had ended.

Not enhanced by consecration,
unconsumed, without mutation,
parted not though bread be broken,
you bear godhood’s every token.

Worthy to be angels’ victual,
model for the saints’ committal,
you the New Law validated
whom the Old had intimated.

O most wholesome balm of healing,
all our debt to sins repealing,
feed us; set us free from evil;
lead us in your light primeval.

O what wonders you have rendered
who, O Christ, your self have tendered
through your symbols of redeeming,
wine and brad in likeness seeming.

Bread and wine convey your presence
as a mystery in essence.
Yours be praise and adoration
unto every generation! Amen.


Meaning of Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation

In our hymn, “Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation,” we celebrate the profound significance of bread as a sacramental symbol in Christian faith. This hymn beautifully expresses our gratitude for the gift of bread and its role in our communion with Christ.

Bread, although a simple and basic food, is elevated to a status of utmost holiness in the context of the Eucharist. It becomes a representation of Christ himself, a reminder of his sacrifice and a means of grace for believers. As we partake in the bread during communion, we are invited to remember and experience the presence of Christ in our lives.

The hymn highlights the duality of bread as both a physical sustenance and a spiritual nourishment. It acknowledges that bread is an essential part of our everyday lives, sustaining our bodies and fulfilling our hunger. Yet, when we approach the bread with faith and understanding, it takes on a sacramental significance that transcends its material form.

We are encouraged to recognize the divine nature of Christ as we consume the bread. The hymn refers to Jesus as the “form of God made human,” emphasizing his role as the bridge between God and humanity. Through his incarnation, Christ illuminates the unity of God’s nature and provides a pathway to salvation for .

The hymn also emphasizes the transformative power of the bread in communion. It recognizes that the consecration of the bread does not change its physical properties, but it becomes spiritually significant. Even though the bread may be broken, it remains whole in its representation of Christ’s divine nature. This reinforces the belief that Jesus, even in his brokenness on the cross, retained his godhood and continued to be our liberator.

Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges the influence of the Old Law, as represented by the bread in the Old Testament, which foreshadowed the coming of Christ. The bread of the Eucharist is seen as the fulfillment of the Old Law, validating the New Law established by Christ. This highlights the continuity and unity of God’s plan of redemption throughout history.

The hymn is a plea for the spiritual sustenance that the bread of communion provides. It recognizes that in consuming the bread, we are nourished not only physically but also spiritually. It acknowledges the transformative power of this spiritual food, allowing us to be set free from the bondage of and led into the light of Christ’s love.

The hymn also recognizes the mystery inherent in the presence of Christ in the bread and wine of communion. It acknowledges that, although we may not fully comprehend the depth of this sacrament, we can still experience the profound grace and love of Christ through it. The bread and wine become instruments through which Christ’s presence is made available to us, inviting us into a deeper communion with him.

Ultimately, the hymn concludes with a call for praise and adoration of Christ throughout all generations. It recognizes the everlasting significance of the bread in our worship and emphasizes the ongoing importance of communion in our Christian faith.

In conclusion, the hymn “Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation” beautifully encapsulates the sacred nature of bread in Christian worship. It emphasizes the dual role of bread as a physical sustenance and a spiritual symbol, highlighting its significance in our communion with Christ. Through its lyrics, the hymn invites believers to recognize the transformative power of the bread, to appreciate its historical and theological significance, and to approach it with faith, gratitude, and adoration.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound significance of bread as a sacramental symbol in Christian faith. Explore the transformative power of communion with Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation. Join us in praise and adoration! (159 characters)
Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the profound significance of bread as a sacramental symbol in Christian faith. Explore the transformative power of communion with Lord Christ Jesus Our Salvation. Join us in praise and adoration!" (159 characters)