A Story Most Lovely Ill Tell – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beautiful and sacrificial story of Jesus for sinners in "A Story Most Lovely." Explore His boundless compassion and grace that led Him to suffer and redeem humanity. Unveil the depth of His love and the hope it brings.

A Story Most Lovely Ill Tell – Hymn Lyric

A Story Most Lovely: The Sacrifice of for SinnersIn the hymn “A Story Most Lovely,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for sinners like us. It tells the tale of Jesus leaving His exalted abode in to come down to Earth and suffer the torments of Hell, all so that sinners could and be redeemed. This story of boundless compassion and is truly remarkable and deserves to be explored further.


A Story Most Lovely Ill Tell – Hymn Lyric

A story most lovely I’ll tell,
Of Jesus (O wondrous surprise!)
He suffered the torments of hell,
That sinners, vile sinners might rise:

He left his exalted abode,
When man by transgression was lost;
Appeasing the wrath of a God,
He shed forth his blood as the cost.

O, did my dear Jesus thus bleed,
And pity a ruined lost race!
O, whence did such mercy proceed,
Such boundless compassion and grace!

His body bore anguish and pain,
His ‘most sunk with the load;
A short time before he was slain,
His sweat was as great drops of blood.

O, was it for crimes I had done,
The Savior was hailed with a kiss!
By Judas the traitor alone;
Was ever compassion like this?

The ruffians all joined in a band,
Confined him and led him away,
The cords wrapped around his sweet hands,
O sinner! look at him I pray.

To Pilate’s stone pillar when led,
His body was lashed with whips:
It never by any was said,
A railing word dropped from his lips:

They made him a crown out of thorns;
The smote him and did him abuse;
The clothed him with crimson, in scorn,
And hailed him, the King of the Jews.

And drove him up Calvary’s hill;
Come, mourners, a moment and pause,
All nature looked solemn and still!
They rushed the nails through his hands,

Transfixed and tortured his feet;
O brethren, see passive he stands;
To look at the sight it is great!

He cried, My Father, my God,
Forsaken! thou’st left me in pain!
The was all colored with blood,
The temple vail bursted in twain:

He groaned his last and he died,
The sun it refused to shine;
They rushed the spear in his side;
This lovely Redeemer is mine.

He fought the hard battle, and won
The victory, and gives it most free:
O Christians! look forward and run,
In hopes that his kingdom you’ll see;

When he in the clouds shall appear,
With angels all at his command,
And thousands of Christians be there,
All with harps in a band.

How pleasant an happy the view!
Enjoying such beams of delight!
His beauty to Christians he’ll show,
O Jesus, I long for the sight!

I long to mount up in the skies,
In make my abode,
And sing of salvation on high,
And rest with a pacified God.


Meaning of A Story Most Lovely Ill Tell

A Story Most Lovely: The Sacrifice of Jesus for Sinners

In the hymn “A Story Most Lovely,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for sinners like us. It tells the tale of Jesus leaving His exalted abode in Heaven to come down to Earth and suffer the torments of Hell, all so that sinners could rise and be redeemed. This story of boundless compassion and grace is truly remarkable and deserves to be explored further.

The hymn begins by painting a vivid picture of Jesus’ sacrifice. It emphasizes the astonishing fact that Jesus willingly left His heavenly home to come to Earth, knowing that humanity had been lost through their transgressions. He shed His blood as the cost to reconcile man with God, appeasing God’s wrath. The hymn prompts us to reflect on the immense love and mercy that Jesus displayed by taking on our sins and enduring such sufferings.

As we delve deeper into the hymn, we are confronted with the question of why Jesus would be willing to suffer and bleed for sinful humanity. The hymn suggests that Jesus’ sacrifice was fueled by His boundless compassion and the greatness of His mercy. It highlights the magnitude of the Savior’s love, giving us a glimpse into the character of Jesus and the lengths He was willing to go to save us.

The hymn then describes the physical anguish and emotional torment that Jesus endured during His crucifixion. It speaks of Jesus’ sweat being as great drops of blood, indicating the intense anguish He felt. Jesus’ body was lashed with whips, a crown of thorns pressed upon His head, and He was taunted and abused. The hymn invites us to reflect on the incredible strength and resilience displayed by Jesus, who remained calm and silent despite the pain He experienced.

The hymn also highlights the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, coupling it with the idea of compassion. It prompts us to consider the paradoxical nature of Jesus’ response to His betrayer. Despite being fully aware of Judas’ intentions, Jesus allowed Himself to be handed over to those who would crucify Him. This act of compassion stands as a profound example for us to follow, reminding us that forgiveness and love can triumph over betrayal and hurt.

Additionally, the hymn emphasizes the emotional weight of Jesus’ journey to the cross. Jesus’ walk up Calvary’s hill is described with solemnity, and the hymn beckons sinners to look upon Jesus and ponder the significance of His sacrifice. The imagery of the nails being driven through His hands and feet calls us to the excruciating pain that He endured, all because of His unwavering love for us.

In the moment of Jesus’ crucifixion, the hymn portrays a gut-wrenching scene. Jesus cries out to His Father, feeling forsaken and left in pain. The cross is stained with His blood, and the temple veil is torn in two, symbolizing the end of separation between God and humanity. This pivotal moment is an invitation for us to recognize and appreciate the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice, as well as the power and significance of His death on the cross.

The hymn concludes by celebrating the victory that Jesus achieved through His sacrifice. It reminds Christians to eagerly anticipate the day when Jesus will return in glory. The hymn paints a beautiful image of Jesus appearing in the clouds with angels by His side, surrounded by a multitude of believers singing praises with harps in hand. Such a vision resonates with our deepest desires as Christians, longing for the day when we will be in the presence of our Savior and experience ultimate joy and rest.

In conclusion, “A Story Most Lovely” encapsulates the remarkable sacrifice of Jesus for sinners. It invites us to reflect on the immeasurable depth of His love and mercy, which led Him to suffer and die for our redemption. This hymn serves as a poignant reminder of the incredible significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and the we have in His victorious return. May we always cherish and share this story most lovely.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful and sacrificial story of Jesus for sinners in A Story Most Lovely. Explore His boundless compassion and grace that led Him to suffer and redeem humanity. Unveil the depth of His love and the hope it brings.
A Story Most Lovely Ill Tell - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beautiful and sacrificial story of Jesus for sinners in "A Story Most Lovely." Explore His boundless compassion and grace that led Him to suffer and redeem humanity. Unveil the depth of His love and the hope it brings.