Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate God's presence in your life with "Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love" hymn. Experience His guidance

Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love – Hymn Lyric

“Hail Source Of And Love: A Celebration of God’s Presence in Our Lives” is a hymn that celebrates the awe-inspiring qualities of God and encourages us to rejoice in His presence. Through its poetic verses, the hymn highlights God as the source of light, life, and love, guiding and sustaining us each day. Let us join in singing this anthem and embrace the comfort of knowing that God reigns in our lives.


Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love – Hymn Lyric

Hail! Source of light, of life, and love,
And joys that never end;
In whom all creatures live and move:
Creator, Father, .

All space is with thy presence crowned;
Creation owns thy care;
Each spot in nature’s ample round
Proclaims that God is there.

Attuned to praise be every voice;
Let not one be sad:
Jehovah reigns! let earth rejoice;
Let all the isles be glad.

Then sound the anthem loud and long,
In sweetest, loftiest strains;
And be the of the song,
The , Jehovah, reigns!


Meaning of Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love

Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love: A Celebration of God’s Presence in Our Lives

In the hymn “Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love,” we are reminded of the awe-inspiring qualities of God. This uplifting hymn not only proclaims the greatness of God but also urges us to rejoice in His presence. Through its poetic verses, this hymn highlights three main aspects of God – light, life, and love. Let us explore each of these aspects and understand how they enrich our lives.

Firstly, the hymn describes God as the source of light. Light illuminates our surroundings, bringing clarity and banishing darkness. Similarly, God’s light provides wisdom and guidance in our lives. Just as a lighthouse guides ships safely to shore, God’s light guides us through the storms of life, helping us navigate the sometimes confusing and challenging world we live in.

Whether it’s a difficult decision we need to make or a time of despair, God’s light shines upon us, showing us the way forward. In moments of darkness, God’s light provides us with hope and helps us find our footing once again. It is this light that reminds us that we are never alone, and that God is always with us, guiding us along our journey.

Secondly, the hymn acknowledges God as the source of life. Life is a gift bestowed upon us by our Creator, and every living creature bears the mark of His craftsmanship. From the tiniest insect to the tallest tree, God’s touch is visible in the intricate details of nature. The hymn says, “In whom all creatures live and move.” It reminds us that every breath we take is sustained by God’s life-giving power.

When we pause to appreciate the beauty of nature, we witness God’s abundant blessings all around us. The vibrant colors of a sunrise, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, and the songs of birds all declare the wondrous gift of life. In times of joy and in moments of sorrow, it is essential to remember that the same God who created life is also actively working in our lives, nurturing and sustaining us.

Lastly, the hymn presents God as the embodiment of love. Love is the universal language that transcends all barriers. It is God’s love that binds us together as a global family. Just as a caring father looks out for his , God loves us unconditionally. His love knows no limits, and it flows abundantly towards each and every one of His creations.

God’s love is not only seen in moments of happiness but also in times of pain and struggle. When we feel burdened by life’s challenges, God’s love is there to comfort us and give us strength. It is through His love that we find solace and . As the hymn declares, “Each spot in nature’s ample round proclaims that God is there.” Nature, with its awe-inspiring beauty, serves as a reminder of God’s boundless love for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love” encourages us to God’s presence in our lives. Through its poetic verses, it brings to light the qualities of God that make Him our Creator, Father, and Friend. The hymn reminds us to rejoice in His light, seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives, and be aware of His constant presence.

God’s light illuminates our , His life sustains us, and His love binds us together. By embracing these beliefs, we can find comfort in knowing that we are never alone. So let us join in singing this anthem loud and long. Let our voices unite in glorifying God and proclaiming, “The Lord, Jehovah, reigns!” May our hearts be filled with for the source of light, life, and love that guides us every day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate God's presence in your life with Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love hymn. Experience His guidance, sustenance, and boundless love in this uplifting anthem. Rejoice in His reign!
Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate God's presence in your life with "Hail Source Of Light Of Life And Love" hymn. Experience His guidance, sustenance, and boundless love in this uplifting anthem. Rejoice in His reign!