Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light Jesus I Come to Three – Hymn Lyric

Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light: Jesus

Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light Jesus I Come to Three – Hymn Lyric

Out Of My Into Thy Light: Jesus, I to In times of darkness and despair, we find solace and in Jesus. The hymn “Out of My Darkness Into Thy Light” beautifully depicts the transformative power of Jesus, offering peace, , and love to guide us out of our darkness and into the light. With unwavering commitment, we come to Jesus, seeking refuge and finding in his arms.


Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light Jesus I Come to Three – Hymn Lyric

Out of my darkness into Thy light,
Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my weakness into Thy might,
Jesus, I come to Thee!

who restorest sight to the blind,
Thou who art ever wondrously kind,
Rest from my load of to find,
Jesus, I come to Thee.

Jesus, I come to Thee,
Jesus, I come to Thee!
From Thy Safe keeping to never more stray,
Jesus, I come to Thee!

Out of my starving into Thy wealth,
Jesus, I come to Thee!
Out of my sickness into Thy health,
Jesus, I come to Thee!

All we can ask Thou freely dost give,
Biddest the , in dying, to live;
Pardon and grace from Thee to receive,
Jesus, I come to Thee. [Chorus]

Out of my sorrow into Thy peace,
Jesus, I come to Thee!
Knowing my joy will daily increase,
Jesus, I come to Thee!

Out of my toiling into Thy rest,
Here with Thy saints securely I’m blest,
With Thy great gift so richly possessed,
Jesus, I come to Thee. [Chorus]


Meaning of Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light Jesus I Come to Three

Out of My Darkness Into Thy Light: Jesus, I Come to Thee

In times of darkness and despair, we often find ourselves searching for a glimmer of hope, a guiding light to lead us out of the shadows. It is during these moments of vulnerability that we turn to a higher power, seeking solace and salvation. The hymn “Out of My Darkness Into Thy Light” beautifully encapsulates this sentiment, reminding us of the unwavering love and compassion of Jesus.

The first verse of this hymn speaks of the journey from darkness to light, from weakness to strength. It acknowledges the transformative power of Jesus in our lives, as he restores sight to the blind and exhibits kindness beyond comprehension. Just as Jesus offers rest from the burdens of sorrow, we are invited to come to him, seeking comfort and support.

In the chorus, the hymn reiterates our willingness to approach Jesus, placing our trust in him. It emphasizes the notion of finding refuge in his safekeeping and the assurance that once we have come to him, we will never stray. This sense of unwavering commitment and loyalty is a fundamental aspect of a relationship with Jesus.

The second verse highlights the notion of abundance, as we step out of spiritual starvation and into the wealth of Jesus’ love and grace. It speaks to the healing power of Jesus, as he brings us from sickness to health. The hymn reminds us that Jesus freely offers all we could ever ask for, encouraging us to humbly receive his pardon and grace. It is through his divine intervention that we find new life, even in the face of death.

Out of sorrow, the hymn assures us, comes peace. Jesus offers a refuge from the storms of life, providing a sense of tranquility and serenity that surpasses all understanding. This peace is not temporary but is promised to increase daily, uplifting our spirits and filling our hearts with joy. It is in this joy that we find the strength to endure and the hope to carry on.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of finding rest in the presence of Jesus. We are reminded of the blessed company of saints, whose souls have found sanctuary in him. This sense of community and belonging is a testament to the inclusive nature of Jesus’ love. Through his great gift, we are richly blessed, finding comfort and peace even in the midst of toiling.

As we reflect on the powerful message of this hymn, we are reminded of the profound impact Jesus can have on our lives. His light guides us out of darkness, his strength lifts us out of weakness, and his love nourishes our souls. Through his abundant grace, we are offered pardon and salvation, finding peace and joy along the way.

In a world often plagued by darkness and despair, it is comforting to know that we can turn to Jesus, finding light and hope in his embrace. The hymn “Out of My Darkness Into Thy Light” serves as a reminder of this eternal truth, inviting us to come to Jesus with open hearts and the assurance that he will never turn us away.

So, in our moments of darkness, may we remember the transformative power of Jesus’ love and the hope he offers. Let us come to him, seeking solace in his light, knowing that out of our darkness, he will lead us into his glorious light. Jesus, I come to thee!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light: Jesus, I Come to TheeFind solace and hope in Jesus' unwavering love and compassion. Experience transformation from darkness to light, weakness to strength. Come to Jesus for support, healing, and peace. Jesus, I come to thee!
Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light Jesus I Come to Three - Hymn Lyric - Out Of My Darkness Into Thy Light: Jesus, I Come to Thee Find solace and hope in Jesus' unwavering love and compassion. Experience transformation from darkness to light, weakness to strength. Come to Jesus for support, healing, and peace. Jesus, I come to thee!